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Chapter 44

Chapter 44 With Andrew still hovering over me, I pushed him off my body by placing my hands on his chest.With him off of me, I trailed my hand down to my clit but was held back when Andrew's stronghands grabbed mine.

"Keep your hands still." He gave the order, raising both of my hands above my head. I nodded andwatched as he realized his mistake and removed his boxers. He then placed himself between mylegs, allowing his body to tower over mine.

I could feel his hot tip against my wet entrance as his dark green eyes met mine.

"To whom do you belong?" Andrew growled, continuing to tease me.

"No one." I stated as I placed my hands on his back.

"Wrong," was all I could hear before he rammed his entire body into me.

My back arched and my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist before he yanked himself outand rammed himself back in, so deep I could feel my legs shaking. As he attacked my neck withmessy kisses, my hands scratched at his back. He pushed himself deeper and harder into me,causing me to scream his name in ecstasy.

"To whom do you belong?" He asked again, knowing I was about to be released.

"You, ah-" I screamed into his ear. I feel him grin once more before he hits my G-spot.

Every inch of his heavenly length is inside me, leaving me in awe of the divine. The pleasurebecomes too much for me, and I notice myself tightening around his cock. In euphoric pleasure, Icried his name and felt the heat erupt from my core and spread all over him.

"Fuck, Ava." He curses before I feel his hotness pour all over me.

I keep my gaze fixed on him as I feel our sweaty, glistening bodies on each other. We're both tryingto stop panting and get back to this world. He moves off of me and lays down next to me, kissing myforehead and lingering with his lips for a moment. I'm still on Cloud 9 as I position myself on hischest and hear him say, "You are mine and only mine."

"I am only yours," I said as I look up at him and kiss him.


Andrew's POV

As I looked down at her frail body laying on me, I thought to myself, "She was the definition ofperfection." Her golden brown hair glistened in the sunlight as it spread across my chest and thepillow. Even when she was sleeping, she had her small hands on my chest and her beautiful lips ina slight smile.

She had the face of an angel, but her demons followed her and haunted her. When I rememberedwhat she had told me, I was filled with rage at the thought of someone hurting her when she was soyoung and innocent.

Her own parents had betrayed her, and the people who were supposed to protect her from thedarkness of this world had sold her to it. Despite the fact that I did not have a typical childhood, mymother was always there for me, even if she couldn't completely protect me from my father'shorrors. She didn't even have that, but she had me now, and she wouldn't do me any harm as longas I lived.

She was mine to safeguard.

I was jolted awake when I noticed Ava moving around in her sleep.

"Please don't." I could hear her stumbling.

"Ahhh," she yelped, continuing to stir but not waking up.

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her in an attempt to wake her up. "Ava, get up." I screamed.

Ava shot her eyes wide open. Her body was trembling, and her eyes began to glaze over.

"What happened, Ava?" I inquired, wrapping my arms around her and attempting to console her.

She only said "shit" before pulling herself away from me and getting out of bed.

"Ava," I said, perplexed as to why she wasn't talking to me. She walked away from the bed and intothe bathroom, closing the door and switching the lock behind her.

What in the world just happened?

I sighed and rose from my bed, making my way to my closet. "She'd have to leave the bathroom atsome point." As I dressed, I thought to myself.

When I was finished dressing, I heard the bathroom lock click and Ava emerged from the bathroom.Her face was expressionless, and I couldn't place the person in front of me for a moment.

"Ava," I said as I approached her. Her eyes were blank when she looked up at me, but I saw a flashof pain in them.

"Speak to me. "What happened?" Wrapping my arms around her, I inquired.

"I just had a dream about him," she said, resting her face against my chest. I immediatelyrecognized who she was referring to: the man who had abused and raped her. My blood began toboil and my fists clenched; even though he was no longer with her, he was still haunting her.

"Can you tell me his name, Ava?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Don't be concerned." She said as she drew away from my embrace.

"No. "Can you tell me his name?" I asked again, this time grabbing her arm.

"Andrew, please stop. He's gone, so don't worry about it; he's my problem, not yours." She replied,her voice slightly irritated, but I didn't care.

"Is he six feet underground?" I growled, looking her in the eyes.

"I don't know, Andrew." She said while attempting to free herself from my grasp.

"Then he's my issue." I stated, still clutching her arm.

"WHY?" She yelled at me. "Because I promised to protect you, which also means I'll assist you indefeating your demons." I responded by drawing her into me.

When I heard her quietly sobbing into my chest, my heart broke. She was not weak, and she wasnever afraid, but this one person hurt her more than anyone else.

"Sylvester." She cried.

"What's his surname, kitten?" I said softly, careful not to touch a sensitive nerve.

'Sylvester Katz'

I tightened my grip on her as I noticed her sobs intensifying and her body trembling. We remained inthis position for a few minutes until Ava's body stopped shaking and she regained control of herbreathing.


"Yes," I replied, my gaze drawn to her gleaming, delicate golden brown eyes.

"Please don't feel sorry for me; I don't need it." I trust you, and that's why I'm acting this way today."I was taken aback by her response.

"Ava I don't feel sorry for you. You are a strong and amazing woman who never backs down. Youhave no fear of anything, and even though what he did was inhumane, you are who you arebecause of it, you're not defined by it." I responded.

When Ava looks up at me, I felt her body relaxing into my arms and her eyes settling into my gaze."Thank you very much, Andrew."

"I'll do anything for you, kitten." I have to go to work today, and I'm sure you do too." I said.

"Shit Shit Shit Shit." She said this as she scurried out of my embrace and ran around the roomlooking for clothes to wear.

I let out a small laugh and exited my room to give Ava some space. I was downstairs near the diningroom, waiting for Ava to come downstairs so I could drive her to my mother's house, when I heard aknock on the door.

Because I wasn't expecting anyone, I instinctively grabbed my gun. When I saw Travis standing infront of me, I slowly opened the door and dropped my gun, but then anger crept up on me and Iclenched my jaw.

"Where is she?" He asked as he pushed me to the side and walked in.

Fury washed over me, and my blood began to boil as I watched Travis search for Ava... my Ava.

"You're sick, fuck." Travis drew a snarl from me. Travis turned around and looked at me withconfusion, which quickly turned to anger as he realized what I was implying.

"You don't get to talk like that to me." Travis challenged me as he walked over to me.

"I will kill you because you had the audacity to try to take her away from me." I yelled, jealousycoursing through my veins at the prospect of Travis and Ava being alone in a room, let alone anentire house.

Travis looks at me, and his anger is quickly replaced by laughter. I straighten my spine and clenchmy fists together as he laughs maniacally. "Man, shut up. I'm more interested in her friend than inher." He laughed, but it was gone as quickly as it came. "But I'm her best friend, and you had noright to treat her that way." He made a threat.

I cocked my brow at him. He was strong, but he couldn't compete with me. "She cried over you, shehad nightmares, you promised to be by her side and then you have the audacity to have someonefollow us to the bar and then show your face around her." Not only that, but you took her homedespite my warnings; who do you think you are?" He snarled at me.

I sigh and try to relax... I shouldn't beat up Ava's best friend if I want her to trust me again. "I careabout her, Travis, and I will-" Before I felt his fist on my jaw, I began. I came to a halt and flared up inrage, barely feeling the impact, but the fact that he attacked me was enough for me to strike back.

I balled my fist and raised my hand, ready to attack, when I saw Ava run down the stairs and wasright in between us. "Ava, move." I stated as I prepared to attack Travis.

"Don't even think about touching him, Andrew." She looked at me. Ava and I both knew I couldknock Travis out cold with a single punch, so this was her way of telling me to put my ego aside.

"Fine." I scoffed as I grab her waist and pull her into me.

Travis raised an eyebrow when he saw Ava so close to me. "Ava?" he inquires.novelbin

"It's fine, Travis; he explained what happened and had a valid reason." Granted, I'm still not happyabout how he beat you up, but I believe you got your revenge when you punched him." Shescreamed. I remembered almost beating Travis unconscious because he wouldn't tell me whereAva was, and I felt a twinge of guilt until I remembered she was at his house the entire time.

"Really" Travis laughed. "Are we cool now that you see Ava is no longer hurt and I had to do it forher protection?" I rolled my eyes and extended my arm for a handshake.

Travis looks at my hand but shakes it reluctantly when Ava looks at him. "I will murder you if youbreak her heart again." He makes a light threat.

I laughed.

I'll never break her heart.

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