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Chapter 43

Chapter 43 I slowly opened my eyes and was struck by a throbbing pain in my head.

This must be what a hangover feels like, I reasoned.

I didn't have the energy to get out of whatever bed I was in, so I just closed my eyes and tried tosleep again.


I sat back up and looked around the room. "What the fuck is going on?" Andrew's room was where Iwas. And then the memories came flooding back, the bar, the argument, and then everything wentblack.

I've made a fool of myself.

I turned to see a shirtless Andrew sleeping beside me. His face was relaxed, and I watched as hischest rose and fell, exposing his upper body. On top of his God-like body, his gorgeous skin is inkedwith interact designs. Each of his muscles was relaxed but still perfectly toned.

I missed him and the peace I felt next to him. It felt so right and perfect to wake up next to him... buthe had to ruin it all.

I got out of bed quietly, not wanting to wake him; I couldn't ever talk to him again. I was abouthalfway through the room when I heard a noise.

"Ava," Andrew said, his voice deep and seductive.novelbin

'I can't do this,' I replied, not looking back as I walked out of the room.

"Don't you dare to leave me." He insisted.

"Andrew don't," a tear rolled down my cheek. I pleaded. I just wanted to get away from him andmove on, not stay and get hurt again.

"No, I will explain everything." Andrew responded.

My fist balled up and my jaw clenched. "EXPLAIN?" I yelled as I turned to face a shirtless Andrew.

"Are you going to explain how you had your arms wrapped around that bitch after you just told meyou DID NOT FEEL THIS WAY ABOUT ANY GIRL BUT ME?" Will you explain why you didn't eventry to apologize? Are you going to explain why you broke me, why you promised to stick by my sidebut then FUCKING abandoned me?" I screamed as I watched Andrew's expression shift fromserious to hurtful.

"I hope I hurt you because you hurt me. You took advantage of me after I had trusted you more thanmy own best friends." I went on.

"Av-" Andrew began.

"NO, please let me go in peace because nothing you can say will change this." I exclaimed as Iturned around and approached the bedroom door.

"It was because of Dalia," Andrew explained.

I came to a halt and turned around to look at Andrew, to make sure he was telling the truth.

"Andrew, if you're lying..." I warned, my rage gone.

"I am not... please allow me to explain." He responded.

"All right, explain." I said this while crossing my arms across my chest.

"I almost killed my Uncle when Robert kidnapped you because I thought he had taken you. When Irealized it was Robert, I did everything I could to find you, and then when you were sleeping forthree days, I didn't do anything but watch you and make sure you were okay." He elaborated.

I immediately felt guilty because he nearly killed a family member for me and then went on leave forthree days.

"My Uncle was upset and told me to stop seeing you, but I refused." Then, two weeks later, heapproached me again, telling me to drop you or he would intervene. As much as I despise the deadbastard, he has power and connections, so I obviously tried to kill him, but he said if I did, he wouldkill Dalia. He explained that if I did, he would hire a hitman for Dalia." He went on.

In horror, my eyes widened... Who would murder a four-year-old, let alone a family member?

"I needed to kill him gradually so that it appeared natural, so I poisoned his food every night. Butonly enough to make him appear ill before I completely poisoned him." Andrew stated.

"He died two nights ago, and the hitman was dispatched... that's why I had to stay away for you, sohe wouldn't touch you or kill Dalia."

A tear streamed down my cheek. He had been watching over me the entire time.

"Ava, I will always be there for you, and that will never change. I will keep you safe until the day Idie." Andrew stated quietly.

"Andrew... I am not worth it all. I almost got Dalia killed, I-" I stumbled.

"No, Ava, I can't go on without you in my life." You and Dalia are the only reasons I want to get outof bed every morning. You can't abandon me." Andrew responded by approaching me.

"An-" I began.

"Shhh," Andrew said, standing directly in front of me. I bit my lower lip as I gazed into his enthralling,deep emerald eyes. His lips were only millimeters away from mine as he leaned in closer. "I needyou." Andrew stated before his lips locked with mine.

I kissed him back as if it were the last thing I'd do. I missed his lips on mine, his arms around mywaist, and him.

He kissed me passionately, and nothing else in the world mattered as much as he did.

His lips caressed mine with increasing passion. I dragged my nails up and down his perfect body,placing my hand on his bare chest.

"If you tell me to stop, I will." Andrew panted and drew away from me.

"Don't," I grumbled. I need him all, I've missed him so much.

Andrew's eyes were corrupted by lust and desire as a darkness filled them. He towered over mebefore slamming his lips against mine, sending shockwaves through me. He shoved me against thewall, and I leaned into him, his fingers tangled in my hair and my hands roaming his chest.

His hardness pressed against my stomach, wetting my core for him. He pushed my head back,allowing him to assess my neck. He rubbed wet, hungry kisses up and down my neck, getting intoall of my sensitive spots.

He lifted me from the wall and walked over to the bed, where he placed me on the soft surface. Hislips never left mine, his body pressed against mine, hovering over me, heightening my desire forhim. His hands trailed under my dress, and he lifted it off my body in one swift motion, revealing mydeep red lace bra and matching panties.

"Hell on earth." He growled and drew back, admiring me. I watched as his eyes darkened furtherand his hunger intensified.

His lips relocked with mine, but he quickly moved down to my neck, then to my chest. His handsquickly found my back and unhooked my bra, tossing it to the floor. Andrew shifted his gaze frommy neck to my breasts while my chest was exposed. He sucked on my nipple, leaving me moaningin delight, while massaging my other one with his hand. I tangled my hands in his hair, gentlytugging it whenever he nipped at my nipple.

I let my hands find the rim of his sweatpants because my desire for him had become unbearable. Ireached out with both hands and yanked his pants down, revealing only his boxers. I tried toremove his boxers with my hands, but Andrew grabbed both of my hands and pinned them abovemy head.

"Not quite yet." He said this as he moved his head away from my breast.

He began kissing me aggressively from my breasts to my lower stomach. I squeezed my legs in anattempt to relieve the sensation between them, but Andrew only placed his hand on my thighs andparted them. He took one look at my lace panties and ripped them in half, exposing me completely.

He kisses my inner thighs, trailing higher and higher until he reaches my swollen pussy, with bothhands firmly placed on my thighs.

"You're too wet for me." He said as he slid his head between my legs.

I stare in awe as he places his mouth on my wet glands and flicks his tongue between my folds. Ithrew back my head and arched my back, moaning in delight as he used his tongue in the mostmagnificent way.

"Ah- Andr-" I moan, my hands tangled in his hair.

His tongue continues to delight me in ways I've never felt before, and I quickly feel myself about torelease, but Andrew pulls his mouth away from my pussy just as I reach my climax. I was

immediately dissatisfied; I looked down at him and found him smiling devilishly at me.

"Andrew, why did you stop?" I inquired, my voice slightly planted. With my question, his grin greweven more sinister, and he lifted his hands from my thighs and began rubbing my clit. I exclaimedand buried my face in the pillows.

"That's how I felt when you weren't here." His fingers are still caressing my glands as he growls.

"Wh-" I began to speak, but was cut off when Andrew shoved one of his fingers into me.

"Ava, you slept in another man's bed." His voice was dark and low.

I opened my mouth to correct him, but all I got were moans when he added another finger andbegan pumping them in and out of me. With that, he resumed his attack on my breasts, sucking andnipping at my raw and aroused nipples. As I felt myself about to release in blissful pleasure, I dugmy nails into Andrew's flexed bicep.

But Andrew only drew his finger, leaving me empty and tortured by my lack of pleasure.

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