Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1885
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Chapter 1885

It was different from a dragon. The wingless body was elongated and a blue bead was clutched by itsshort feet. It was a creature called a dragon of the east.

Beady eyes and a beard covered in a frightening miasma.

Basara, who was shrinking back in an overwhelmed manner, suddenly laughed. It was because shehad the thought that Bunhelier’s small front feet resembled this dragon’s feet. At this moment—


A light emanated from the bead held by the dragon. It was an orange light. It was warm as it seepedinto Basara’s belly. It felt like she was in His Majesty’s arms. All the anxiety in her mind melted away.

“...Ah.” Basara was stunned when she woke up. It was due to the feeling from her stomach. There wasa pleasant warmth and pressure. Someone’s hand was caressing her belly with enthusiasm andsincerity. She felt so much devotion that it was like she became a valuable being.

"Your Majesty."

Grid stopped Basara, who was trying to get up in a hurry. “Stay where you are. You aren’t alone.”

Of course, Basara had a youthful look comparable to those in their 20s. In a world filled with all types ofelixirs, magic, and concepts of divinity and transcendence, her status was so noble that it wasimpossible to grow old. But advanced maternal age was advanced maternal age.

Grid treated Basara with extra caution. It wasn’t a very pleasant attitude for her, who had a complexabout her age. It felt like she was being treated like an old woman, not a wife...

Grid spoke to her, who was smiling bitterly. “Piaro married someone 600 years older.”

Was it 600 years? No, was it higher...? Well, it didn’t matter. Grid’s personality wasn’t meticulousenough to remember the age of someone else’s wife. There was also no one to criticize him for notknowing the age of someone else’s wife.

“Nevertheless, they care for each other, love each other, and live in harmony. The age differencedoesn’t matter. In the first place, it isn’t because of age that I respect you.”

It was original due to their identities...

Grid had married Basara only for political reasons. The legitimacy of her Saharan bloodline wasneeded. Basara naturally knew it as well. Thus, she proposed marriage to Grid. She used Saharan’sfuture as an excuse and used the courage of believing that she couldn’t be rejected to satisfy herdesires. She was a bad person...

Grid hugged her as she was feeling guilty. “I respect you because I love you.”


Basara’s eyes widened. She withdrew her usual eye smile and exposed her beautiful eyes.

Love—it was an unfamiliar word. She thought it was something she would never hear from Grid. Shewas stunned for a moment before shaking her head vigorously. She tried to tell him that he didn’t haveto try so hard.

However, Grid embraced her harder. “I was gradually fascinated by you, who devoted yourself to ournation and people, and who always cared for me. It is as a human being and as a man. In the firstplace, you are so beautiful.”

He already said he loved her. However, it was late at night every time. Basara seemed to havemisinterpreted Grid’s confession as a drunken lie. Under the sunlight that leaked through the window,

Grid faced Basara with a clear and straightforward gaze and whispered again, “I love you. Thank youfor giving me the gift of a child with you.”

“Ugh...” To be honest, Basara was more like Grid’s aunt in terms of age alone. If there were no politicalreasons involved in their marriage, Basara thought that everyone in the world would’ve criticized her.Therefore, she couldn’t be honest. She was unable to respond to Grid’s confession and lowered herhead. She was weighed down by an even greater sense of guilt. It was like a sinner.

Grid grabbed her thin chin.


Basara’s large eyes were forced to observe Grid’s face. A manly nose, an angular chin, dark eyebrows,and fierce eyes like a bird of prey. His mouth was curved in a faint smile and her deep eyes were full ofrelaxation. In a way, it was a mature appearance that felt like an older person.

Basara loved Grid’s manly appearance. She was immensely attracted to the fact that she automaticallywanted to rely on him. But she couldn’t say it...

Grid held her chin in place as she continued to avert her eyes and whispered, “Tell me you love metoo.”


“Tell me.”

Basara’s mind turned blank as she was pushed. Her eyes flushed in amazement and her focus blurredfor a moment. Her consciousness escaped from reality for a very short time. This allowed her to say it.

“I-I love you...”

The emotions that had been suppressed in order to protect her sense of reason exploded. The olderwoman, who nodded vigorously and revealed her inner feelings like she was crying, must’ve felt greathappiness. It was incredibly ecstatic.


The exchange of emotions sometimes brought about a pleasure beyond imagination.

Grid was also swept away.

He knocked Basara down onto the bed.


“Did she catch a cold? We can’t let her noble body be hurt.”

Immortal King Grenhal—he was a duke of the Saharan Empire and now a duke of the OvergearedEmpire. Recently, rumors had been circulating that he was likely to be crowned grand duke. Hisbloodline, strength, political power, and popularity were all unmatched. He was also a master who hadrisen to the rank of transcendent and he was highly trusted by Emperor Grid. Such a big shot camerunning without any restraint. He was worried about Basara, who didn’t show up in the great hall evenafter the appointed time had passed.

“I need to ask Saintess Ruby for support...”

“Don’t act rashly. Her Highness couldn’t have caught a cold, right?”

Spear Saint Rachel frowned while running after him. Queen Basara had been one of the seven dukesalong with them She possessed a force that transcended the common sense of civilians. In the past,she was revered as a god. In the first place, she had Saharan’s blood. This meant she wasn’t anordinary person who would suffer from an ordinary illness.

“If it isn’t a cold, doesn’t it mean it is a more serious problem? Your Highness! Haaaaah!”

Grenhal didn’t dare to knock on the door of the queen’s bedroom, so he fell to his knees and shouted. Itwas just two times.

“It can’t be helped. Open the door.”

Grenhal was so worried about Basara’s safety that he immediately stood up and urged the knights.Just then, the door opened before the knights could react. However, they couldn’t see the person whoopened the door from the inside.


The eyes of Grenhal and Rachel widened. It was because dozens of windows in the bedroom wereopen. The curtains were fluttering in the wind. Nevertheless, there was a strange heat that hadn’tsubsided.

Signs of an intrusion...

Grenhal was convicted and immediately drew his sword. He hurried to the back of the room, only tosuddenly stop. It was the aftermath of recognizing the two golden hands floating in the air. They wereclinging to the doorknob of the door that had just been opened.

“Why aren’t you hurrying?” Rachel hadn’t spotted the golden hands yet and urged Grenhel. She held aspear.

“Hum hum.” Grenhal coughed. The inner door to the room where the bed was placed slowly opened.He could see a gaze through the gap. They were Grid’s eyes. The dark eyes were filled withresentment.

“Sir Rachel, you really hadn’t noticed.”


“Let’s go out. In fact, there is no reason why Her Highness should be present at every meeting. I don’tunderstand why the ministers are trying to impose heavy duties on Her Highness every time.”

“What type of nonsense are you saying? Go and check Her Highness’ safety... Gasp.”

Rachel also stiffened. The title of the continent’s number one spearman—she might’ve recently lost it toPon, but she was still a tremendous talent. Even so, she stiffened like a mouse in front of a cat. It wasbecause she caught a glimpse of Grid’s eyes. She had a rough grasp of the situation. She felt like asinner who had committed high treason. In particular, she was a woman and knew what type of anxietyBasara usually felt. Thus, she felt even guiltier.

“W-We are interfering. W-We deserve to be executed,” Rachel muttered while stepping back from thebedroom.

“Don’t act rashly. Hum hum.”

Grenhal confirmed that the door had closed by itself and cleared his throat.

That afternoon, the dukes were called by Grid and he completely dispelled their guilt and anxiety. It wasbecause they heard about Basara’s pregnancy.

Her love had finally borne fruit. It was even said that she had a dream where a dragon appeared. Theywere moved to tears.


“Is it possible that Bunhelier is a mixed race?”

Grid, who had been staying in Titan for two days, said something completely out of the blue. An OldDragon who had existed since the beginning of time was of mixed race? Was it possible for a person tohave such an idea?

“You must’ve been very happy the past two days. I wonder if you have left your mind behind.”

“Haha, Lauel. I feel like I’m talking to a real Korean when I talk to you.”

“I am Korean...”

“You only moved to South Korea. You aren’t a pure Korean, right?”

“That is racism.”

“Why are you so cranky?”

“Would you laugh if someone said that Bunhelier is a mixed race?”

Old Dragons have existed since the beginning of time. They were there from the beginning. They weredifferent from normal creatures and there was no concept of mixed blood.

Grid’s state when talking of Bunhelier being a mixed blood definitely wasn’t normal. Lauel had to bewary. It was the role of the chief of staff to sound the alarm so that his superior would always remainintact.

“Um... This is what I mean...”

Grid explained it.

Basara’s dream. Basara couldn’t help thinking of Bunhelier when she saw the ‘dragon’ that appearedthere. She said that the short feet of Bunhelier resembled the feet of this dragon.

“That is what I heard. Aren’t Bunhelier’s feet exceptionally short compared to other dragons? I thoughtthey degenerated because he didn’t use it, but in this way, shouldn’t the other dragons’ front feet alsohave degenerated?”


Lauel listened surprisingly seriously. He couldn’t deny it hastily and thought hard about it. Of course, nomatter how he thought about it, there was no way to explain how a creature that had existed since thebeginning of time could be of mixed race. However, if Bunhelier was of mixed blood then it wouldexplain why he was the weakest of the Old Dragons.

‘It is also a double whammy that Bunhelier’s position isn’t ordinary...’

In retrospect, Bunhelier was the only one of the Old Dragons to have a great deal of influence on theworldview. By taking sides with Baal, he strengthened Baal’s power. This might’ve contributed greatlyto Baal’s creation of Asura. He also placed a curse on Nevartan, which triggered several incidents.Even recently, he had contributed greatly to purifying hell in collaboration with Grid.

“I think it is a myth that Bunhelier is of mixed race, but... it is still worth researching.”

“I think so too.”

Grid immediately left. He visited Bunhelier, who was staying at the Tower of Wisdom, and asked himcarefully, “Bunhelier, you don’t have parents, do you?”

Betty and Agnus’ whereabouts had been found...

The atmosphere of the tower, which had been busy with this new information, cooled down.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(4/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

Translator: Rainbow Turtle

Editor: Jyazen

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