Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1884
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Chapter 1884

“Thank you. I really thank you. Additionally, congratulations.”

Grid held Mercedes in his arms and whispered one line after another. His eyes were red. In fact, Gridhad been plagued by great anxiety. The catalyst was Yeo Yulan, who explained to him that the reasonwhy he couldn’t have another child was due to the providence of the world.

Grid, who hadn’t impregnated Irene again even as Lord became an adult, really thought there wassomething wrong with him. He wondered if the world was interfering with him as Yeo Yulan said. Itmight’ve been true, but now it was a lie.

The problems that had been wearing down at him disappeared due to raiding Baal and gaining the coreof the beginning. Irene’s wish to give Lord a younger sibling was fulfilled. Mercedes, who wasunfamiliar with natural emotions because she wasn’t loved by her parents, was able to learn the bondbetween parents and children. Basara’s anxiety as she secretly resented the uninterrupted passing ofthe years would be relieved, and Marie Rose, who still considered the dark and lonely castlecomfortable, would have a reason to adapt to society.

‘They will all be happier in the future.’

It was the moment when Grid, overcome with emotion, cautiously placed his hand on Mercedes’ belly...

“Grid. Hey.” Zeratul approached him. It felt like he was urging Grid about something.

Why did he want to interrupt this moment...?

Grid was disappointed by Zeratul’s inconsiderate behavior and turned his head toward Zeratul, only tostop. Zeratul’s gaze was directed toward the ceiling and he had a tense expression that didn’t suit him.

Following this gaze, Grid looked up and saw two red gems. It was a pair of eyes decorating the red sky.They belonged to Marie Rose.

“I conceived my dear husband’s child.”

The red eyes that met Grid were curved in a half moon shape. They rapidly got closer.

“I can’t explain this feeling. I am both happy and afraid.”

Marie Rose’s smile slowly cooled as she landed silently. Even so, her amazing beauty didn’t fade. Hercold eyes were fixed on Zeratul.

“On the one hand, it is unpleasant. That intervened before I realized the identity of this strangesensation myself.”

That—it wasn’t a suitable way to call the Martial God. It felt like she was dealing with something trivial.

Zeratul’s face turned even redder. “You deserve to be criticized for making a mistake in denying myprotection, but you aren’t showing the slightest courtesy at all.”

Marie Rose didn’t seem able to hear Zeratul’s voice. She caressed her belly and focused only on the‘unfamiliar sensation.’ “It is disgusting when thinking about it again. I almost got dirt on it.”

Marie Rose removed her hand from her belly. The pleated dress stuck tightly to her smooth abdomenand gave it a strange feeling.

Grid pulled down her slightly curled up skirt and comforted her. “No. Think about it. Thanks to Zeratul,you found out about your pregnancy a few days sooner. This way, you can enjoy that joy quicker,right?”

“Are you happy?”

“Of course. You and I are having a child.”

“I am the same.”

Marie Rose’s eyes curved in a half moon shape again. The killing intent that was slowly imprisoningZeratul disappeared like it was a lie.

It happened the moment when Zeratul got a bigger wound in his pride and showed fighting spirit...

“From now on, always see only good things. Listen to them and think positively. You have to think aboutthe baby in your belly.”

“I guess my feelings are affecting my dear husband’s child.”

“Yes, it is called prenatal care.”

“Prenatal... don’t worry, I’ll do what my dear husband wants.”

[The child in Marie Rose’s womb feels her brilliance.]

[The child in the womb has unlocked the special ‘Composure’ stat.]

[All stats of the child in the womb have permanently increased by 10.]

Marie Rose broke the shackles that Beriache had placed on her and ate her in reverse. In other words,she had clearly been reborn as a high status Absolute. She was in a lofty position even among theAbsolutes. It meant that controlling her emotions was as easy and natural for her as breathing.

‘Does an Absolute have an advantage in prenatal care?’

He had a really nice wife...

Braham read Grid’s mental world, who was pleased after realizing this, and clicked his tongue. Brahamthought it was a bit off the mark. It was a level slightly outside the normal range. Even if he wasblinded, this was being too blinded.

Zeratul read the strange undercurrents and also started to hesitate. He was unable to express anymore hostility to Marie Rose and took a step back.

Grid and Marie Rose had bright smiles on their faces. The parents standing with their foreheadspressed together and concentrating on the child in their womb shone like stars in the sky. It wasn’tbecause of the divinity and blood that bloomed from them. It felt like a sparking aura that the eyescouldn’t discern was filling the surroundings.

“Prenatal... in order to have the proper prenatal care, you must be an Absolute...” Mercedes had beenrejoicing as if she was about to ascend to heaven. Then her attitude changed after hearing thesewords. She looked very nervous as she bit her nails and repeated the same words.

Someone hugged her from behind. It was someone smaller than her.

“It isn’t the mother’s rank that matters for prenatal care.” It was Irene. She had also run to the sceneafter realizing that she was pregnant thanks to Zeratul’s blessing. “First of all, trust and cherishyourself. That way, the baby in the womb will learn how to trust, rely on, and love themselves. That isthe beginning of prenatal care.”

“Y-Your Majesty.”

“Stay still.” Irene felt sorry as she hugged Mercedes even harder and comforted her. “You are abeautiful, competent, and lovely woman. You are His Majesty’s chosen one. You shouldn’t think ofyourself as shabby. Unless you are going to make me, who respects you, look shabby as well.”


People’s attention focused on Irene and Mercedes before they knew it. Many people had great respectfor Irene. It was the same for Marie Rose.

“This is the true nature of my dear husband’s wife.”

“Yes, she is my first love.” Grid laughed with a proud expression. The name Ahyoung, which had fadedsome time ago, had completely disappeared from his mind. “Additionally, you are all my last loves.”

Irene, Mercedes, Marie Rose, and Yura and Jishuka—Grid slowly met their gaze before eventuallyshifting his gaze toward the east. It was the direction of Titan. He had a heart as wide as the PacificOcean when it came to love. Even Basara, who wasn’t present, was included in his heart.

“Isn’t it too much to call it his last love?”

On the other hand, Vantner laughed from the absurdity.

Lord’s eyes were shining as he looked at his father’s back. It was an attitude of learning everythingfrom him. Thanks to this, his girlfriends also looked happy.


‘It is like a recreation of Nevada.’

It was more than 100 years ago. Humanity was still ignorant and carried out all types of nuclearexperiments. One of the famous areas in connection with it was the Nevada nuclear test site in theUnited States. It was the site where nuclear weapons were detonated around 1,000 times from 1951 to1992. In particular, the numerous underground nuclear tests resulted in many craters like the surface ofthe moon. It was one of the most terrible places that humanity had ever created.

This place was even worse. The devastation created by the fighting between the gods, which weredifficult for humanity to touch, was everywhere on the land.

“It is up to here.”novelbin

Kraugel’s mind returned after hearing Biban’s voice and he stopped flying.

Biban and Hayate, who claimed to be Bunhelier’s watchers, set out to contain the battle betweenChiyou and Dominion. Kraugel flew after them in the form of a lightning bolt and his legs graduallyregained their original form. They were signs that the skill attached to the Blue Dragon Boots, gifted tohim by Grid, had stopped working. It was the latest Blue Dragon Boots made by smelting the awakenedBlue Dragon’s Breath to the limit.

This was how Kraugel narrowly followed the group. Of course, it wasn’t possible just through items. Itwas possible due to the consideration of Biban and Hayate, as well as Kraugel’s individual abilityconsidered to be the highest among transcendents.

“It seems dangerous to approach any further.” This was Biban’s opinion and Kraugel agreed. Heactivated Barbatos’s Vision and looked in the direction where Bunhelier had disappeared.

Chiyou was seen surrounded by the heavily armored Valkyrie army. The altitude was high. It was hardto believe that the aftermath of the battle all the way up there had devastated the ground.


Suddenly, Kraugel became surprised. The same was true of Biban and Hayate. A Valkyrie armed witha shield was in the lead. They imagined that she would be slashed along with her shield when sherushed at Chiyou, but surprisingly, Chiyou’s sword couldn’t cut her. It was blocked by a shield.

“Is it the work of God Hexetia?”

“I don’t know where it came from, but... it is clear that there is a strong sense of protection.”

The equipment of the Valkyrie army was nothing more than a decoration It was just that the armor,shields, and weapons were imbued with a mighty protection that withstood the swordsmanship of the

Martial God several times.

Hayate made a guess. “I think it is the Goddess’ protection.”

The evidence was sufficient. Dominion was Rebecca’s child. The Valkyrie army, along with Dominionleading them, most likely existed from an era close to the beginning. It wasn’t strange that they hadbeen blessed while serving the Goddess in close proximity.

Dominion was even the God of War. He had the power to strengthen his army in all ways.

The atmosphere rapidly became heavier. Kraugel felt a crushing sensation all over his body. It was apressure caused by the wavelength generated by the Valkyrie’s spear brushing against Chiyou.

After dodging, Chiyou grabbed the face of the helmeted Valkyrie with his hand. Then he threw herback. It was as if it was easier to get rid of them rather than fight them one by one.

“...I can’t believe it.” Biban clicked his tongue. It was because the Valkyrie that Chiyou threw quicklybecame a dot and disappeared in an instant. Could it be that the number of Valkyries, which had beenin the thousands in Reinhardt, was less than 1,000 because he repeated this action...?

It happened as Biban and Kraugel became serious...

The Valkyries dispersed in an instant. They burst forward in all directions as if predicting some calamity,collapsing their formation. It was too late. Something flew in at a tremendous speed and collided withthe Valkyries who hadn’t escaped yet. It wasn’t appropriate to compare them to pins knocked downafter being hit by a bowling ball. It was because they shattered. The armors, shields, spears, swords,and bodies of the Valkyries were smashed into pieces and poured down like rain.


Hayate, Biban, and Kraugel were all silent. It was because the cause of the devastation had beenidentified. The Valkyrie, thrown by Chiyou a moment ago, collided with her teammates when shereturned to the battlefield after ‘circling the world.’ The armor and shield with overlapping blessingscombined with the terrible acceleration to turn into a cannonball that shattered her companions...

“Squeak.” In a world covered with pouring flesh and blood, a black mouse flew in and sat on Hayate’sshoulder. “They fight while taking good care of the surroundings. There is no need for me to step out. Ihad better watch from here as well. Squeak.”

The identity of the mouse was the polymorphed Bunhelier.

Hayate nodded. “You thought well. It will be settled soon anyway.”

Hayate’s gaze lingered on Dominion. His momentum was soaring despite weakening in real time everytime a Valkyrie died. In terms of momentum alone, he overwhelmed Chiyou.

The god who represented Asgard—if he had cooperated with Chiyou, they could’ve discussed who wasthe strongest side by side. Now four of him were standing there while shedding tears of blood. Hesimultaneously threw four spears at the Valkyries who had their backs to him.

An unchallenged power—the four giant spears collided with the Valkyrie. Every time it pierced them, aseries of thunderbolt-like spears fell from the sky. The Valkyrie were destroyed without leaving eventheir bodies behind. The one located at the end of the four spears was Chiyou.

He raised a sword that looked like an iron club and staggered as he handled three spears. In doing so,a fleeting gap occurred. He was unable to block the remaining one spear and allowed it to hit him. Hisheart was pierced. It was a deadly wound.

The bells rang out loudly. This didn’t mean it was the end. Before he knew it, he twisted the sword inreverse and twisted the blade, returning the three spears in the same direction they came from.

There were three flashes of light. The Valkyries fortunate enough to survive were swept away by theflash and destroyed. Two of the four Dominions in the distance disappeared. The other two Dominionssurvived but half their bodies were blown away or their arms were lost. They failed to proliferate anylonger. It was because a severed body part was needed to proliferate.

Dominion pulled out a dagger and tried to cut off his finger, but he was stopped by Chiyou, who hadcome closer to him before he knew it. He grabbed Dominion’s wrist and twisted it while his colorlessdivinity exploded. Finally, it was over.

Dominion turned to ash and followed his subordinates to Asgard.

“Can you kill me now?”

Chiyou was well over several kilometers away. However, Chiyou’s blood-stained eyes were seen soclearly it was as if he was right in front of the group’s noses. Even his voice seemed to whisper besidethem.

Hayate shook his head as he watched Chiyou forcibly block the regeneration of his wounds. “It isimpossible.”

“...I guessed so.” Chiyou nodded gently and disappeared from the scene. It was a distinctly differentattitude from when he was obsessed with Grid. Only the lonely sound of bells remained, causing thegroup to have many thoughts.

Bunhelier naturally regained the appearance of an Old Dragon and murmured, “I think I’m going tomeet Trauka.”

“Do you want to get yourself killed?”

“Biban... You seem to have forgotten but I am also a dragon. I am qualified enough to ask Trauka whyhe is sitting on the sidelines.”

“I’m glad. I was also curious about that. So why don’t we go see him while you are already out?”

“I haven’t been able to sleep well lately. I have to rest first.”

Biban frowned.

An Old Dragon’s sleep time was usually on a decades-long basis.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(3/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

Translator: Rainbow Turtle

Editor: Jyazen

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