Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1861
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Chapter 1861

It was almost a disaster—that was the overall assessment of those who watched Grid’s hell expedition.This expedition didn’t end even when Baal was killed. Instead, incidents repeatedly occurred. If Gridhad failed, people would’ve complained to the S.A Group and said that it was a really terrible game.

This damn thing. What type of nonsense was it that the situation didn’t end after defeating the finalboss, and one crisis after another kept popping up?

They were nervous even from the position of those cheering. It scared them. Then how were thefeelings of the parties involved?

“What is the point of protesting as a group? They won’t quit the game anyway. Isn’t that right?”

“There is no alternative.”

“That is the scary thing about Satisfy. If it wasn’t for Grid, the users would always be at odds with thecompany.”

Reinhardt, the capital of the Overgeared Empire, and in addition, the super-large airship floating aboveReinhardt, the Tomb of the Gods—a grand festival was held in the ‘greatest city on the surface’ and the‘greatest city in the sky,’ which were located next to each other on the ground and in the sky.

A festival was held to celebrate a successful expedition. It far exceeded the scale of the self-celebrationof the Overgeared Guild. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that people came from all over the world. Thecrowds gathered at Reinhardt and the Tomb of the Gods was staggering.

It was truly unprecedented. It was also a festival of a scale that would never be seen in the future.

The reporters from third-rate news organizations around the world watched the crowds enjoying thefestivities without any worries and were convinced—in this atmosphere, if they wrote malicious articlesagainst Grid and the Overgeared Guild, they were bound to be terrorized by someone.

At this time, it was right to abandon their rigid work ethic...

A truly surprising thing happened when the third-rate reporters, who originally made their living bywriting ‘rumors without any accurate evidence’ or ‘articles avoiding responsibility when rumors werefalse,’ didn’t write recklessly. It was a great unification of the media that transcended borders, races,and ideologies.

From all over the world, there were only articles favoring Grid and the Overgeared Guild. This wassomething that no great person or group in the history of humanity had achieved.

Of course, the resulting backlash occurred. Was it because of the sense of crisis that they might losetheir livelihood? The third-rate and tabloid media from all over the world targeted the S.A Group andrelentlessly bit at them. If it wasn’t for Grid and the Overgeared Guild, who would’ve defeated Baal andthe hidden bosses one after another, and purified hell? They criticized the S.A Group and ChairmanLim Cheolho for being hypocrites. Chairman Lim Cheolho repeatedly stated that he wanted Satisfy tobe the hope of the people, but Satisfy’s ending was actually set as a bad ending.

“I feel better.”

Peak Sword laughed. Most of the members of the Overgeared Guild responded the same. In fact, theywere the ones who wanted to blame the S.A Group the most. It was especially so when they saw thedevelopment of ‘Baal’s death gave birth to Asura.’ It was really... many people uttered curse words thatthey had never spoken in their lifetime. Then the third-rate media outlets, which were usually hated,started to target the same object of hatred and were rampaging wildly.

“It is completely letting the barbarians fight among themselves,” Hao said as he smiled slightly andtilted his glass. He was still wearing a gold mask.

Ibellin asked carefully, “The mask... why are you using it?”

The reason why Regas was wearing a mask was revealed.

At the time of the Asura raid—Regas, who hadn’t been able to grow up due to the Asura class, madeexplosive progress by replicating Asura’s skills in real time. It was a relief after being suppressed forseveral years.

Yes, the reason for wearing a mask was quite convincing. If Asura had recognized Regas’ face andwas wary, Regas wouldn’t have been able to replicate Asura’s skills and wouldn’t have been able tohelp Biban in any way. Regas needed to hide his identity.

On the other hand, what about Hao? The reason why he had to wear a mask was still a question...

“Look at the attitude of these media outlets right now. If it is revealed that Hao is working with us, therewill be a lot of uproar in China,” Regas explained on behalf of Hao, who laughed bitterly.


It made sense right away. Hao became a traitor to China just because he admitted defeat to Grid in theNational Competition. He had been criticized so much and for too long that he couldn’t handle it. Hisdesire to hide his identity was understandable.

“It almost seems like the object they will criticize will become Hao, not the S.A Group. It is very difficultto be famous.”

Ibellin himself was a celebrity. It meant Ibellin had suffered tremendously from the third-rate mediaoutlets that were now biting at the S.A Group like the group was their parents’ enemies. In other words,he could fully understand Hao’s position.

“I think that Grid is really great in that sense.”

Hao laughed.

The success of the hell expedition—it was right after accomplishing the tremendous feat of savinghumanity. To put it bluntly, the eyes of all of humanity were focused on Grid. Besides, it was now thetime of the festival with the provocative promotional phrase ’Overgeared Guild’s Treat.’

During the festival, visitors to Reinhardt and the Tomb of the Gods could enjoy unlimited food anddrinks for ‘free.’

According to Lauel’s calculations, it was still a surplus business. No, it was a ‘business that will makemore money.’ Thanks to the promotional slogan of unlimited food and drinks, even those with heavybuttocks came to the festival.

Additionally, as the best city in Satisfy, Reinhardt sold all types of rare things. To add a bit ofexaggeration, the quality of the stalls in a corner of Reinhardt’s smallest market was comparable to thequality of the goods stocked by the most famous stores in small and medium-sized cities. This meantthat visitors had no choice but to open their wallets.

Additionally, there was a huge number of demonkin among the tourists for this festival. They hadregained their freedom after being trapped in the safe zones all their lives and came to the surface forthe first time. From their perspective, the ordinary items sold by Reinhardt were rare treasures that theyhad never seen in their lifetime. It was natural to imagine Administrator Rabbit crying out of happiness.

In any case, in this place where so many people were visiting—

Today, Grid would hold a surprise wedding ceremony. This was given that Grid was often criticized bypeople for only one reason: his experience with women. It was a very bold decision...

“It will be an opportunity for some of the media and public opinion to turn against Grid when it iscurrently unconditionally favorable to him.”

Currently, Grid had three wives. Of course, it was a common situation for players who had obtained adecent title to be to married multiple men or women. The problem was that Grid also had two lovers inreal life.

Gaining a new wife in this situation? The media currently biting at the S.A Group would turn theirattention to Grid. Grid clearly knew this fact, but he said he would definitely get married this time. Hesaid he wanted to be blessed by more people.

At this point, it meant that Grid wasn’t afraid of the press at all. It was because he received the mostattention in the world and must’ve suffered from the media more than anyone else.

For Hao and Ibellin, it was a strong heart that they really wanted to emulate. No, it was closer to beingincomprehensible.

Then Lauel poked his head out from among the Overgeared members worrying about the criticism thatGrid would face.

“In fact, it must be now.”

The emperor’s wedding ceremony was about to take place, so he was currently dressed in splendidformal attire.

“It is a wedding ceremony that needs to be held anyway. There will be less backlash if it is done whenpublic opinion is good.”

Lauel looked at Grid’s marriage from a political perspective. He thought that Marie Rose’s strength wasessential for Grid. It was after all the events had come to an end.

In fact, he felt sorry for Grid, who said he was going to marry Marie Rose quickly. It was because hewitnessed several times what Marie Rose was like. Marie Rose’s evil appearance as she bit Grid’s lips

and licked his blood under the guise of a kiss... Lauel would never forget it.

It was the same for Huroi. ‘My poor liege...’

What type of threats did he receive that he was in such a hurry to get married? It was already sad tothink that he would be tormented for the rest of his life by the monstrous woman who laughed at theOld Dragons. He was on the verge of tears.

At a time when everyone was worried about Grid for various reasons...

“It is nice to see you.”



Grid was scared for a slightly different reason.

It was the moment when he was introducing Irene to his new life. It was already the third time, but healways felt like he was sitting on a cushion of thorns. Furthermore, this time the other person was anAbsolute. In fact, he was more afraid of Marie Rose’s inner thoughts than Irene’s. He wondered if shewould harm Irene. He was worried and nervous.

Did she know Grid’s heart or not?

Irene spoke with a loving smile as always, “Vampire duke, Marie Rose. I know your noble self well. Youhave a great reputation. I know that you are a rare Absolute in the world and that you are much olderthan me. It is right if I serve you wholeheartedly.”

“You know it well.”

Your noble self...?

Marie Rose cocked her head at the unexpected title before slowly smiling deeply.

Her dear husband’s legal wife—she was the first woman her dear husband fell in love with and alsogave birth to his child. Marie Rose was going to be respectful to a certain extent. Of course, when shesaid respect, it meant to guarantee the state of the legal wife and to say some good things.

Marie Rose looked at it realistically. Irene was just a god’s companion and was nothing compared toher, an Absolute. The hierarchy of the two of them could be called the difference between heaven andearth. There would be few such face-to-face meetings in the future.

It happened as she was thinking this...

“However, since His Majesty has welcomed you as his imperial concubine, I won’t be able to serve you.I am afraid and nervous because my rank is higher than yours, but I will be brave and behave properly.I hope we get along in the future.”


Marie Rose doubted her ears but she couldn’t react hastily. She didn’t feel any ill will from Irene. It wasa truth conveyed by the senses of an Absolute. Irene wasn’t being territorial right now. She didn’tdespise Marie Rose, nor was she jealous. It was just that as Grid’s legal wife, the empress of theEmpire and the mother of the people, she was aware of herself and behaved properly. As she said, shewas squeezing out her courage.

‘...She was originally just a noble of a small kingdom.’

Marie Rose saw Irene’s determined eyes and calculated her position.

Irene—her lineage was inferior to Mercedes, a nobleman and chief knight of the Saharan Empire. Shealso wasn’t comparable to Basara, who was an empress. However, her identity had changed

continuously since her marriage to Grid.

From a duchess to a king’s wife, to an emperor’s wife, and then a god’s wife. She was served inreverse by those she deserved to bow her head to.

Was she happy? Judging from her feelings, she must be more burdened than happy. Even so, shenever showed it. She might be very nervous in this moment, but the way her fingertips didn’t eventremble showed how much effort she had put in.

“I like it.”

After Irene’s series of remarks, Marie Rose silently finished weighing the situation and spoke slowly,“Empress Irene, I know your heart. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to behave appropriately. Ah, in addition.”

It was a gentler attitude than expected. Grid was relieved to see Marie Rose speaking unexpectedlysoftly, only to be nervous again.

Maybe she was going to add that Irene should be careful with her mouth from now on... he had suchconcerns. It was a guess because he didn’t know much about Marie Rose yet.

“I hope we get along in the future as well.”

The gentle smile she only showed to Grid up until yesterday—Marie Rose had a smile on her face thatwas captivating to both sexes as she whispered to Irene, “I’ll take good care of you as well as Grid.”

Irene, who almost called out ‘Older Sister,’ hurriedly covered her mouth and nodded. After a while—

“What? Grid is getting married again?”

The surprise announcement of the promotional officer, Huroi, turned Reinhardt upside down. No, it wasmore accurate to say that the whole world was in an uproar.

The reporters rushed in.

“Is it even a public wedding ceremony?”

They pointed out Grid’s attitude of opening the wedding venue to the public.

“It is an attitude that shows he really isn’t worried about anything.”

“I agree. Later, he will brag about having 3,000 court ladies.”

He wasn’t ashamed of his experience with women but was showing it off. This might be Satisfy and hemight be the hero who saved the world, but this was going too far. Of course, the residents of Satisfywould praise it, but it was hard to accept from the perspective of modern people.

Reporters were preparing to use this opportunity to pour out provocative articles when they suddenlystiffened like stone statues.

It was the moment when a woman wearing transparent cotton cloth appeared in the hall. It was awoman whose skin felt whiter than the pure white dress.

The identity of the woman staring at Grid with red jade-like eyes was none other than Marie Rose.

She was the bride.

The gestures of Huroi and the knights as they saluted and shouted for the bride’s entrance wereconveying it in real time.


All the guests were fascinated by Marie Rose’s elegant appearance and only the sound of pensscratching rang through the silent wedding hall. It was the sound of slashing. It was as if the reporterswere erasing something.

Breaking news soon poured out.

[The reasons why we can’t help celebrating Grid’s marriage.]

[The bride is too beautiful to criticize Grid.]

[This marriage is recognized.]

There was a phrase that people often used to describe Marie Rose—she was the embodiment of theideal type of all humans.

The reporters couldn’t criticize Grid. They unconditionally sympathized, respected, and acknowledgedGrid’s choice. It was inevitable as a human being. If they criticized Grid under the currentcircumstances, they would just be treated as fools who were jealous of Grid.

Thanks to this, Grid’s wedding was held in a peaceful and blessed manner.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(4/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

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