Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1860
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Chapter 1860

“It will be soon.”

Asgard—the normally solemn heaven was, in a rare occurrence, crowded. It was the aftermath ofJudar summoning the gods.

The God of Wisdom had been keeping an eye on the situation in hell. His eyes, which had beenindifferent for many years, shone just as brightly as described by the myths of the distant past.

Dominion and the other chief gods also focused on the situation.

Hell was purified by Grid. Some of the beings to be liberated today were coveted talents from Asgard’sperspective. It was necessary to snatch their souls before they could cross the river of reincarnation.

“Now.” It happened the moment Judar gave the signal...

The 1st ranked Archangel, Raphael, formed branches out of light and wove a string. It was a string witha sharp needle at the end.

“You must not fail.”

A sight that one couldn’t imagine normally—Raphael, who was known for their disdain of the gods,replied in a very polite manner, “Yes.”

Of course, Raphael was bound to be humble in front of Dominion and Judar, but it was excessivetoday. The reason was simple: a bruised face that couldn’t be healed immediately even with the powerof light.

Until they were rescued—

The 1st ranked Archangel had been imprisoned in the ‘Prison of Eternity’ until then and lost theirmomentum. Raphael had made quite a significant mistake.

Hexetia, the blacksmithing god, and the angel Khan, who was chosen to succeed him—the prisonerswho were originally in prison were taken away by Grid while Raphael was imprisoned. It was evenrumored that they were driven to the brink of death by Zeratul, who had lost his qualifications.

Now they were a sinner. It wouldn’t be strange if the qualification of an archangel was taken away fromthem at any time.


At the murmurs of the gods, Raphael gritted their teeth and controlled their emotions. It was time tomake up for it somehow. They stared silently at the well that illuminated the other side of hell and threwthe fishing line woven with light.

The target was Baal. Surprisingly, Raphael planned to snatch the soul of the one killed by Grid and lift itto heaven. However, they failed. By the time the fishing line reached hell—


Baal’s soul was scattered like dust. It didn’t head to the river of reincarnation and perished without atrace.

“He offered himself as a sacrifice to his self-made Evil God.”

What mistake did they make again?

As Raphael was feeling worried, Judar grasped the situation. Then he cast another look at Raphael.Raphael hastily moved. They broke the fishing line to catch even the remnants of Baal’s power.

It was too late. The soul of Beriache suddenly appeared and took Baal’s power. She also took thepower of Amoract, who had died in a short time.

“That pea-sized thing...!”

Raphael wasn’t in perfect condition. Despite all their efforts to control their emotions, they quicklybecame agitated. They thought it would be really dangerous to fail like this and changed the target tobe snatched to Beriache. Then suddenly—


Raphael made eye contact with Beriache. She seemed to have seen the fishing line made of light withher naked eyes.

The stunned Raphael quickly pulled the string away.

‘She truly is the child of Yatan.’

The fishing line of light—by nature, it was impossible to be perceived by beings from a lower world.However, if they were the master of that world or the lineage of the master, it wouldn't be strange if theywere capable of doing so. The fishing line could’ve been taken away...

Raphael got the chills and gasped roughly. Then someone sneered at them.

“You can’t seem to do anything right?”

It was Venice, the God of Money. The most unseemly one among all the gods—she was a merchantwho lived by replacing the profits from buying and selling things with fame and divinity, and wasoriginally a very insignificant existence for Raphael. Anything she said was nothing more than a dogbarking to Raphael and she had never dared to say anything recklessly to Raphael.

Now really... the situation had changed.

Raphael clenched their fists and couldn’t even look at Venice. They were unable to raise their loweredhead as they heard Judar talking to himself.

“In any case, Asura is one of the biggest targets, so it worked out well.”

Raphael followed Judar’s gaze. The gods and Raphael once again set their sights on the hell beyondthe well.

The new Evil God, Asura—he was very strong. He had his own origin. In other words, it would bedifficult to estimate how much stronger he would become if he joined with the red flesh.

“Can he be controlled?”

Would the exhausted Grid be able to handle Asura...?

Some gods had such doubts, but Dominion, the God of War, rightly predicted Asura’s defeat.

Judar cocked his head.

“Is there any reason to control him?”

At this moment, Raphael met Judar’s gaze for a moment and understood. All the freedom they hadenjoyed so far—it wasn’t because they deserved it. It was just that Judar acquiesced. It was with anattitude that it wouldn’t affect the overall situation no matter how they rampaged.

‘This... shit...’

They were just a dog in a fence. It happened as Raphael realized this and was overwhelmed with greatshame...

“He is rising,” Judar said.

Asura was caught off guard by Grid’s bizarre angel who was ‘learning his skills intact’ and was severelycut by Biban. Now he was about to collapse. After a while, even his source, the red flesh, wasdestroyed by the Demon Slayer. Asura lost his power and meekly accepted death.

Out of his own will, he shot his soul toward the fishing line of light. It seemed that Judar had personallygiven him a divine message.

The new Evil God was taken.

The response of the gods to this fact was mixed. Some thought it was good that Asura would fill thevoid left by Zeratul, while others wondered if it was okay to bring an evil being into the realm of theGoddess. The former was obsessed with the defense of Asgard, while the latter was obsessed with theessence of Asgard.

It was all useless. Their responses weren’t opinions.novelbin

The moment Rebecca entered the cycle, all the decisions belonged to Judar and Dominion. However, itwas rare for them to step forward, so only Raphael was active.



“Above all, you must get your hands on King Daebyeol.”

King Daebyeol—as a child of Hanul, a God of the Beginning, he was in the same hierarchy as Judarand Dominion. Of course, in terms of hierarchy, the Three Evils of the Beginning and King Sobyeolwere the same, but King Daebyeol was very special.

The gods of Asgard hadn’t forgotten. At the time when the Seven Malignant Saints dared to rebel—King Daebyeol’s power as he drew the bow to help them was truly outstanding. The largest sun madedirectly by the Goddess out of light fell. It was to the extent that Judar was alarmed.

At that moment, all the gods of heaven were of one heart and one mind. They united just to defeat KingDaebyeol. Dominion even took the lead.

King Daebyeol was unable to withstand the onslaught of the gods. He fell into hell, was forgotten bymany people, and was weakened. In the end, he suffered irreparable damage, fell into the hands ofBaal, and turned into a mass of red flesh.

Judar was obsessed with his potential. If King Daebyeol obediently went through the process ofreincarnation and resurrected, he would definitely one day be the poison of heaven. Therefore, Judarplanned to summon him to heaven and make him a puppet.

“I think it is better to go down in person.”

Part of hell was incorporated into the Overgeared World, but it was only a part of it.

Dominion clutched his spear. He decided to directly capture King Daebyeol, who thankfully refused toreincarnate and fought with Grid’s subordinates. Judar thought about it for a moment and nodded.

Dominion was enveloped in a cluster of lights and disappeared from the scene.

In the gap where Grid was distracted by Beriache, he would secure King Daebyeol. The gods had nodoubts about it.


However, Dominion didn’t appear in hell.

Judar immediately grasped the situation. “As expected... was he held back on the surface?”

In order to reach hell from heaven, they had to go through the surface. The delay in Dominion’s arrivalmeant he was stranded on the surface. But who would dare to interfere with Dominion? The surfacewas the realm of the Overgeared World, which greatly weakened Dominion, but it was impossible for anon-Grid level being to stand in Dominion’s way.

“Did the Old Dragons intervene...?”

The gods were agitated. It was unrealistic, but it was a reasonable guess. There was a situationrecently where Gourmet Dragon Raiders helped Grid infiltrate heaven.

Judar’s thoughts were different. “It is Eve. She has been missing for a long time, but now she has comeinto contact with Grid.”

Yatan’s apostle—she was special among the apostles. It was due to Yatan’s nature.

Unlike Rebecca and Hanul, who created their own subjects, assigned roles, and left everything tothem, Yatan personally found a human called Eve on the surface and nurtured her with affection. Hetaught her everything from beginning to end. She was a relatively difficult opponent for Dominion toimmediately subdue when he was weakened by the oppression of the Overgeared World.

“Raphael, you have to do it.”

“...Yes.” Raphael’s hand on the fishing rod tightened. It was because they felt they would be shaking ifthey didn’t give more strength to it. Raphael had a hunch that this was their last chance.

King Daebyeol, who was isolated among Grid’s subordinates—if Raphael didn’t take the opportunity tosnatch his soul, Judar wouldn’t give them a second chance...

‘Shit, how do I do this?’

Raphael lamented to themselves, gulped, and focused all their senses on King Daebyeol.


“...It’s done!”

In the end, Raphael succeeded in snatching King Daebyeol’s soul. It was really a tiny difference. Thesoul of King Daebyeol was raised just before he fell into the river of reincarnation.

“I...! I did it!”

How long had it been since Raphael felt such joy? Today, Raphael was swept away by all types ofemotions, unlike an Absolute, and finally reached the point of cheering.

“It is useless,” Judar spat out coldly.

At the same time, Raphael also noticed it.

The soul of King Daebyeol that he tried so hard to catch—it was empty. It was a shell without even theslightest bit of divine power left. If he was reincarnated, he might be able to recover some of his divinepower. Even so, it wouldn’t mean much and it was completely useless in the current state.

Judar’s eyes fell on the human woman who had just been the target of the arrow shot by KingDaebyeol.

“Raphael, I’ll give you a chance to make up for it.”




Jishuka was the founder of the Tzedakah Guild, which was the predecessor of the Overgeared Guild.Many of the people who still reigned as the strongest force of the Overgeared Guild were talentsrecruited by her in the past. Her symbolism was great. After Grid and Lauel, Jishuka was the one thatthe Overgeared members trusted and relied on the most.

There were many people who were agitated by the sight of her dying again after saving her colleaguesfrom danger.

Yura and Kraugel came running instantly. It was to somehow prevent the death of Jishuka, who wasproperly hit by the arrow shot by the soul of King Daebyeol.

Yura opened the lid of the potion she had and poured it on Jishuka. In the meantime, Kraugel managedto find and grab Ruby and made a puzzled expression. “Is it impossible to even resurrect her?”

Jishuka had been killed by Asura just a few hours earlier. It meant that her immortality was oncooldown. Once he saw that she didn’t open her eyes, he was sure she was dead. It was right toresurrect her before she turned to ash.

Additionally, one of Ruby’s ultimate skills was a resurrection skill. However, she stayed still and didn’tuse her skill.

It was a time when they succeeded in purifying hell and should be enjoying the festive atmosphere.Jishuka suffered two deaths in a row and experienced a huge loss alone. She was even forced to logout and watch the celebration from afar.

It happened as everyone was feeling disappointed...

“Cough cough cough! Stop!” Jishuka sprang up. She spat out the potion that had gone into her noseand mouth.

Ruby belatedly explained to the dumbfounded group, “She isn’t dead. Rather, she is fine.”


The eyes of the group slowly widened. They realized the subtle scent of flowers that was spreadingalong with Jishuka’s breaths. It was the scent of the nurturing grace flowers.

The handful of divinity left by King Daebyeol was inherited by Jishuka.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

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