Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1817
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Chapter 1817

Chapter 1817

“From now on, we are companions.”

[Evil Dragon Bunhelier’s Dragon Words have set a new law in the world.]

Companions—it was a relationship where they had to trust and rely on each other. At the very least, itmeant to not be hostile.

The new law established by Bunhelier was unconditionally beneficial to Grid, just like the epics thatrose and fell through the mouths of people even at this moment.

[Evil Dragon Bunhelier won’t antagonize you and humanity.]

“Of course, there is the premise that you don’t betray me.”

Bunhelier himself looked even more perplexed after Dragon Words was triggered. He hurriedly added away to escape. It was to prevent situations where he could become powerless. However, it was more ofan attitude that nailed in the fact that he wouldn’t betray Grid first.

“What does ‘we’ mean?” Biban asked on behalf of the flustered Grid.

“To be companions means… it isn’t a relationship that can be made because one side wants itunilaterally.”

“I know. We need to be able to trust each other.”

Bunhelier fully understood Grid’s position. He even nodded and responded to Biban, who pointed outhis attitude. He was very confident.

“So there is no problem. I have given you enough trust. Do you think there is anything in the world thatis more reliable than Dragon Words?”



Both Grid and Biban couldn’t refute it. They couldn’t provide any reasons for doubting it even whenrecalling the fact that the other being was Evil Dragon Bunhelier, who had betrayed even his own kind.It was purely the power of Dragon Words.

Bunhelier was relieved at heart. He recalled the conversation that Grid had with the daughter of theInsane Dragon the other day.

“It is true that I worked together with Bunhelier, but we didn’t become friends. So let’s kill him togetherlater. Huh?’

Looking back, he was dumbfounded. Saying to kill him in front of him. It was even directly after theyhad just joined forces to overcome a crisis.

‘He is a twisted guy.’

Grid was somewhat crazy from the perspective of an Old Dragon, who wasn’t bound by commonsense. He didn’t want to get involved with Grid. If it wasn’t for Baal, Bunhelier would’ve tried to neverrun into him again. However, Bunhelier had to defeat Baal. Even if he was reluctant, he had tocooperate with Grid.

Then he had a justification. It was the justification that humans were rapidly becoming stronger.

Bunhelier decided to take advantage of this opportunity. He decided that he would rather have Grid,who would one day be a threat, as an ally. He had faith that Grid wouldn’t be able to resist.

Surprisingly, Grid hesitated. He didn’t answer hastily. Naturally, Nefelina was on his mind.

‘Nefelina said she would get revenge on Bunhelier as soon as she becomes an adult dragon.’

Insane Dragon Nevartan—the reason for the insanity of Nefelina’s father lay in Bunhelier. Bunheliercooperated with Baal to trap Nevartan and drive him mad. For Nefelina, he was her father’s enemy. Hewas someone she had to get revenge on.

However, he suddenly had a question. ‘Is that really the life that Nefelina wants?’

Grid recalled the moment Nefelina was reunited with her father. She was hurt. Every time her fatheropened his mouth, she looked distressed and could barely hold back her tears. It was because everyword from Nevartan struck her heart.

[Unfortunately, you aren’t likely to lay my eggs. If I think you are really in danger, I will eat you beforeyou become an adult dragon. Once that day comes, try to increase your strength as much as possible.]

[Understanding my child’s feelings? It is an unnecessary act. I gave birth to that child, so she belongsto me. It is my right to treat her according to my will.]

Nevartan treated his daughter as insurance for himself. He took his daughter’s affection for him forgranted and used cruel words. It might’ve been common sense for a dragon. However, Nefelina hadbeen raised by humans and she couldn’t accept it as common sense. She didn’t dare blame her father,but she felt sad and distressed.

In the end, she disobeyed him because she didn’t like it. She said she would live with Grid. Maybe herfather’s revenge wasn’t of much importance to her now. He hoped so.novelbin

“I need time,” Grid opened his mouth.

Bunhelier doubted his ears. He cocked his head in confusion and then frowned.

“...Are you serious?”

Bunhelier was an Old Dragon. As an Old Dragon, he declared that he wouldn’t antagonize Grid andhumanity. It was an extraordinary proposal.

Grid had to be thrilled. Yet he needed time to think about it...?

For Bunhelier, it was a terrible blow to his pride. He was so angry that he almost went crazy likeNevartan.

Grid fully understood his position. “It is no wonder you are offended. I’m also sorry that I have to dothis, but the relationship of a friend is superior to that of a companion.”


“The daughter of the Insane Dragon, whom you saw the other day, is my old friend. She holds a grudgeagainst you. I have to hear her perspective.”

“...You are prioritizing a trivial hatchling over an Old Dragon?”

“It doesn’t matter if it is a hatchling or an Old Dragon. She is my friend, so I will give her priority.”


Bunhelier’s expression gradually became complex and subtle. What was the concept of friends? Heknew it in his head, but he couldn’t understand it in his heart? It was natural. The Old Dragons werebeings whose ultimate goal was to prey on its own kin, who had been with it since the beginning oftime. The relationship of cooperation due to necessity could be understood, but he didn’t understand arelationship that had to be maintained even at the expense of a loss.

Grid spoke to him who kept cocking his head, “If the day comes when you understand the current me.At that time, we can trust each other without any Dragon Words.”

“...You will trust an Old Dragon who doesn’t use Dragon Words? What nonsense.”


Was it a self-denigrating joke? It wasn’t suitable for Bunhelier, an Old Dragon who normally couldn’tuse Dragon Words.

‘I'm glad that he used Dragon Words once after so long.’

Grid let out a laugh. He couldn’t help laughing. He was overjoyed. Bunhelier might have a lot of flaws,but he was still an Old Dragon. An Old Dragon used Dragon Words and claimed to be an ally. He wouldbe a psychopath if he wasn’t happy.

Grid barely calmed down his excitement and excused himself from Hayate and Biban.

“I will be in Reinhardt for a while.”

In order to decide his relationship with Bunhelier, the first thing to do was to meet Nefelina. That wasrespect and courtesy.

‘There is no chance that Bunhelier will change suddenly while I am away.’

Suddenly changing after promising to be companions with Dragon Words? That would never happenunless Bunhelier was going to permanently diminish the value of Dragon Words.


The members of the Overgeared Guild were gathered in Reinhardt.

I might not be able to remember you...

They were worried about Grid, who left with meaningful words. For the past half a day, the Overgearedmembers had been waiting for Grid. It was the same with the apostles, Irene, and Lord. Basara, whowas supposed to be in Titan, also stayed in Reinhardt.

“Why are you all gathered?” In the midst of the people’s growing anxiety, Grid returned as the sunsetcolored the night sky. He looked puzzled.

“...Are you okay?”

People asked him anxiously. It was only then that Grid remembered his past self from half a day ago.

‘Why did I do that?’

It was very embarrassing. It made him want to hide in the mouse hole in a corner of Mercedes’ mentalworld.

“...I am fine.”

What could he say?

After thinking about it for a while, Grid decided not to explain. It was embarrassing to explain it in detail,so he wanted to dismiss it as something that didn’t happen.

‘He must’ve suffered greatly.’

‘Is he taking on everything by himself again this time...?’

‘How many times are you saving this world, Grid?!’

Sometimes, silence was the best. People interpreted it arbitrarily and the atmosphere became somber.

Grid just happened to find Nefelina and immediately got to the point. “I hope that Bunhelier will be anally.”



There were collective gasps.

Evil Dragon Bunhelier—he was the first to imprint upon people the greatness of a dragon. The majestyof the one who invaded the 3rd National Competition and overwhelmed Grid and Kraugel was stilltalked about through the mouths of many people. Recently, he was often linked with Grid and heshowed off his strength.

In any case, it was a different world. Yet he hoped that such a monster would become an ally?

‘What is he doing while wandering around?’

As everyone watched Grid in amazement—

“It is a good thing,” Nefelina opened her mouth, “I think it is beneficial to keep him by your side as longas there is a guarantee that Bunhelier won’t betray you. It is because I’m afraid of what will happenbehind the scenes when I can’t see you. Of course, it would be a great help in terms of force.”

“...You are okay with it?”

“Do you care that Bunhelier is my father’s enemy? Of course, it is fine. I don’t want to hold you backdue to a personal grudge. Additionally, it is a problem that can only be solved a thousand years fromnow. It is unnecessary to obsess over it right now.”

She wondered if she even needed to avenge her father. When she met her father in person not longago, it wasn’t what she had expected. The most obvious fact was—

“You are more important than my father.”

Nefelina had too many precious connections to be obsessed with blood. Her relationship with Bunhelierwas bound to be for when she became an adult dragon. In other words, it was only when most of thepeople here disappeared that it was right to make a new decision.

“Nefelina! How can you be so cute?” Jishuka hugged Nefelina’s small body tightly. Nefelina said shewas being impolite, but Jishuka didn’t care and rubbed against her cheek. Nefelina was the mascot ofthe Overgeared Guild, along with Noe. Naturally, many people cared about her.

Grid watched the two of them with a warm smile on his face.

After a while—

“Nefelina has allowed it.”

After returning to the Tower of Wisdom, Grid sat down with Bunhelier and said. “So I will accept youroffer. Let’s trust and rely on each other and get along well in the future.”

“...Yes.” Bunhelier’s expression trembled as he answered. His wish had been fulfilled, but it was onlyafter a hatchling gave permission. He wondered if this was right.

‘This body, an Old Dragon, gave you the opportunity to be a companion. Why did you have to ask forpermission from a trivial hatchling...?’

‘It is useless even if I try to explain for a hundred years.’

The more he thought about it, the more absurd it was. Grid looked at the frowning Bunhelier and justsmiled. He fully understood that Bunhelier’s notions didn’t allow him to understand that relationshipstook precedence over hierachies.

‘I hope you will learn it gradually.’

[Overgeared God Grid is writing the 26th epic.]

[The beginning of the epic stems from an Old Dragon’s desire to be with him.]

Baal—the 1st ranked Great Demon who distorted hell.

An expedition was being completed to remove one of the main enemies who inflicted eternal sufferingto humans.

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