Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1816
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Chapter 1816

Chapter 1816

“How did you notice that he was fake?”

The noise that had been ringing in Biban’s hand as he gripped the giant sword stopped. The laststruggle of the giant sword stopped. The guy who had been twisting his big body to escape Biban’s gripwas unable to leave Biban’s hands and lost consciousness.

Unity. No, the expression ‘returning’ was correct. The intent in the form of a giant sword merged withBiban’s intent. Now the giant sword was part of Biban. In any case, It was originally Biban.

“Even I was fooled.”

Biban’s eyes were filled with interest and admiration as he asked Grid.

Around two hours ago. At a time when it might’ve felt like years to Grid, Biban clearly sensed that Gridwas following him. It was a presence that followed immediately every time he used Shunpo. It definitelycontained Grid’s divinity. He naturally thought it was Grid. He recognized that he was searching for thegiant sword with Grid.

This was until he heard an explosion. It was only when he heard sounds in the distance that he lookedback in surprise and saw that what was standing there was a doll, not Grid. It was a doll made by thegiant sword who acted like a master in Biban’s mental world. It had the appearance of Grid andcontained his divinity, but it had no expression. It was also strange that it didn’t respond to thecommotion.

It was only then that Biban understood the identity and situation of the doll and hurriedly rushed over.Then he was surprised to find Grid, who was overpowering the giant sword. How did Grid figure out theidentity of the giant sword that looked exactly like him? It was a difficult question to answer.

Grid simply replied, “There is no way I wouldn’t recognize you.”


In fact, he had been fooled. If the personality and manner of speaking of the giant sword hadn’tresembled ‘Biban before becoming a Sword God,’ Grid wouldn’t have noticed the identity of the giantsword until the end. Still, did he really need to tell the truth? Grid calmly hid the truth to prevent Bibanfrom being upset and to protect his prestige.

“That’s right. Our relationship is quite special. If I was in your shoes, I think I would’ve noticed it rightaway.”

Biban also hid the truth for the same reason as Grid. He didn’t bother confessing that he had beenfooled by the fake Grid. It was consideration for the other person and a bit of bravado. The two of themwere close to a match made in heaven.

The unity of their mental worlds was easily accomplished. Grid wanted to get out of here quickly, so heimmediately opened the Sanctuary of Metal and the mental worlds merged as if it was natural.

“Then I will start.”

Grid took out the hammer and anvil and activated Intent Production. Trauka’s bones and scales andBiban’s intent were the materials.

Biban nodded and helped out. Biban’s sword energy was added to the flames in the furnace thatmelted Trauka’s bones and scales.

Flames of sword energy—it went through the preliminary work of polishing and crushing Trauka’sbones and scales, not just melting them. It was close to imprinting a sharp shape. The red molten iron

that eventually melted and poured out had a sharp edge like a blade. It was hard to imagine how sharpit would become when it was completed as a sword.

Taang, taang, taang!

Grid forged it while consulting with Biban in real time. It was a collaboration between Grid—whoinherited the skills of the Blacksmith God, Hexetia—and Biban, the Sword God. It had to be completedin the most ideal form.

However, the form of the sword that gradually took shape was far from ideal. It was out of line evenwith the usual standards. The shape was so incomplete that he wondered if it was even a sword. Theblade seemed to be split. The blade scattered a cold glow rose smoothly from the handle before itseemed to cut off midway. The sword that Grid and Biban painstakingly completed was broken from thestart.

“...Are you really okay with this? The imprinted sword energy during the smelting process has becomeuseless at best.”

“It is perfect.”

Grid was worried, but Biban’s expression was bright. A short sword that seemed cut in half. He showeda very satisfied reaction as he held it and swung it, the tip of the blade forming a straight line. Heseemed to have returned to the past. The way he smiled and swung the sword that had been cut in halfmade him look like the swordsman with dementia.

[Broken Sword]

[Rating: Only One

Durability: 9,200~???

Attack Power: 13,060~???]

Grid double checked the information of the completed sword. The stats were so disastrous that it washard to believe it was a dragon weapon. It was because the form was incomplete. It wasn’t judged as acomplete sword. The stats were low even though the materials used were the bones and scales of adragon. There were even no additional effects.

It was a glaring failure. A passing dog would recognize it as a failure. However, the truth was different.

Grid slowly accepted reality. ‘This isn’t a failure, but a treasured sword among treasured swords.’

The true value of Broken Sword could be summed up with a single line. It was explicitly stated in thedescription following the item information.

[A sword created by Only One God Grid in a state of mental world unity with Sword God Biban.

It uses the bones and scales filled with Fire Dragon Trauka’s intent and the intent of Sword God Bibanas materials, and it was forged with the flames of sword energy.

It is a sword that responds to the will of Sword God Biban and its length and power can’t be measured.]

The length and power couldn’t be measured. It meant the length and power followed Biban’s will. Itresembled Defying the Natural Order, but it was different. It was like Defying the Natural Order whenGrid swung vertically or horizontally, stabbed or straightened it, etc etc. It responded to Grid’s will bytaking an optimized shape according to the situation.

On the other hand, Broken Sword grew the moment Biban wanted it. That was all. It was much simpler,but it was unpredictable.

“It has a great feeling when holding it in my hand. It seems to be wrapping itself around me“.

It was a sword that completed the blade with the will of the user (Biban). From the perspective of thecreator, Grid had to put the greatest effort into the handle. Grid felt rewarded at the sight of thedelighted Biban and urged him, “Try swinging it. Shouldn’t you test the performance?”

“In front of you? I’m afraid it won’t catch your eyes...”

“No way. You are too humble.”

“Then I won’t hesitate.”novelbin

Biban turned to one side of the wilderness. It was in the direction where a rock was placed. Thedistance was 500 meters.

Biban aimed the broken sword toward it. He didn’t close one eye or control his breathing, but hevaguely resembled Yura when she aimed her gun. Just then—


Broken Sword increased in length. For a moment, it took the form of a giant sword. The rock that stood500 meters away was already split in half.

Grid belatedly noticed it. Biban’s target wasn’t a single rock. The other rocks lined up severalkilometers behind the rock were simultaneously split and destroyed, proving it.


Biban wanted to slash the entire body of the dragon, not just its neck. Grid realized it and trembled.Biban stabbed his sword again and again, wide-eyed. It was a sight where it wouldn’t be strange if theentire wilderness was split apart.

However, the sword wielded by Biban only slashed precisely at its target. Even if Grid stood in its path,it wouldn’t harm Grid. It was possible with the power of the Sword God.

Biban’s huge sword only slashed what Biban wanted.

“This makes me feel invincible...” Biban murmured after testing the performance of Broken Sword manytimes, “Can I lose when wielding this sword? It is like struggling over a seemingly minor problem. Ofcourse, the story would change when fighting against an Absolute.”

"That’s right. Those who can’t be cut must surely exist.”

“...Once you reach this point, the level of enemies you assume you will meet is too high. How have youendured it all this time?”

A sad expression flashed across Biban’s face as he cautiously asked.

The Absolutes of hell and heaven—Grid had been prepared to confront them even though he clearlyknew their level. It couldn’t have been tolerated with ordinary mental strength. It was brave that hedidn’t run away.

Grid laughed.

“I was able to endure it because there were people like you.”

Hope existed in a hopeless reality. It was a bond for Grid. He had endured it by always remindinghimself that there were many beings to rely on.

“From now on, I will rely on you even more.”

“That’s right. I’ll pay for the meal.”

Their two hands met. The sound of the hands with hard calluses colliding was surprisingly soft.


Grid and Biban came back to reality side by side.

He had even made armor. The Fire Dragon Armor belonging to Biban was a deep gray mixed with theenergy of a Dragon Slayer and the color of sword energy. It was less beautiful compared to Hayate’spure white armor, but it gave a sense of intimidation. It might be because Biban had developedmuscles and shoulders, unlike Hayate, who looked somewhat thin and weak.

“It is amazing no matter how many times I see it.”

Hayate’s gaze alternated between Broken Sword and the Fire Dragon’s Armor as he greeted the twopeople.

Works made in the mental world—originally, it was impossible to take it out into reality. However, it wasmaterialized through Intent Production and came to exist in reality like this. At this point, he thought itwas right to say that nothing was impossible for Grid.

“Did you have any problems?” Grid asked while wary of his surroundings.

Evil Dragon Bunhelier was in the room directly opposite them. He shouldn’t forget that no matter whathappened, it wouldn’t be strange.

“It just so happens that Bunhelier’s mood has changed.”

‘As expected.’

Grid’s sharp eyes shot up. The opponent was an Evil Dragon. An Evil Dragon. It was highly likely thathe suddenly changed to have a black heart.

“His magic power is vibrating violently. Is it a precursor to great magic?”

Biban felt suspicious as well and prepared the Broken Sword. Grid and Biban were ready for battle inan instant. At the same time, the door burst open without permission. It was a disturbance caused bythe invader who didn’t know fear, or to be precise, didn’t need to know it.

It was deep night before they knew it.

Bunhelier’s face popped up in the darkness that filled the hallway. His pure white face was pale like acorpse.

“You don’t know how to knock, do you? After all, there is no need for an Absolute to learn the laws ofinsignificant human beings.”

Grid pointed out Bunhelier’s attitude. It was while assessing the strength of his allies, which had risensharply compared to the morning. If Bunhelier went on a rampage right away, it would be difficult, but itwas possible to subdue him. The key was to not lose sight of him.

‘If Biban makes good use of the Broken Sword’s capabilities, he might be able to stop Bunhelier fromescaping...’

It was the moment when Grid calculated this and pulled out Defying the Natural Order.

“The laws of humans.”

Grid’s eyes resembled a bird of prey, while Bunhelier’s eyes resembled that of a snake. It was evensharper.

Bunhelier stared at the three of them with these piercing eyes and slowly opened his mouth, “I will learnthem from now on.’


It was bizarre nonsense.

It happened the moment Grid was flustered and lost concentration...

“Do you know about the origin of the half-draconians? I’ve said in the distant past that I gave birth tothem using a drop of my blood, but that is a complete lie. I was so ashamed, but now I will reveal thetruth I have been hiding... they are the result of me mating with human females.”

Bunhelier’s nonsense continued. A series of question marks rose above Grid’s head. It was difficult toimmediately understand the context of the conversation.

Bunhelier started to add an explanation as if he considered Grid’s position. “I... I used to love humanfemales. The shameful past that I wanted to bury forever... I am confessing this to gain your trust.”


“I can live with human beings. My instinct to love human females is the proof. If there is one dragon youcan trust, it is me.”

Bunhelier had been thinking in a troubled manner in Hayate’s office, only to become shocked duringthe process.

Toward the end of the day—in other words, in less than half a day from Bunhelier’s perspective, theaura of Hayate and Biban had rapidly intensified. At first, he thought it was an illusion. It was such anunrealistic event. However, this was reality. He just checked it with his two eyes.

The armor worn by Hayate and Biban, and the strange sword held by Biban—all of them were threatsto Bunhelier. At this rate, he really had to worry that he would die like this. He regretted the choice to goto the tower.

Then he put an end to his troubled thoughts. He recalled that due to the karma he had accumulated, hehad been reduced to a state where he was unable to stand in heaven or hell. The only ones he couldrely on were the humans on the surface. Therefore, Bunhelier declared, “From now on, we arecompanions.”



...But why did he want to do it?

Putting aside Grid’s confusion, there was a rare sincerity in Bunhelier’s declaration. The energy ofDragon Words that started to flow in the atmosphere was the evidence.

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