Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1732
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Chapter 1732

"Wow… How far is it going to go?"

"A facility like that is flying… I can't believe it."

"I would say it is the Age of Mythology."

The Age of Mythology—it referred to the era before history. In Satisfy, it came to mean the present. Itwas an era where gods lived with humans. Recently, a super large airship under construction in theOvergeared Empire had given sense to a new era.

A scene that had never been created with the previous science and magic was unfolding before theeyes of millions of people.

"…Why did he make it?"

"It looks cool…?"

Perhaps it was because the scale of the Greed-driven flying ship was so staggering. It was enough tobuild a city on this flying ship. It was definitely great, but people had questions about its use. There wasno shortage of land to build cities on. Why should such a flying ship exist?

Was it advantageous for long distance travel? It was an era where the warp gates, the quintessence ofmagic engineering, was popular, so this wasn't a reason.

"Isn't it better to use it to create more God Hands?"

The essential problem was that Greed was used as the material. Greed was famous as a Grid-onlyitem and it was also Grid's power. It was hard for people to understand why Grid, who should reign asan absolute power, would decrease his power by building the flying ship. On the other hand—


The giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, were completely shocked. It was because the altitude of theMartial God's Coffin had risen sharply. It soared up to five kilometers in the sky in an instant. The speedwas clearly transcendent. This meant that the output of Greed had become dozens of times stronger.

Braham's magic solved something that the giants' knowledge and skills couldn't solve.

"I'm ashamed to call myself a scholar," Radwolf felt despondent and spoke to himself. He wasashamed of the years he had been praised as a wise giant.

Braham shook his head. "Without your wisdom, this flying ship wouldn't have been able to fly."

Braham didn't try to please others. Every word he said was sincere.

"The arrangement of Greed is quite exquisite. If the design was slightly off, then this ignorantly largeland wouldn't have risen.


The gloom was lifted from the faces of the giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, and bright smilesspread. It meant that the figures with high pride as the last survivors of the giants and the towermembers were pleased with some praise.

Braham was a bit taken aback.

'This is my status now.'

It was a position where those who served by the side of Hayate, the great Dragon Slayer, automaticallyhonored him. The moment he realized it, the dreams he lost in the past started to sprout anew.

Conquering the world—the ambition to put all humans under his feet and use them as a tool for hismother's revenge—it was a dream that he felt was helpless and gave up after he was stabbed in theback by Pagma and died.

'…Let's give up on it.'novelbin

Putting humans under his feet wasn't what Grid wanted. This was something that a god who was bornfrom the wishes of humans shouldn't do. This was even if it meant giving up on getting revenge for hismother.

'I'm sorry, Mother…'

"What is wrong with the atmosphere?"

For a moment, he had the wrong idea. Braham was reproaching himself when he raised his head at thevoice.

Grid had descended. A being who defeated Martial God Zeratul and became an One God—he woredragon armor all over his body and was escorted by hundreds of God Hands. He looked like anabsolute figure only in appearance.

"Thank you for your hard work." Grid's attitude remained the same even if he became an Absolute.Grid bowed respectfully to Braham and the giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz. It was with a smileon his face. "The Overgeared Battleship is much better than I expected."

"Overgeared Battleship…?"

"Greed has finally evolved."

Just a moment ago, Grid received a notification that Greed had evolved. The moment he had beenwaiting for had finally arrived after many years. Greed, which had grown steadily under the influence of

Grid's epic, was now complete. It brilliantly reproduced Grid's ability even if it wasn't in the form of theGod Hands.


[A metal that symbolizes the Only One God Grid.

It has the habit of judging and moving on its own, and reproducing their master's abilities.

Unleash half the power and speed of the master.

It can be used as a material for all things.

It contains the energy of the Insane Dragon, the magic of Braham, and the blessing of the GoddessRebecca.]

'Fortunately or unfortunately, the name hasn't changed.'

He wondered if it would become gravurnium with the 'g' after Grid and the 'ra' in 'Braham. There was abit more regret than relief. He was looking forward to it being recognized as a work he had created withBraham. However, the system seemed to have determined that Braham only played a small role in thefinal evolution of Greed. It was natural since Greed was infused with Grid's life itself.

"You can make a toast in celebration," Braham said with a confident look on his face.

It was something worth being proud of. It was because his magic contained in Greed was reallyamazing.

[★ If attacking with a weapon made of Greed, the legendary great magic 'Meteor' has a high probabilityof activating.

Deals damage proportional to your magic attack power and additional damage proportional to thehealth of the target to the target and all those within a 10 meter radius of the target. There is a highprobability of damaging the target's body and a normal probability of crushing them or blowing them up.

Mana Cost: 80,000.

★ If attacking with a weapon made of Greed, the legendary great magic 'Disintegrate' is activated.

Deals damage proportional to your magic attack power and additional damage proportional to thehealth of the target. It also significantly reduces the target's magic resistance and critical hit resistance.The effect can be stacked.

Mana Cost: 10,000.]


A very long time ago—at the time when he changed to a legendary blacksmith—Grid imagined abrilliant future. He believed the day would come when he would wield a sword that dropped Meteor. Itwas an empty belief. In fact, it was impossible for a legendary blacksmith to produce a weapon thatfired great magic that only Braham and dragons could use.

He had long given up on it. Yet it became a reality today. He was able to wield not only Meteor, but alsoanother great magic called Disintegrate.

"I… have I become invincible?" Grid looked at the information of Greed and muttered with a puzzledexpression.

Braham explained, "It is far from being invincible. In the first place, the reason why I took longer toattach the two spells was to hide the flaws."

"The flaws?"

"As you know, Meteor has a delay when it is activated."

Meteor involved meteorites. They were stars that fell from space. It worked by magic, but it was aphysical phenomenon. The process took time.

"It is hard to hit the enemy unless you've completely subdued them. It is even more so whenconsidering the level of enemies you will face in the future."

"So together with Disintegrate…"

"That's right."

Disintegrate was a spear made of magic. Unlike Meteor, it was manifested immediately.

"Instead, Disintegrate has a large delay after it occurs. It is because the magic power that is used tocreate the form of the spear has the property of returning to its original state. Only I can forciblysuppress that nature…"

It meant it was hard to use it successively. Meteor had the disadvantage of having a long preparation(casting time) while Disadvantage had the disadvantage of having a long delay (cooldown). Braham didthe ignorant act of attaching two spells together in order to alleviate the shortcomings as much aspossible.

'This… the God of Magic and Wisdom?'

Grid clicked his tongue and pulled out Twilight. In order to really feel the effect, it was quicker to checkit directly. The main material of Twilight was the fang of the Evil Dragon Bunhelier, but it also containedGreed like his other divine swords. There was a small explosive sound as Grid targeted one God Handand swung Twilight lightly.

Was the aftermath smaller because it was swung lightly?

The giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, were puzzled by the surprisingly quiet wavelength, but theirexpressions soon contorted in astonishment. They wondered why the targeted God Hand was vibratingseveral times.

There was a chain of shockwaves. Contrary to the impression of the giant brothers, Radwolf andFronzaltz, Grid didn't swing the sword lightly, nor was it just once.


Before they knew it, a spear of light had pierced the God Hand. Then meteorites fell from the sky.There were as many as seven. They each had bright red flames and black smoke like a tail so the skywas fading.


The giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, were transcendent. They reacted sensitively to Meteor,which belatedly occurred. Radwolf took out his magic machine and wrapped it around himself, whileFronzaltz created a sword curtain and used it as a shield.

The giant flying ship tilted very slightly. The destructive power of the seven meteorites that fell in a rowmade it so. The flying ship wasn't damaged or crashed due to Greed that clad it, but faint shadowsappeared on the ground.

"It is definitely a bit disappointing."

Unlike the giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, who couldn't close their open mouths, Brahamclicked his tongue. Grid was taken aback by him.

'A bit disappointing? Does he have no conscience?'

Grid's fingertips were trembling when he had been calm even when facing Martial God Zeratul. Justnow…

He activated the realm of an Absolute and wielded his sword a total of 10 times. Disintegrateimmediately triggered during the first sword strike and pierced the target, while Meteor fell toward thetarget with a slight delay. It was as Braham feared. Disintegrate had a delay after it was used andMeteor had a delay after it activated.

However, the power was too great to feel regret. Grid's current intelligence easily exceeded 10,000. Ifhe went to the trouble of swapping some items, then it was easy to aim for 16,000. If he added awisdom potion and buffs, then the expected damage value of Meteor and Disintegrate would probablybe in the hundreds of thousands at the 'minimum.' If he activated a skill that increased the power of theskill itself, then the damage would probably be ridiculously in the millions.

This was calculated without taking into account the target's health value. The higher the target's health,the greater the power…

'I feel like I'm the protagonist of a manhwa.'

He felt like he had become a fraudulent character with a cheat key that shouldn't really exist. If it wasknown that he felt this way now, it would've caused a big wave in society, but… Grid didn't realize it…

"Good. It gives me confidence?"

Grid smiled and swung the sword again. Dozens of times, hundreds of times. He swung it nonstop. Itseemed like fun, but the reality was different. Every blow was very heavy. It carried a great deal ofresponsibility and burden.

Grid had become so rich that someone could spend eternity wasting the money that he gained on anhourly basis. There was one reason why he didn't go on vacation and focused on Satisfy. It was

because he was still desperate.

There was no room to relax. Grid calculated the average values of the magic. The delay afterDisintegrate was used and the delay before the occurrence of Meteor was 3 seconds each. It wasconfirmed that the probability of triggering Disintegrate was 100% and the probability of triggeringMeteor was around 61% on average.


Braham's complexion turned pale as he watched Grid, who was desperate without losing his originalintention. Braham felt a sense of strangeness.

'How is this possible?'

Overusing the great magic that consumed a lot of mana? The realm of the Absolute wasincomprehensible even to Braham…

Meanwhile, the world was in turmoil. Breaking news that hundreds of meteorites were falling overReinhardt poured out from media all over the world. An analysis followed that the reason why Gridcreated such a huge flying ship was to prevent the bombing of the meteorites. Public opinion wasformed to support Grid, who predicted and blocked the despicable attack of Asgard (?).

'Meteorites fell toward the Tomb of the Gods, so it is easy to misunderstand.'

Lauel smiled when he heard the news. He was already looking forward to the reaction of those whowould see Meteor appearing in the place where the Tomb of the Gods would fly in the future.

The Overgeared battleship, the Martial God's Coffin, the Tomb of the Gods—Grid started to read theinformation of the flying ship, which people called by different names.


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