Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1731
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Chapter 1731

The stage that was in the form of a coffin—it was around the time when the huge tomb where the mythof Martial God Zeratul was buried was gradually colored black and slowly rose to the sky.

Six more legends were born in the Overgeared Guild. The protagonists of this glory were Huroi, Pon,Laella, Vantner, Haster, and Eat Spicy Jokbal. They all became legends based on their ownachievements.

Huroi's words became more powerful and Pon's spear became more complete. The thing that thewords and the spear used by the two men had in common was that they were difficult to dodge,defend, and counterattack. Of course, Huroi was currently one step ahead. He had built uptranscendence even before he became a legend.

Laella had the dignity of being the master of a major facility called the Overgeared Magic Tower. Sheobtained the qualifications to create her own magic formulas and added the reputation of 'prestigiousmagic school' to the Overgeared Empire.

Vantner's bald head shone even more brilliantly. In addition to easily blinding the enemies, he reflectedthe sunset divinity of the Overgeared World and spread it more widely. Vantner didn't admit it, but hebecame a beneficial person with his existence alone.

Haster grew rapidly the moment he accidentally started to combine the knowledge of the Red Sagewith the power of Heroic Story. In the first place, his growth environment was very good. He learned alot from working with some of the best talents like Chris, Zibal, and Hurent at the No Offspring Tomb.Before that, Grid gave him special training.

Eat Spicy Jokbal had many achievements from the beginning. The dungeons he created were stillbeing used in various ways right now. Considering Eat Spicy Jokbal's past performances, it wasn'tstrange that he had become a legend. Of course, the limit of the Dungeon Master's growth was knownto be the unique rating.

Nevertheless, no one questioned how he broke through the limits and became a legend. It was an erain which legends and transcendents coexisted, and normal classes became legends. In an era like this,arguing about the potential of a particular class would only prove that they were a person laggingbehind the flow.

Unfortunately, it wasn't all good news. Regas was troubled by a class change problem. It was becauserather than opening up the 5th advance class, he returned to an Asura, the third advance class. It feltlike he had been encroached upon by the class called Asura. It made him even more conscious of theexistence of Asura in hell.

Meanwhile, the Demon Slayer used the only beautiful glass castle in hell as a base and was on awinning streak against the great demons. She weakened Baal's influence in hell little by little. It was tothe extent where Baal had to come forward himself.

However, Yura took advantage of the characteristics of the crystal castle and continuously evadedBaal's pursuit. Baal. who was rarely angered, became furious. He seemed agitated when he heard thatGrid had become an Only One God and this served as a huge advantage for Yura. The very act of theAbsolute of Hell being conscious of the Demon Slayer raised her status little by little.

On the other hand, the Sword Saint of the current age left to meet the Sword Saint of the previousgeneration and he had already smashed several dimensional gaps. It was evidence of a series of fiercebattles.

The aftermath was severe. The scattered dimensional fragments gave birth to monsters that had neverbeen seen before in the world. The apostles became busy due to this. Surprisingly, Jishuka was just asactive as the apostles. The scene of her Breaking Evil Arrows dominating the sky and easily purifyingthe monsters was breathtaking.


The human who was originally supposed to be the enemy of humanity had long lost the malice that hadreplaced evil. He got in touch with a tower member, which was far from the world, and realized a newpower. However, he didn't use it carelessly.

"Die…! You trash! Die!"

He didn't resist the power of a legend wielded by those who were once powerless and harmed by him.He just silently endured it. Yes, it was the power of a legend. In rare cases, legends were born amongplayers who weren't part of the Overgeared Guild. They didn't become legends from their ownachievements, but instead inherited legends by using class change books. Nevertheless, this wasn't abasis for disparaging their achievements.

The world was once again entering a new era. As usual, Grid accelerated the flow. The moment hebecame an Only One God, the Overgeared World and the gods of the Overgeared World becamestronger. As a result, the 'dimensional status' of the surface rose to a great extent.

At a ruined mansion…

Agnus, who was being silently beaten by the intruders, opened his mouth for the first time, "If you aredone, then go away now."

He was on the verge of running out of health.

The rankers surrounding him scoffed.

"The guy who couldn't do anything because he was afraid suddenly got into the mood. You rejectedjerk."

"You don't want to die? This nasty guy… Ughh!"

The rankers fell in all directions. They lost their grip on the weapons they stabbed into Agnus' body.Every time Agnus moved, the swords and spears stuck between his ribs collided with each other. It wasa horrifying sight.

Agnus spoke to the rankers who momentarily shrank back, "You shouldn't cross the line just because Ilet you vent your anger."

The bridle couldn't be removed by itself. Therefore, Agnus silently accepted the hatred and anger of thepeople toward him.

The people who were damaged by him in the past—he didn't resist their retaliation full of resentmentsince they must've lost precious existences due to him. However, this didn't mean he accepted beingkilled by them. His goal was too great for him to suffer death and lose strength.novelbin

The 1st Great Demon, Baal—Agnus intended to deal him a big blow. He would surely see the face ofthe guy who believed in infinite life distorted by despair.

"You shameless bastard…!"

"Don't be scared! That guy already has low health!"

The rankers quickly regained their composure and boosted their morale. At the center of them was aplayer who became a legend. They confirmed that Agnus' health had fallen to the bottom and drewtheir spare weapons to launch a pincer attack. After a while—

"Ugh…! Y-You will see soon!"

"I will definitely get revenge next time!"

The rankers were robbed of their souls and ran away with these words. Agnus made a slightly curiousexpression.

"Are you really leaving with those lines…?"

The lines of a third-rate villain in a movie were actually created through thorough research…

'…In any case, be sure to come back later.'

Someday, he would pay the price for his sins.

—But not now.

'Even if it is you.' Agnus' gaze shifted toward his feet. A man's head was rising from the shadows.

"Agnus, you have an immovable heart." The being who emerged from the shadows spoke in a low-pitched voice. It was the appearance of Faker, who, according to the rumors, had obtained a 'weaponthat shows a high attack power only against specific targets' from Grid. This allowed him to increasethe efficiency of Kill List by dozens of times.

"One day, you were a murderer when I saw you. Another day, you were a desperate man in despair."

Faker had been periodically monitoring Agnus. Today, he happened to come across Agnus smashingthe rankers by chance. He saw Agnus refusing to die.

"Now you have another passion."


The fur of the little memphis in the corner bristled. He was the one who didn't stay in hell and followedAgnus.

"Get lost!" The startled Agnus hurriedly exclaimed.

However, the memphis didn't listen and edged closer to Faker. He was ready to fight. He knew that theopponent was strong so he had to step up. He intended to sacrifice his life to help his benefactor.


Agnus regretted not taking the memphis as a pet. He hadn't wanted to put the suffering memphis into acage again, but at this moment, he regretted that he didn't have the authority to cancel the memphis'summoning.

"…You are trying to use the opportunity given to you by Grid and Lady Betty's care. It is the rightattitude."

Faker stared in an expressionless manner at Agnus and the memphis before stating his appreciation.

That was the end of it. Faker was gone before he knew it.

'That ghost-like guy.' Agnus sighed and sank down in place. He was written in the Kill List and hadsuffered horrific deaths several times. He hadn't shown it, but honestly, just looking into Faker's eyesmade his heart beat faster.


The memphis approached and rubbed against his cheek. This guy who never listened to Agnus' words.

Why did you chase after me instead of Betty or Noe…?

Agnus frowned and rose from his seat. There was no time to rest if he wanted to keep pace with thisnew era.

"I've packed my things, so I am leaving now. Follow me if you are idle."



The Overgeared World was becoming huge in real time. The entire area of Reinhardt was judged to bepart of the Overgeared World. Additionally, more than half the East Continent beyond the Red Sea hadbeen incorporated into the Overgeared World.


At the Overgeared Castle…

People let out cries of admiration as they were surrounded by warm divinity. They recognized that inorder to fully see the flying ship in their field of view, they had to cock their heads despite the highaltitude of the Overgeared Castle. The flying ship rose higher today than yesterday and it would belocated even higher tomorrow.

People were pleased at the thought, but the expressions of the giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz,were dark.

"There is a lack of output."

The flying ship that only Grid referred to as the 'Overgeared Battleship'—Radwolf groaned about thehuge flying ship that was called Zeratul's Coffin or Martial God's Coffin among the people. The Greedsupported by Grid was used as efficiently as possible, but the condition of the flying ship was belowexpectations. The maximum altitude that could be reached with the current output was only 150meters.

This was even before loading all types of weapons. Considering that walls that would need to be builtlike fortifications and the necessary facilities that needed to be installed, the weight of the flying shipwould increase exponentially. This meant that the altitude would be much lower.

They had left the tower empty for several months but the performance was poor. It was close to afailure.

"In order to fully secure the visibility and safety of the commander, a castle will need to be built in thecenter… I don't think it is possible in this state…"

It happened the moment that Ke ong was cautiously agreeing…

"For those who serve Lord Hayate, your knowledge seems somewhat shallow."

A silver-haired man landed between the brothers Fronzaltz and Radwolf. He struck the space withmagic, but there were no reverberations. The whole area was calm and the man's cloak didn't evenmove.

The God of Magic and Wisdom—the magic of the existence who was 2nd in the hierarchy of theOvergeared World was in a state where it didn't reveal his presence.

The giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, were surprised before bowing respectfully. It was acompletely different attitude from when they visited hell together in the past.

Braham's attitude had also changed.

"Greed is part of Grid. The proof is that it has continued to grow with each epic Grid wrote. Ever sincehe became an Only One God, its functionality has been greatly enhanced."

He himself nodded and led the topic.

A nod—even that was the greatest humility for Braham. It was only after he became a god that herealized the sacrifices of the tower members even more and respected them more than before.

"I am considering that Greed's growth has reached the ultimate peak."

Grid had no room for further development. He was complete. The same was true of Greed. Now therewas only one way to increase the power of the flying ship. It was to wait for the Greed left behind byGrid to multiply. The problem was that this wouldn't be very effective.

The giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, had already completed the installation of Greed where itwas most needed. It was difficult to expect great efficiency even if more Greed was installed. It wasalso necessary to take into account that as the amount of Greed increased, the mass of the flying shipwould also increase.

"You seem to have misunderstood something. The growth of Greed isn't over yet."

"…Um." Certainly, if the growth of Greed had ended, then Braham wouldn't have revisited its potential.Braham seemed to believe that Grid could grow further in the future.

'It is possible.'

How dare they judge the limits of an Only One God?

The giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, reflected on themselves but didn't react much. Even if Gridhad room for further development, it was something that needed time. In the end, this flying ship wouldonly be put into operation in the distant future…


The eyes of the giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, which were as big as a bull's eyes, widened.They were staring at the crystal ball that Braham had just pulled out. Light was flickering in the crystalball. The explosions that occurred each time was a phenomenon purely caused by magic.

'Did he materialize his mental world and take it out?'

The giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, were shocked after noticing the identity of the crystal ball.Then they soon stiffened. It was because they figured out what the repeated explosions inside thecrystal ball were stimulating.

The small specks of dust—they were fragments of Greed that released a faint golden light wheneverthey were stimulated.

"Magic forging…!"

"Is this possible…?!"

The giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, let out shocked cries.


The Greed installed all over the flying ship glowed in unison and harbored strong magic power.


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