Love in Twilight

Chapter 320
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 320

Chapter 320 Closing Statement

Clarissa started looking for Madelynn’s information once Damien left for his company.

Clarissa didn’t usually bother checking on entertainment news. If she didn’t visit the company, she

wouldn’t have known.

She soon saw a picture of Madelynn standing among a bunch of children, smiling brightly. Clarissa

recognised this school. It was the same school that she donated computers in the name of Zach.

Yet, it seemed like Madelynn had made this place hers.

And… It was Damien who chose this place for her.

Clarissa felt betrayed and heartbroken.

She didn’t even bother to recharge her phone when the battery died.


The police soon sent a closing statement to Damien.

And the conclusion was: A delivery man accidentally put a white phosphorus in the parcel, and that led

to the fire. When Connie went to warn Mary, it was too late.

The delivery man also admitted to his wrongdoings, and said that it was purely accidental.

He had to bear the financial and legal consequences, but strangely enough, the consequences were

considered light.

“That’s the conclusion, President Lawrence. Miss York didn’t try to murder anyone, and there’s not

much the police can do if she doesn’t admit to anything.”

But Damien felt that something was off when he was looking at the report.


Logically, someone as ignorant as Madelynn wouldn’t be able to plan this out. Plus, couldn’t have

predicted when the white phosphorus would light by itself.

If this wasn’t an accident, then the mastermind behind this would be a genius. Suddenly, someone

knocked on his door.

“Come in,” Damien said.

It was Janet.

“President Lawrence, could you talk to Clarissa about the project on Rhythmic Technology? I’ve been

trying to get in contact with her the entire morning, but her phone seemed to be off. I’m worried

something happened to her.” This was the first time Janet entered Damien’s office. She looked worried.

“Hold on.” Damien frowned as he called Mrs. Faber.

“Is Clarissa home? What’s she doing? Why isn’t she picking up her phone?”

“Oh, Mr. Lawrence. She was folding some baby clothes. I think her phone ran out of battery after she

used it to look at the news the entire morning.”


“Alright.” Damien quickly realized that Clarissa was in a bad mood. “She‘s fine. Her phone battery died,

is all.” “Alright, but could you ask her about the project when you go back? The client’s been rushing.”


Clarissa had been furious at him for the past few days. Later that day, Damien brought the closing

statement home.

Mrs. Faber was still preparing lunch when Damien returned.

He walked straight into the bedroom and handed Clarissa the report.

“What is this?” Clarissa asked. “Closing statement.” Clarissa frowned. She had just seen the news

about Madelynn earlier this morning, so how was the case already closed?

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