Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1019 Ron Jefferson’S Strength
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Chapter 1019 Ron Jefferson'S Strength

Chapter 1019 Ron Jefferson's Strength

Ron Jefferson's eyes turned to Phoenix. At this moment, Phoenix had transformed into a killing god.

The members of King's Leagues were cut down one after another. In front of Phoenix, those disciples

of King's Leagues were like cutting melons and vegetables, completely no match for him.

Conservatively estimated, Phoenix alone had killed at least a hundred disciples of King's Leagues!

Ron Jefferson knew that Phoenix was the backbone of these people. As long as Phoenix was killed,

the morale of the Guards of Death warriors would definitely be hit. At that time, perhaps King's Leagues

could turn defeat into victory.


Thinking of this, Ron Jefferson shouted loudly. Gripping the treasure sword in his hand, he rushed

towards Phoenix.

"Come on!"

Seeing Ron Jefferson rushing over, Phoenix was not afraid but delighted. He saw him roar, wielding a

steel knife and rushing towards Ron Jefferson. As long as Ron Jefferson was killed, this battle would

be over.

Ron Jefferson's eyes burst out a cold light.


With a roar, his speed was like lightning, and he came to Phoenix in an instant. The treasure sword in

his hand burst out a sharp sword light, slashing fiercely at Phoenix.

Seeing Ron Jefferson's amazing momentum, Phoenix's face couldn't help changing slightly. He didn't

expect Ron Jefferson's strength to be so powerful. But now, he had no way to retreat.


With a loud shout, he swung the steel knife in his hand.


With a loud noise, the knives and swords of both sides collided violently.

Tap tap!

In an instant, Phoenix retreated a few steps, his tiger's mouth tingling. He looked up at Ron Jefferson,

his eyes full of apprehension. Ron Jefferson was indeed the head of the overseas Jefferson family.

Even Phoenix was not his opponent.

"No one can stop King's Leagues' footsteps today!"

"We King's Leagues have been waiting for this day for too long!"

"We must return to Amerosia!"

Ron Jefferson looked at Phoenix with eyes full of killing intent. This time, he led eight thousand elites of

King's Leagues here, and was bound to succeed. He would never allow anyone to disrupt his plan.

"If god blocks, kill god! If man blocks, kill man!"

With a roar, Ron Jefferson gripped the treasure sword and rushed towards Phoenix again.

Seeing Ron Jefferson rushing over again, Phoenix could only bite the bullet and rush over. The two

sides fought fiercely in a tit for tat manner, and it was extremely fierce. But all along, Phoenix was at a

disadvantage and unable to defeat Ron Jefferson.

Seeing this, Chris, who was sitting on the grandmaster's chair, couldn't help frowning.

Aiden next to him had long been impatient. Seeing Ron Jefferson fighting with Phoenix, he immediately

walked out and said respectfully: "Sovereign, please allow me to kill this traitor!"

Chris didn't speak. Seeing Aiden asking for a fight, he just nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Aiden was overjoyed. He immediately turned around, staring at Ron Jefferson with his


"Ron Jefferson, you traitor of King's Leagues, usurped my position as the leader of King's Leagues!"

"Today I will represent King's Leagues and purge the sect!"

After he finished speaking, Aiden took out the treasure sword from his waist and rushed towards Ron


Soon, Aiden and Ron Jefferson fought fiercely together.

Phoenix, who was about to be unable to hold on, was suddenly relieved with Aiden joining the battle.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Facing the joint attack of Aiden and Phoenix, Ron Jefferson's face became gloomy.

Especially as time went by, the battle became more and more unfavorable for King's Leagues.

The warriors of Guards of Death cooperated tacitly and had killed at least two to three thousand

disciples of King's Leagues.

Facing such huge casualties, the disciples of King's Leagues who had just barely held on became

unstable again. One by one, they couldn't help but retreat.

If this continued, it would likely lead to a rout!

Seeing this, Ron Jefferson's eyes flashed fiercely.

"You forced me to do this. Since that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Dragon fights in the wild!"


With a roar, a dragon chant came from Ron Jefferson's body.

Ron Jefferson slashed fiercely at Aiden and Phoenix with one sword.

In an instant, a divine dragon rushed out.

Phoenix and Aiden's faces changed drastically.

The two of them failed to dodge and were slashed by Ron Jefferson's sword.

Phoenix quickly retreated at the last critical moment. Although his lower abdomen was cut open, the

injury was not too serious!

As for Aiden, it was a tragedy.

He had been seriously injured before and had recovered after recuperating on the East Coast for some

time. But in the face of Ron Jefferson's lightning-fast sword, Aiden couldn't avoid it.

The sword directly cut off one of his arms.

"My hand! My hand!"

Seeing that his arm was cut off, Aiden cried out in pain.

"Aiden, you waste, go die!"novelbin

Seeing that Aiden's arm was cut off by himself, Ron Jefferson's eyes suddenly showed a trace of

hideousness. Then he gripped the sword again and stabbed Aiden's heart.

Seeing this, Aiden's face changed drastically. In an instant, his face was full of horror. Because he

found that he was completely unable to avoid Ron Jefferson's fatal blow. If he was stabbed by Ron

Jefferson, he would definitely die without a doubt.

Just when Aiden was desperate, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Did you get my consent before trying to kill me?"

After speaking, a fist smashed fiercely at Ron Jefferson's chest.

Ron Jefferson was shocked. He wanted to block it, but found that he simply couldn't block it in time.


With a loud noise, the fist smashed heavily on Ron Jefferson's chest.

In an instant, Ron Jefferson's whole person flew out and slammed heavily on the beach, smashing a

big pit in the whole beach.

Ron Jefferson looked up at Chris standing with his hands behind his back like a god in the distance,

with an incredulous expression.

He couldn't believe that he was punched and flew out by Chris with one punch. Moreover, he was

completely vulnerable, extremely embarrassed.

This punch broke several of his ribs. It can be imagined how powerful Chris' strength was.

Looking down at Ron Jefferson, Chris said indifferently, "Ron Jefferson, you are the head of the

overseas Jefferson family, is this all your ability? So what if you have cultivated the remnants of the

Dragon Emblem? You are still my underling. I advise you to surrender quickly, otherwise none of your

King's Leagues will survive today!"

When Ron Jefferson defeated Aiden and Phoenix with one sword, Chris knew that the technique he

used was from the remnants of the Dragon Emblem.

What surprised Chris was that this Ron Jefferson also knew the martial arts in the remnants of the

Dragon Emblem.

It seemed that Ron Jefferson was not simple! It was very likely that his identity was not just the head of

the overseas Jefferson family and the elder of King's Leagues. Perhaps there was an even deeper

identity hidden!

Facing Chris' ridicule, Ron Jefferson's face flushed red.

"Go to hell, Chris!"

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