Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1018 Unstoppable Force
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Chapter 1018 Unstoppable Force

Chapter 1018 Unstoppable Force

Seeing the eight thousand King's Leagues elites charging at them, Chris narrowed his eyes slightly. He

did not say a single word, only waving his hand once.


Seeing this, Phoenix, who had been impatiently waiting, bellowed loudly.

"Brothers, follow me to kill the enemies!"

"These damn King's Leagues dogs want to disrupt the peace of my Amerosia. Leave none of them


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

As his voice fell, Phoenix drew out the treasured sword at his waist and charged out ahead of everyone


Once Phoenix made a move, he was an unstoppable force. A King's Leagues disciple who had blocked

his path was instantly sliced in half by one slash from him.

Blood splattered everywhere, instantly drenching Phoenix's entire body red. But Phoenix was oblivious,

letting out a sinister laugh that made one's scalp tingle as if he was a devil!




At the same time, the five thousand Guards of Death warriors roared as one. They drew out the steel

knives at their waists and charged forward to kill.





In an instant, the Guards of Death collided fiercely with the eight thousand King's Leagues elites. As

soon as they made contact, a life-and-death battle erupted.

Neither side held anything back! For the King's Leagues, they had travelled thousands of miles to get

here and could no longer retreat. They could only keep advancing forward to gain a foothold in

Amerosia. If they retreated a single step, they would repeat the downfall of their King's Leagues

predecessors and never have a chance to return to Amerosia again!

As for the Guards of Death warriors, defending their homeland was their duty. Every one of these

King's Leagues people was a ticking time bomb, bound to threaten Amerosia's safety if they came over.

So their mission was simple - kill every single one of the King's Leagues! Only by killing them all could

the East Coast be protected and Amerosia kept safe!

Therefore, the battle between both sides instantly turned white-hot from the beginning. They were

practically in a frenzy.

You slash me, I slash you, with every blow drawing blood!




The sounds of slaughter and agonized screams rose together.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

At this moment, Phoenix had become a god of death. The treasured sword in his hands slashed left

and right, felling one King's Leagues elite after another under his blade.


"Good, good! I've been suffocating these past days. You've come at just the right time to let me go on a

huge killing spree!"

"When Tiger hears about this, he'll definitely be green with envy!"

Killing with gusto, Phoenix couldn't help but burst into loud laughter. Although he was not a madman

like Tiger and specialized more in defense, it did not mean he disliked slaughter!

Ever since the last battle at Jefferson Village, Phoenix had been leading the Guards of Death to

garrison the East Coast. Located along Amerosia's southeastern coast and far from the frontiers, the

East Coast hardly saw any battles. He had been restless for far too long.

He did not expect Ron Jefferson to lead eight thousand King's Leagues elites over. This gave Phoenix

the perfect chance to vent his frustrations. At this moment, he was killing unchecked in all directions.

As for Tiger, who had been sent by Chris to track Guardian Tim of the Ghost Sect and locate their

headquarters, who knew when he would be back? If Tiger was here, Phoenix probably wouldn't get the

chance to go on a rampage!

At the same time, although the Guards of Death were fewer in number compared to the King's Leagues

elites, they were after all a proper army and Chris's personal legion. Every warrior who joined the

Guards of Death was handpicked from hundreds of thousands.

After years of garrisoning the frontiers and shedding blood alongside Chris, the aura of slaughter

around each of them was thick and heavy. Their attacks were extremely vicious and lethal. It could be

said that it was bad luck for the King's Leagues members to encounter the Guards of Death!

In contrast, despite the King' Leagues' superior numbers of eight thousand men, they were still just a

bunch of gangsters at the end of the day. Although they fought regularly as well, those were mostly just

skirmishes between factions over territory, involving only hundreds or thousands of men at most. The

intensity could not compare with the Guards of Death warriors at all.

One must know that the Guards of Death warriors were all battle-hardened veterans. Warriors who had

survived and killed their way through the crucible of war. How could these King's Leagues rabble

possibly match up against them?

Therefore, right from the initial clash, the King's Leagues were already at a disadvantage.





The sounds of agonized screams rose continuously as the King's Leagues members were hacked

down. Facing the Guards of Death, they were practically defenseless lambs to the slaughter. Bodies

littered the beach, the blood staining almost the entire sea red.

Seeing this, Ron Jefferson's eyes turned bloodshot with fury. He had never imagined Chris's men to be

so incredibly powerful. These eight thousand were supposed to be the elites of the King's Leagues, all

handpicked by him personally!

Yet before the Guards of Death, they were like paper tigers, massacred without effort. If this kept up,

the King's Leagues' morale would definitely collapse!

Sure enough, the Guards of Death grew more valiant the more they killed, while the King's Leagues

retreated steadily. A disastrous defeat for the King's Leagues was only a matter of time.

"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

"They're too strong, we're no match for them!"

"Hurry and flee! Otherwise we'll all die here!"

The King's Leagues had been frightened out of their wits by the slaughter. One by one, they cried out in

terror, never having faced such ferocious enemies before. Even on Star Island when they swept over

the major powers, it was nothing like this.

Here, they had been completely frightened by the Guards of Death! Each of them fought heedless of

life and death, their attacks incredibly vicious and strength overwhelmingly superior. They moved and

worked together seamlessly.

The King's Leagues had never seen enemies like this before. They were not human - they were devils!

In truth, the King's Leagues' defeat had been predetermined. Even on Amerosia's northern frontiers,

the Guards of Death warriors could still charge left and right against an enemy force of eight hundred

thousand, massacring them until they fled for their lives crying for their fathers and mothers.

So even at the borderlands, the Guards of Death were still an awe-inspiring existence!

Seeing his men about to break, Ron Jefferson knew the entire King's Leagues would be routed if this


"Whoever dares to retreat will be executed without mercy!"

Seeing his men trying to flee, Ron Jefferson roared furiously.novelbin


He drew out a precious sword and cut down over a dozen deserters in succession.

"This will be your fate if you try to flee!"

Ron Jefferson's cold gaze swept over everyone. The King's Leagues disciples were now frightened out

of their wits, none daring to retreat anymore. They could only grit their teeth and continue fighting the

Guards of Death.

Although the desertions had been stopped, Ron Jefferson knew the King's Leagues would still collapse

if things carried on. He had to find a way to turn the tide.

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