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Chapter 784

Chapter 784

Upon hearing that the Watson family had handed Jacksonville over to the Chester Group, Candace

Nance lost her usual calm and became incredibly angry. Because the Chester Group had gained

Jacksonville, they had essentially opened the door to Middleton. Most importantly, the Chester Group

now had a foothold in Middleton, something Candace Nance absolutely did not want to see.

"Useless! All of you are useless!"

"Ben Watson, you bastard! Didn't you promise me you would block the Chester Group from

Jacksonville? What did you do?"

"I'm furious!"

Seeing the hysterical Candace Nance, Yvonne Rainey didn't dare to approach. She had never seen

Candace Nance lose her composure like this before.

Candace Nance turned her head, stared at her intently and asked, "Where is Ben Watson?"

Yvonne Rainey nervously responded, "Mr. Watson said he is sick and can't come!"

"Excuses! All excuses! I think he's just too scared to come!"

After venting her anger, Candace Nance regained her usual calm demeanor. She coldly ordered, "Pass

my command, fully sanction Watson family's industries in Middleton!"

"I will show everyone what happens when you betray me, Candace Nance!"

"Yes!" Yvonne Rainey nodded in agreement.

The Watson family, in a short time, had not only lost the important territory of Jacksonville but also

faced a sanction from the Nance Group. The Watson family suffered heavy losses, falling from a

second-tier family in Middleton to a third-tier one. Ben Watson also fell seriously ill and never


"Don't worry dear,"

"I've rescued Jake Johnson, and I've solved the trouble in Jacksonville."

"You should find a time to go north with Lindsay Windson!"

"As the new spokesperson for our group's products, I'm counting on her fame to break into the northernnovelbin


Chris Shelby sat in the boss's chair, bragging to Esther with his legs crossed. Now that Jacksonville

had fallen into Chris Shelby's hands, Chester Group had a foothold in Middleton. Next, it was time for

the Chester Group to flex its muscles. It was about time for Esther, the president of the Chester Group,

to come and take charge of the North!

With Esther's command and Lindsay Windson's popularity, they could most certainly open up the

northern market! After a warm chat with his wife, Chris Shelby hung up the phone because Jake

Johnson was coming.

Chris Shelby glanced at him and asked, "How's the reception of the Watson family's industry?"

Jake Johnson smiled and said, "Mr. Shelby, we have completely taken over the Watson family's

industry in Jacksonville, and the next step is full integration."

"But now there's a problem. We must establish the Chester Group's northern branch!"

"Only by establishing a branch can we carry out a series of follow-ups."

Without a branch, many tasks cannot be carried out. After all, Middleton is so large that it can't be

solved by a few people. The Chester Group must rely on its power to completely occupy the entire

Middleton market!

Chris Shelby nodded, "Hmm! I'll leave this problem to you to solve. I've already told my wife that she

will head north to Middleton in three days. I've promised Esther that she will see a new situation."

"So, within these three days, you must complete all the procedures for the northern branch!"

"When Esther arrives, she can immediately get to work!"

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