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Chapter 783

Chapter 783

Jacksonville was also an important stronghold for the Watson family in Middleton. If they lost

Jacksonville, the Watson family would definitely not be able to maintain the status of a second-rate

family in Middleton. More importantly, he had already pledged allegiance to Candace Nance. Candace

Nance had also instructed him to keep the Chester Group out of Jacksonville. If he handed over

Jacksonville, Candace Nance would definitely despise him. By then, he would have to bear the wrath of

the entire Nance Group!

"Chris Shelby, you're dreaming!" Ben Watson retorted, "Even if I die, I won't hand over Jacksonville to


"Oh, you won't hand it over?" Chris Shelby questioned, "Then I can't guarantee the safety of your son."

With that, Chris Shelby gave a glance to Jake Johnson, who instantly understood and started to swing

the whip in his hand.

"Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!"


"Dad, save me! Save me!" Pan Watson was beaten senseless by Jake Johnson, his entire body

writhing in agony. It had to be said that Jake Johnson was indeed a talent! He had only whipped Pan

Watson a few times, but he was already getting into a rhythm.

Hearing the screams of his own son over the phone, Ben Watson's heart bled. Pan Watson was his

only son and the future heir of the Watson family. How could he endure such suffering!

Chris Shelby laughed, "Mr. Watson, have you made up your mind yet? Are you really willing to watch

your only son be beaten to death? Are you willing to see the Watson family line end, all for a broken

piece of land?"

Chris Shelby's words were like a sharp knife, stabbing deep into Ben Watson's heart. In the end, Ben

Watson chose to compromise.

"Fine, I'll give you Jacksonville!" he relented, "But you must ensure my son's safety! Otherwise, I swear

I'll get my revenge, even if it costs me my life!"

In the end, between his son and Jacksonville, Ben Watson chose his son. He couldn't stand by and

watch his family line end. Hearing Ben Watson's almost crying voice, Chris Shelby revealed a

triumphant smile.

"Mr. Watson, you are indeed a wise man. Rest assured, as long as you announce your surrender of

Jacksonville, your son will be safe!" After a cold hum, Ben Watson hung up the phone.

Chris Shelby looked around the villa, nodding in satisfaction, "This villa is quite decent. It can serve as

the Chester Group's base in Middleton." He then turned to Jake Johnson, "Jake Johnson, the Watson

family is going to give up Jacksonville. Be prepared to take over all their properties in Jacksonville."

"Yes!" Jake Johnson replied, his face flushed with excitement. Damn it! It was exciting to work with the

King of the East Coast! Even a powerful family like the Watson family had to bow their heads in front of

Chris Shelby!

The next day, a bombshell news spread in Middleton. The head of the Watson family, Ben Watson,

announced that the Watson family would surrender Jacksonville! All their properties in Jacksonvillenovelbin

would be transferred to the Chester Group! This news shocked the whole Middleton! Everyone thought

Ben Watson had gone mad. Was he giving up his family business?

In the Nance Group, Candace Nance was unusually furious! She smashed everything in her office that

could be smashed!

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