Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1165: The Wrath Of The Shadow Alliance
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Chapter 1165: The Wrath Of The Shadow Alliance

Chapter 1165: The Wrath of the Shadow Alliance

"Death, don't get angry yet, I will investigate this matter thoroughly," Slayer, the king of the ShadowAlliance, commanded tens of thousands of assassins globally. His power was immense, so much sothat even kings of small nations treated him with great respect.

There had once been a small country that offended the Shadow Alliance. In retaliation, Slayer senthundreds of assassins to cleanly eradicate the country's top echelons, leading directly to thenation's collapse. From then on, Slayer's name resonated with terror across the world.

Yet, at this moment, facing Chris Shelby, Slayer appeared exceedingly cautious. There was nochoice; Chris Shelby was simply too fearsome. A few years ago, the Shadow Alliance took acontract worth ten billion dollars. The target was none other than Chris Shelby himself!

For the bounty, the Shadow Alliance dispatched thirteen top assassins. However, all thirteen werekilled by Chris Shelby. Not only that, but Chris Shelby had also made his way to the headquarters ofthe Shadow Alliance. He single-handedly slaughtered tens of thousands of assassins. Slayerhimself had fought Chris Shelby, but unfortunately, he was defeated.novelbin

Nevertheless, Chris Shelby did not kill Slayer but instead gave him a chance. Since then, Slayerordered that no further assassination attempts on Chris Shelby should be accepted. Slayer knewthat offending Chris Shelby could mean not just his death, but a burying ground for him.

Now, having received a call from Chris Shelby stating that his wife had been targeted by anassassin from the Shadow Alliance, Slayer was utterly terrified.

"Hmph," Chris Shelby snorted coldly and said, "I don't want to hear so many explanations. This isthe second assassination attempt. If there is a third, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Yes, yes!" Slayer hurriedly nodded and said, "I am ordering right now to cancel the assassinationassignment on your wife!"

"Good," Chris Shelby nodded satisfactorily, his face still cold, "Tell me, who put out the bounty onmy wife?"

"Well..." Slayer hesitated for a moment and said, "Death, you should know our rules at the ShadowAlliance. We absolutely cannot disclose the client's information..."

Before Slayer could finish, Chris Shelby, with a cold expression, interrupted, "Cut the crap and tellme right now who put out the bounty to assassinate my wife, or I'll destroy your entire ShadowAlliance."

Upon hearing this, Slayer fell silent for a moment. He knew Chris Shelby was a man of his word,and provoking him could indeed lead to the annihilation of the entire Shadow Alliance. After a briefsilence, Slayer slowly uttered a name.

Upon hearing the name, Chris Shelby's expression instantly darkened, and a cold gleam shone inhis eyes. He had never expected the person who put out a bounty to kill Esther to be him-MichaelCollins, Esther's grandfather!

"Alright, I've got it," Chris said, and then he hung up the phone. After hanging up, Chris Shelby,squinting his eyes, muttered to himself, "Michael Collins, I thought you had finally settled down. Inever expected you to be so relentless as to dare put a hit on my wife. It seems that killing you isthe only way to bring peace to the East Coast."

As he finished speaking, a cold murderous aura burst forth from Chris Shelby, causing the airaround to drop to freezing temperatures.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in a medieval castle, Slayer put down the phone and sighed inrelief. The back of his shirt was completely soaked in cold sweat. He had never imagined that theperson he was supposed to kill would be Chris Shelby's wife. In a roar, he ordered, "From today,cancel the assassination mission on Esther!"

"Yes!" At once, the assassination task was canceled.

Additionally, Slayer picked up his phone and dialed a number. After a moment, the call connected.Over the phone, Michael Collins asked expectantly, "How's it going? Is the task completed?"

"The hell it is!" Without any courtesy, Slayer cursed out loud.

"Slayer, what do you mean by that? I gave you a billion dollars, and you dare curse at me?"

"A billion dollars?" Slayer scoffed. "Michael Collins, do you realize because of your billion dollars,our Shadow Alliance almost got annihilated? I'm telling you, from today on, I'm canceling the bountyon Esther and be aware of our Shadow Alliance's revenge!"

Stunned, Michael Collins didn't fully grasp the situation. "Slayer, have you lost your mind? Are youaware that what you're doing is breaking the assassin's code?"

"To hell with your code!" Slayer retorted, "Michael Collins, I'm telling you, the person you asked meto kill, I simply can't do it. And for you, you better pray for yourself because from now on, we do notaccept any bounties from you!"

With that, Slayer hung up the phone.

"Hello? Hello?" No matter how much Michael Collins called, Slayer had already disconnected thecall. Faced with disbelief, Michael Collins murmured, "Is even the Shadow Alliance afraid of ChrisShelby?"

Considering the formidable strength of the Shadow Alliance, Michael Collins was well aware. Theywere among the top assassin organizations in the world. For them, killing an Esther should havebeen easy. But now, not only had Slayer canceled the assassination, but he was also enraged athim.

The only explanation was that even the Shadow Alliance couldn't handle Chris Shelby.

"How is this possible? Chris Shelby, do you really think I have no way to deal with you?" Althoughthe Shadow Alliance feared him, Michael Collins was not intimidated. "Not killing you will not quenchmy thirst for revenge," he muttered, his aged face twisting savagely. "Even if sacrificing my own lifeis what it takes," he thought, resolute on avenging his son before dying.

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