Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1049 Aiden’S Reception
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Chapter 1049 Aiden'S Reception

Chapter 1049 Aiden's Reception

Ah! Upon hearing these words, the landlord was completely dumbfounded! After regaining his senses,

he immediately shouted, "No! This is not possible! Renting my office space to you has already offended

the Lee family. If I sell the office building to you, the Lee family will definitely not spare me!"

The Lee family holds immense influence on Star Island. Renting the office space to the Chester Group

was already a violation of the Lee family's orders. If he were to sell the building to the Chester Group,

the Lee family would surely punish him.

"Not selling?" Tiger narrowed his eyes, a dangerous glint in his gaze, "Then, I'll just beat you until you


Smack! Smack! Smack! ... As the words fell, Tiger delivered several slaps. After the beating, Tiger, with

a cold sneer, asked, "Are you selling now?"

"Selling! Can I sell now?"

At this point, the landlord, now covered in blood from Tiger's assault, only wanted to get away from

Tiger as quickly as possible. In his eyes, Tiger was nothing short of a devil! If he didn't sell the office

building to the Chester Group, he figured he'd probably end up dead right there!

"Selling is good enough. You've got some sense after all," Tiger snorted and threw a contract from his

pocket, "Hurry up and sign this contract for me!"

Picking up the contract, the landlord couldn't help but sigh inwardly. It seemed that Tiger had come

prepared! He even brought the property sale contract! Fortunately, Tiger wasn't asking for an exorbitant

price. In fact, Tiger was someone who reasoned. If it hadn't been for the landlord's extortion, he

wouldn't have resorted to violence!

Finally, with tears in his eyes, the landlord signed his name on the contract. Upon receiving the

contract, Tiger wore a smug smile on his face. He turned to look at the landlord, took out a bank card

from his pocket, and casually said, "You can leave now!"

Taking the bank card, the landlord didn't dare say a word and hurriedly ran off as if granted a reprieve.

"Hahaha!" Tiger couldn't help but burst into laughter, "It's so much better here overseas than back

home. Whoever dares to defy me, I'll beat them into submission!"novelbin

When Tiger was in mainland China, his actions, though domineering, still had to consider societal

repercussions. However, in Star Island, he had complete freedom. After all, Star Island was overseas,

and he could act as he pleased.

In fact, Tiger could have taken over the office building from the landlord without spending a dime. Even

if he had done so, the landlord wouldn't have dared to utter a word.

However, Tiger didn't do that. After all, he was a warrior, not a bandit, and he had his own principles in

conducting himself. If he had really done so, the big boss would have surely killed him!

After purchasing the office building, Tiger immediately contacted Chris to inform him that the matter had

been resolved. Chris couldn't help but think that Tiger was quite a talent. He hadn't instructed Tiger to

buy the entire building, but Tiger had gone ahead and done so. After all, Chester Group intended to

use Star Island as its overseas base. Without a building of their own, it wouldn't be justifiable.

This move by Tiger resolved a major issue for the Chester Group. Chris then relayed the news to Leif

Tate. Upon hearing Chris's words, Leif Tate was utterly stunned. He had initially thought that Chris

would rent the entire building, but unexpectedly, Chris had bought the entire property!

Leif Tate couldn't help but sigh. It was so satisfying to work with Chris. Whenever he had trouble he

couldn't solve himself, Chris would help him out.

Leif Tate wasted no time. He swiftly handled the transfer procedures for the office building and

immediately led the renovation workers into the building. He commanded the workers to complete the

entire renovation within a week!

Now, Chester Group's overseas strategy had been put on the agenda. Once the office building was

renovated, Chester Group could immediately start recruiting and operating on Star Island!

While the office building was still being renovated, Chris had the Chester Group signage put up. He

wanted the Lee family to know that they couldn't prevent Chester Group from establishing itself on Star

Island. He wanted to see how the Lee family would handle it.

"Leif Tate, I'll leave the office renovation to you," Chris said, looking at Leif Tate.

"Mr. Shelby, no problem. We should be able to complete all the renovations within a week... However,

during this time, I'm afraid the Lee family's people might come and cause trouble," Leif Tate hesitated.

"That's a minor issue," Chris chuckled, turning to Tiger, "Tiger, I leave this matter to you to handle."

With a sinister grin, Tiger replied, "Boss, you can rest assured, if the Lee family's people dare to come

and make trouble, I'll show them what I'm made of!"

Tiger didn't even consider the Lee family a concern. They only dared to dominate on this small corner

of Star Island. In truth, without the big boss around, they were just acting like kings of a small hill.

Daring to offend the big boss, the Lee family was truly on a path to destruction!

After Tiger and Leif Tate left, Chris couldn't be bothered with such small matters. Both Tiger and Leif

Tate could handle it perfectly well. He was preparing to go to the airport to welcome Esther.

As it turned out, Esther wasn't at ease with leaving everything to Chris and the others, so she

personally led the overseas market team of the Chester Group to Star Island. This trip to Star Island

was crucial, involving the entire overseas strategy of the Chester Group.

After receiving Esther at the hotel, Chris received a call from Aiden.

"Chairman, I've arranged a reception for tonight, inviting professionals from various industries on Star

Island, hoping to assist the Chester Group in making a mark on Star Island's business scene."

Upon hearing this, Chris nodded approvingly, "Aiden, you've done well. Tonight, my wife and I will

attend together."

For the Chester Group to do business on Star Island, it was inevitable to engage with professionals

from various industries on the island. Aiden's initiative was a formal debut for the Chester Group in Star

Island's business community.

After ending the call, Chris turned to Esther, "Darling, Aiden has organized a reception tonight, inviting

professionals from various industries on Star Island. This is a great opportunity for our Chester Group

to make an impact on Star Island. Let's attend together tonight."

"Sure!" Esther nodded with a smile, "As long as it's beneficial for the Chester Group, I'll definitely join."

Subsequently, Esther changed into a stunning black evening gown. After donning the evening dress,

Esther, who was already captivating, became even more dazzling.

For a moment, Chris couldn't help but stare blankly. Pouting, he said, "Darling, it's just a reception, do

you really need to dress up so extravagantly?"

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