Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1048 Purchasing The Entire Office Building
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Chapter 1048 Purchasing The Entire Office Building

Chapter 1048 Purchasing the Entire Office Building

How could the Chester Group operate on Star Island without an office space? Chris paid no attention to

these details, having entrusted everything to Leif Tate, indicating his trust in him. The way to manage

people essentially lies in trust and supervision. Only when Leif Tate couldn't resolve an issue did Chris

personally intervene. Leif Tate didn't disappoint. Having previously worked at the Jefferson family, he

was very familiar with Star Island. In less than half an hour, he found an office building. Carefully

checking, everything from the rent to the location and the environment met the Chester Group's


"I'm very satisfied with this place. I'll rent it, let's sign the contract!" said Leif Tate without hesitation,

ready to proceed.

However, the landlord chuckled lightly and said, "Sorry, but I need to double the price for this office


"What?" Leif Tate was stunned! Before visiting, he had already inquired about the price from the

landlord and even prepaid a deposit of several million! Now, just before signing the contract, the

landlord suddenly doubled the rent. Was this some kind of game?

"Are you sure you're not joking with me?" Leif Tate asked in irritation.

The landlord coldly retorted, "Of course I'm not joking... Just now, I received a message from the Lee

family. All Star Island merchants are prohibited from collaborating with your Chester Group, and no one

is allowed to provide you with office space."

"You know how influential the Lee family is on Star Island! Renting to you is already a huge risk.

Doubling the rent is not unreasonable for you! Besides, even if you go elsewhere, no one dares to rent

to you! If you don't rent, I won't refund the deposit you've already paid!"

After speaking, the landlord looked smugly at Leif Tate. His confidence in raising the rent came from

having relatives working in the Lee family. Otherwise, Leif Tate would have no chance of renting a

place. With the Lee family's orders, no one dared to rent an office building to the Chester Group on the

entire Star Island. Therefore, Leif Tate had to rent it.

Leif Tate couldn't help but furrow his brow. He hadn't expected the Lee family to act so quickly and

ruthlessly. Even such a trivial matter as renting a house was under their scrutiny. This was a clear sign

of a complete rupture between them and the Chester Group.

"Since you're unwilling to rent, then forget it. The Chester Group never accepts extortion from anyone!

As for the deposit... you're welcome to keep it!" Leif Tate said firmly, then turned and left.

Money was something the Chester Group could afford. But making them into scapegoats? Sorry, that

was just wishful thinking!

Huh? Seeing Leif Tate walk away, the landlord paused, not in a hurry. With the Lee family's command,

no one dared to rent an office building to Leif Tate on Star Island. He believed that Leif Tate would

eventually come back to him.

"Not renting, huh? The next time you come, it won't just be a double rent increase, I'll demand triple the

rent straight away!"

Leif Tate left the office building and called Chris, explaining the entire situation.

"Alright, I understand," Chris replied nonchalantly before hanging up. Although his tone was casual,

Leif Tate sensed a hint of anger. He couldn't help but feel a little pleased. Chris had always said that

what he couldn't handle, Chris would take care of. Leif Tate was very confident in Chris's abilities.

It seemed like someone was in for some trouble...

Meanwhile, on the other side, Chris put down his phone and turned to Tiger. "Tiger, it's your turn!"

"Yes, boss, I know what to do!" Tiger responded with excitement. He loved being overseas because

here, he could act without restraint.

This despicable landlord dared to take advantage of the situation and attempt to extort their boss? It

was as good as seeking death!novelbin

At the same time, the landlord was sitting in the office, waiting for Leif Tate to come back obediently.

Bang! Suddenly, the door was kicked open.

The landlord was startled. Tiger, accompanied by several bodyguards, strode in.

"Who are you people? What do you want?" the landlord barked sternly upon seeing Tiger and his


"Who am I? I am from the Chester Group!" Tiger wasted no time, grabbing the landlord by the collar.

"What do you want? Let me go!" The landlord struggled, but Tiger's grip was like a vice, rendering him


"I heard you don't want to rent the office building to us, the Chester Group. I heard you want to withhold

our deposit," Tiger said coldly as he slapped the landlord across the face.

Before the landlord could finish, there was a crisp sound. Tiger's slap resounded through the room. "I'm

asking you, do you or do you not want to rent to the Chester Group?"

The landlord's cheek swelled from the blow. Through gritted teeth, he retorted, "You're dreaming! I

won't rent to the Chester Group at any price. If you want me to, you'll have to pay me ten times the


This time, the landlord was genuinely furious. His initial plan was to hike the price and fleece the

Chester Group, but he hadn't expected Tiger to slap him without a second thought. If this grudge wasn't

settled, he vowed not to rest easy! He not only intended to raise the rent but to demand ten times the

previous amount.

Slap! Slap! Slap! This time, Tiger showed no mercy, delivering more than a dozen resounding slaps.

The landlord's face had turned into a swollen mess.

"Stop! Please, stop! If you keep hitting me, you'll kill me!" the landlord pleaded tearfully.

Tiger, looking at the pitiful sight of the landlord, sneered, "You don't know when to give in. If I don't

teach you a lesson, you won't learn! Dreaming of ten times the rent? Forget it! Watch me beat you to


Hearing Tiger's words, tears streamed down the landlord's face. He only wanted to earn a little more

money. He hadn't expected this Tiger to be so ruthless, willing to take his life.

Tiger coldly asked, "I'll ask you one last time. Do you or do you not rent to the Chester Group?"

"I will! I will rent to you!" At this moment, the landlord dared not be stubborn. Tiger seemed like a

ruthless man. If he refused to rent to the Chester Group, Tiger wouldn't let it go easily.

Seeing the landlord capitulate so easily, Tiger's eyes glinted. "Heh, I've changed my mind. I won't rent

your office building. I want to buy your entire office building!"

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