Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1044 The Hiding Family
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Chapter 1044 The Hiding Family

Chapter 1044 The Hiding Family

Suddenly, Chris roared, "I warn you, don't lay a hand on me in the future, or else I won't be so kind!

Also, stop bothering Esther!"

"Esther is my wife, when you bother her, you're bothering me! Even if you're my mother-in-law, I won't

show you any mercy!"

At that moment, Chris was genuinely furious. He had tolerated Susan's provocations time and time

again. Yet, Susan remained oblivious, repeatedly testing his patience. Did she truly think he wouldn't do

anything to her?

"You, you... how dare you speak to me like this?" Susan stared at Chris, dumbfounded. She hadn't

expected Chris to threaten her.

At that moment, Susan suddenly felt that Chris had become incredibly terrifying, as if he could swallow

her at any moment. But the idea of easily succumbing to him was nothing but a dream! She believed

she had one last ace to deal with Chris!

Turning to Esther with a pitiful look, Susan said, "Esther, look at this. Is this the husband you've

married? He dares to threaten me. You have to stand up for me!"

Esther gave Susan a disgusted look. Having endured Susan's unreasonable behavior time and time

again, she had had enough. Seeing Susan feigning helplessness made Esther feel sick. What use was

there in keeping such a mother? She decided she wouldn't indulge Susan anymore. The more lenient

she was, the more harm it caused.

With a stern expression, Esther said, "Mom, Chris did nothing wrong. You've gone too far."

"What? You..." Susan looked at Esther, bewildered. She could hardly believe her daughter had spokennovelbin

those words. Her own daughter was siding with Chris, calling her out for going too far?

"Oh my, why is this happening to me? I've given birth to a daughter who sides with others to bully me!"

Susan wailed and collapsed to the ground. But this time, facing Susan's traditional drama of crying,

causing a scene, and threatening to harm herself, Esther remained resolute.

In the past, Susan had used this method to force Esther to back down, but this time, Susan had clearly

misjudged. Esther knew that if she allowed Susan to continue, the entire Chester Group, the entire

Jefferson family, would be in trouble.

"Husband, let's go," Esther said, ignoring Susan and taking Chris's hand to leave.

As Esther disregarded Susan, Chris paid even less attention to her. Seeing Chris and Esther leaving,

Susan was dumbfounded. Previously, her tactics against Esther had always been effective. Why had

they failed this time?

Meanwhile, in a very secluded location, there lay an ancient and quaint manor. The surroundings were

exceptionally tranquil, filled with the sounds of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

In the grand hall, the First Executor of the Hall of Death, a figure cloaked in black, stood there.

"Devil's Frown, should I address you as the First Executor of the Hall of Death or as the Master of the

Ghost Sect?" A cold voice suddenly came from behind.

Without turning his head, Devil's Frown smiled faintly. "Master Invincible, you can call me the First

Executor or the Master of the Ghost Sect. After all, my name is just a code to me."

"Hmph!" The other party didn't dwell on this, grunting coldly. "Why hasn't the Lord of the Hall of Death

come in person? I'm becoming increasingly dissatisfied. Two Dragon Emblem fragments have been

snatched away in a row!"

"Does he really think I can tolerate this?!"

At this, Devil's Frown turned around, looking at a red-haired man before laughing. "The Lord is a busy

man. How could he find the time to come over? Furthermore, the Lord said that he only has a

cooperative relationship with you. You have no right to meddle in his affairs."

Boom! At these words, a terrifying killing intent erupted from the red-haired man. This killing intent was

immense, like a raging gale. Devil's Frown's black robe fluttered in the wind, but facing the intense

killing intent, he remained calm.

"Has he forgotten that without me, he wouldn't have been able to ascend to the position of Lord of the

Hall of Death? Now that he has grown wings, does he think he can fly?" The red-haired man's eyes

narrowed, his voice icy. "He is too naive! Doesn't he know that the hiding family is extremely

dissatisfied with him?"

Devil's Frown continued to smile faintly without speaking. He knew that what the red-haired man said,

the Lord of the Hall of Death was well aware of. But the Lord had never cared.

The hiding family used to be formidable, that was true. But now, who knew about the existence of the

hiding family? And why were they in hiding? Did they not feel a bit cowardly? Without the backing of a

true heavyweight, would the hiding family dare to emerge? They were just a group of rats lurking in the

darkness, unable to stand the light.

"Sir, you should know that the Dragon Emblem fragments are not so easily found. If they were, your

hiding family would have collected them a hundred years ago, wouldn't they?" Devil's Frown said

lightly, seemingly finding excuses for his superior.

"Devil's Frown, are you making excuses for him?" The red-haired man's eyes narrowed, his voice

turning colder. "Don't forget, it was I who arranged for you to monitor the Lord of the Hall of Death. You

mustn't forget your position, or else, whether you are the Master of the Ghost Sect or the First Executor

of the Hall of Death, I can easily kill you."

The killing intent in the red-haired man's eyes grew stronger. Despite feeling angry, he currently had no

way to deal with Devil's Frown. Because what Devil's Frown said was right. Without him, the red-haired

man wouldn't be able to control the Hall of Death.

It was detestable! If not for that incident back then, how could Devil's Frown dare to be so arrogant in

front of him? If the hiding family emerged, what was the Hall of Death but insignificant in comparison?

Unfortunately, every time he thought of that figure, he couldn't help but shudder.


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