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Chapter 236

Gravis looked at the three-meter-high piece of pure ore and had no idea how to punch it into uniform pieces. He didn't have suchfine control over his strength.

‘Wait!’ Gravis immediately realized something. ‘I don't have such fine control over my strength? Wouldn't that be an issue?’Gravis thought. ‘Punching such a hard ore into uniform pieces seems impossible right now, but is it really? | remember some guyin my homeworld creating beautiful artworks by punching some stone only once. | still remember that | thought it was incrediblyimpressive."

Gravis started looking at the stone differently and then turned to Old Man Lightning, who had been following him all this time.Gravis started watching Old Man Lightning with squinting eyes. ‘Is this some kind of training? If so, how does he know that | lacksuch fine control?"


The cane hit Gravis' head again. "Stop staring at me with those squinting eyes!" Old Man Lightning said, annoyance apparent inhis voice.

Gravis rubbed his head and grew a little annoyed. This old man didn't have to hit him all the time. "Do you want to show me that |don't have control over my power?"


Another hit with the cane. "Stop being a smartass and start punching!" Old Man Lightning said, but inside, he felt surprised.‘This boy is smart. He already realized my goal before he even punched it once. Quite impressive!’ Old Man Lightning thought.Gravis looked with annoyance at Old Man Lightning. "Just be honest! Are you?" he asked directly.

The grip around the cane tightened, but no additional hit came. The word "honest" had hit the right spot. Honesty was the mostimportant thing in Old Man Lightning's heart. "Yes, now go punch!" he said through gritted teeth.

Initially, he had planned to annoy Gravis by forcing him to punch the ore until he despaired. Then, he would gracefully appearand tell him about the use of this exercise. Like this, this innocent young boy would be surprised about his increased power andlook at the old man with shining eyes filled with gratitude.

Yet this little shit had to see through the whole point of this exercise in an instant, ruining his plans! Old Man Lightning had beenso proud of his sudden spark of inspiration. In reality, he didn't really care for his home. Every time he got angry while inside hishouse, he would also explode like this. After all, it was lightning's temperament to lash out. The Sect would then rebuild hishouse in a matter of hours since they were very experienced in that.

But there was no one else who ever dared to touch his house. If he let Gravis off without punching him, maybe some otherdisciples wouldn't fear his mighty cane anymore. Everyone that crossed him or the Sect had to get a beating! This was an ironrule, and there were no exceptions!

While Old Man Lightning lamented in his failed plan, Gravis started concentrating on the stone. Yet, before he started punching,he thought about the advantages of finer control.

‘Now that | think about it, | have quite fine control with my saber, but whenever | punch or kick with my body, | just unleash mypower into the opponent. This has always worked in the past since my opponents’ bodies were, at most, slightly stronger. But,when | punched Byron, it achieved nothing. Who knows, maybe with finer control, | would have been able to penetrate hisdefense and injure his organs. After all, organs are not as powerful as bones and flesh."

Gravis also realized why he didn't have any fine control over his body. His body had grown too quickly, and he was always busywith training something else. Back in the Middle-Continent, he was busy with increasing his Realm and compressing his Will-Aura. He had some time while staying with the "Greys", but at that point, he hadn't even thought about refining his control. Afterall, it had always worked.

Gravis grew excited as he realized another method to increase his battle-strength! With more battle-strength, he had betterchances of getting appropriate resources. No one at the Tree or Self Stage would care about resources that increased one'sSpirit, for example.

Of course, those resources also wouldn't work on Gravis due to his peculiar Spirit, but that was only a hypothetical. As long as hewas the strongest in his Realm or slightly above his Realm, he could get any resources he wanted.

The only fight for resources he fought had been the tournament for the fourth level of the Lightning Tower, back in the Proxy-Lightning Guild. Since then, he hadn't been involved in any more of those fights, but that didn't mean that such fights wouldnever happen in the future. Gravis had to be ready for every eventuality.

Gravis concentrated at the boulder and gauged how much power he needed to break it into two even pieces. Then, he readiedhimself and punched.

BANG!The boulder broke into four different sized pieces, and Gravis grimaced. ‘This will be troublesome."‘Wait! Didn't the ore harden when | used lightning? So, theoretically...

Gravis looked at the other buildings and saw the sizes of their bricks. Gravis then used lightning and infused it into one of theboulders. He moved it around until it took the identical form of one of those other bricks. Then, Gravis punched.


The boulder broke apart again, but a perfectly measured brick, identical to the other ones, remained. Gravis smirked.WACK!

"No cheating!" Old Man Lightning said in annoyance.

Gravis turned to the old man with an annoyed sneer. "| know! | only tried it out! | won't sabotage my own training. Also, you don'thave to hit me every time. | have ears, you know?"


"Shut up! Less talking, more punching!" Old Man Lightning said.

By now, Gravis had enough. "Shut up, old man! You're not helping by constantly hitting me!""Oh!?" Old Man Lightning said with a warning tone.

With a more bruised body, Gravis continued punching the boulders. It had been a couple of hours since he started diligentlytraining. 'There is no reasoning with this stubborn, old brick wall. That ass is so stuck in his own ways that | can't even reasonwith him! As soon as | get powerful enough, I'll show him!"

Sadly, Gravis only dared to think such stuff. If he said anything like this, he would get another beating. It might feel good torelease his annoyance and anger, but the only thing that would follow would be physical pain. All in all, it was not worth it.

Even worse, the old man was alwayswatching. After around an hour ofpunching, Gravis had decided to takea small break, but evencive TN)seconds nto & ¢ pee shot at himfrom a distance. Gravis, of course,was very used to sneak attacks andquickly blocked it. Yet, what followedwasn't a charging cane, but acharging old man. He, apparently,took offense to Gravis not acceptinghis beating. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Like this, Gravis continued punching boulders one after the other. When the boulders got too small, he would push them to theside. In regular intervals, some people from the Lightning Sect arrived to take those boulders away.


It took a lot of resources to minethese boulders, so there was noreason to let them go to waste. Afterall, nearly no one in theMiddle-Coptinert haw ere ae .Tingle All the materials for thehouses in the Lightning Guild in theMiddle-Continent came from here.Only people in the Spirit FormingRealm could destroy this ore, andsome Guild Master or Vice-GuildMaster surely wouldn't waste theirtime with mining. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Even though Gravis was angry with the old man, he grew exhilarated when he saw his progress. Punching the boulder wasn't aspainful anymore, and the boulders came closer to matching the image in his head.

This was something that Gravis had rarely seen. Progress through training.

Most of the time, he was justmunching on pills or killing people toincrease his Realm. The last timefefelt something ke KiGaSvinen hewasito tassing his Will-Aura.Before that, the only other time, whenhis strength had increased bytraining, had been when he learnedMartial Arts with William, back inBody City. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

By now, Gravis was taking no more breaks. He was completely entranced by the feeling of his strength slowly growing stronger.

Like this, he continued punching boulders.

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