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Chapter 235

The unconscious body of Gravis lay inside a comfy bed. The room had a window that showed the dark outside, but the room'sinterior contrasted the outside. The room was painted in a bright color, and lots of comfy chairs and furniture decorated it. Therewas even a beautiful fireplace, which contained a peaceful fire that was heating the room. The whole room exuded the charm ofa lovely home.


As soon as Gravis regained even a sliver of consciousness, he immediately jumped up, released his Will-Aura, and released30% of his lightning in an explosion. He had lost consciousness, and as soon as someone noticed him regaining consciousness,they would be prepared for him. He had no idea why he was still alive, but it couldn't be for any good reason.

The room exploded into fragments and debris as everything was destroyed. Gravis immediately shot off into one direction with allhis speed. He was still missing one leg and an arm, yet that didn't stop his acceleration. He immediately noticed a building faraway and shot his lightning toward it while grabbing some metal from his Spirit Space. The magnetism pulled Gravis forwardviolently.


Surprisingly, the building wasn't destroyed when Gravis shot his lightning at it, but that didn't matter. The lightning had done itsjob of shooting him into the distance. Now, Gravis had time to look at his surroundings.

He was outside a gigantic congregation of black buildings. The sky thundered in constant lightning, yet all of the lightning only hitone colossal tower in the middle of the buildings. It seemed like the tower was attracting the lightning.

‘Wait! Lightning and black buildings? Is this the Lightning Sect?’ Gravis thought as he shot through the air. He also saw a lot ofdisciples running around in confusion as they heard the explosions. They all wore blackish-blue robes, just like the disciples ofthe Lightning Guild. After Gravis had that thought, something neared him with unreal speed. It was so fast that Gravis couldn'teven react.


Acane hit him on the back while he was in the air, shooting him straight to the ground. Gravis hit the ground with incredible forcewhile the surroundings exploded. One shouldn't forget that Gravis’ body weighed over a ton. As soon as he hit the ground, helost control over his breathing as his lungs were nearly crushed. It seemed like a miracle that the impact hadn't broken anybones.

"Destroy my house, will you!?" came an angry shout from beside him, but Gravis didn't even realize what happened before hegot kicked in the side. The kick perfectly hit his stomach, and some medicinal soup or juice quickly left his body through hismouth. Meanwhile, Gravis got shot into the distance until he hit a boulder.

“Here | go and save you, and what's the first thing you do?"BANG!

Another kick shot Gravis into the distance. The kicks were incredibly painful, but Gravis’ Will-Aura still allowed him to controlhimself. Gravis regained control over his body and barely evaded another kick.

"You dare dodge!?" an angry shout came from beside him.


The cane hit the still injured side of Gravis' head, which spun him multiple times in the air until his face hit the ground.WACK, WACK, WACK!

Blows from the cane rained down on Gravis’ body, not allowing him to dodge or block. Every time he tried to evade or block, thecane would change its trajectory. He was utterly helpless.

"You ungrateful piece of shit! Every single other person that even touched my home would already be dead!" Old Man Lightningshouted as he continued beating Gravis with fervor.

By now, Gravis realized that he wasn't in danger anymore. Yes, the hits were painful, but they didn't injure the critical parts of hisbody. If that person wanted him to die, he would already be dead.

"I'm sorry, alright!?" Gravis shouted in-between blows. Gravis was actually feeling a bit guilty. Apparently, this person had savedhim, yet Gravis had destroyed his house. Yes, Gravis would still have done the same if that happened another time, but thatdidn't change the fact that he still destroyed the house.

"You're sorry? Good! Then go rebuild my house!" Old Man Lightning shouted, no longer beating Gravis with his cane.

Now, Gravis finally had some time to breathe. He used his Spirit to look at his surroundings and the old man. Gravis becameshocked as he realized that he couldn't feel the Spirit or will of the angry old man. By all intents and purposes, the old man feltlike a normal, mortal old man. Of course, the painful bruises across Gravis’ body proved that this wasn't the case.

Gravis had felt the Spirit of Byron previously, as long as he hadn't activated his ring. Yet, Gravis was sure that this old man didn'tcarry any of those artifacts. Nothing was blocking Gravis’ Spirit from inspecting the old man, and he saw nota single artifact.Except for maybe that powerful cane. Any ordinary cane would have broken after the first hit.

‘| can't feel his Spirit and will even though he isn't masking his presence? That can only mean one thing!""You're at the Self-Stage?"


The cane hit Gravis' head again.

“Rebuild my fucking house!" Old Man Lightning shouted in anger.

“Alright, alright!" Gravis said and started searching for stones. He quickly found some of the black stones around ten kilometersaway. Apparently, the Lightning Sect was built beside a vein of those stones.


Gravis body immediately regenerated since the inherent Energy of his body had refilled already. Walking and transporting thematerials would be a pain otherwise. He hadn't healed himself before because if someone attacked him, he could surprise themwith his regeneration. Gravis immediately shot off towards the distance toward the ore.

Meanwhile, Old Man Lightning was surprised about the immediate healing of Gravis. ‘This boy has a lot of strange powers,’ hethought with interest. 'He also absorbed my lightning previously, which should be impossible. | wonder how he achieved that.’

When Gravis arrived at the ore, he used his lightning to cut or melt it. Surprisingly, the ore seemed to absorb the lightning. Iteven seemed to become harder.

"You idiot!" came the voice of Old Man Lightning in Gravis’ mind. "You can't destroy Balzar with lightning! That's the whole pointof why we use this ore as our building material! Don't you know anything?"

Gravis furrowed his brows. "Then how did my lightning destroy your house?"

"Tch," a disdainful sound appeared inGravis’ mind. "Just because it canabsorb lightning ogsq)méa thet itcanihpaidstroye with the force ofan explosion. The shockwave of yourlightning isn't made out of lightning,after all, is it?" The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Gravis grimaced a little. "Then how am | supposed to cut it? | don't have tools." Gravis couldn't use so much lightning in anexplosion every time to mine some stone. That would take forever.

"That's not my fucking problem, is it? If you don't have tools, use your hands!" came the annoyed and still angry voice of OldMan Lightning.

Gravis was growing a bit annoyed, but he told himself that it was understandable that the old man was angry. He would also beangry if someone destroyed his home. Gravis readied his fist and punched the ore.

BOOM!His fist hit the ore, but it still remained in one piece, which surprised Gravis.“Put some back into it!" Old Man Lightning shouted.

Gravis gritted his teeth and punchedharder, and finally, a big piece of orefell off. Gravis sho his,figt for Someti e, His\right Han wasn't happy

ith hitting something so hard. Thepiece was too big to fit in Gravis’Spirit Space, so he carried it to thedestroyed house with his hands. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

The piece was very heavy, even more so than Gravis had thought. The ground below him cracked, and he needed to quicklyshoot forward before his legs sunk into the ground. All in all, the work was exhausting.

Gravis arrived at the destroyed house's location and noticed, to his delight, that it hadn't been that big according to the debris. Itprobably only had two floors.


Gravis threw the stone to the side,and it created a loud sound. The

other disciples CON e ag!weight terest. Some ofthem v

m were surprised that Gravis wasstill alive after destroying Old ManLightning's home, while otherslaughed at his misfortune. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Gravis looked at the ore and then at the destroyed house.

"How am | supposed to cut this huge stone into uniform sizes?" he asked himself.

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