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Chapter 4

I left the room in a hurry and paced back and forth on the hallway. You’re stupid Cybele, I thought. Thatpretty girl inside is the enemy. You’re going to screw up if you let her come any closer. She mustdespise you at all cost and you should hate her in turn.

I yanked my shirt up and stared at my tattoo near my hip bone. Long live the queen, it said. Rememberyour promise Cybele. Never forget why you have to do this. Talia is not Talia anymore.

With newfound determination, I walked in front of the metal door and punched in the security code.Talia opened her mouth as I grabbed her hand and pulled her out. I lead her past the other rooms andinto the laundry area. This building was unique. There were four floors in total, plus the rooftop. Eachfloor houses several rooms, its own kitchen, and a laundry area.

The second and third floor had security system all over the place. I designed it that way to prepare forthis day. All the windows were barred and almost all rooms had a security lock. We were currently onthe third floor.

“You may be a princess in the palace. But here and now, you’re nothing,” I said harshly. “Since you’reso bored you’d rather die, why don’t you become my servant instead? From now on you’re the onewho’s going to launder all your clothes. I want this whole floor cleaned. I also want you to cook thrice aday. If you even skip one meal, I’ll feed you porridge for months.”

She gasped and stared at me incredulously. “That’s right princess,” I said to her. “You’re in my worldnow. What I say goes. You hear me?”

She gave me a sad smile but still nodded. “I understand Cybele. But you have to run me throughthings. I have no idea how to operate the machine.” She pointed to the washer on the right.

“Well aren’t you an ignorant little kid,” I huffed.

“Excuse me for not using one of those all my life,” she snapped. “I just happen to be a princess. Do youthink I’ve ever seen one up close?” She placed her hands on her waist.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” I snapped back. “Princesses are supposed to be bright right? Imagine ifyou become a queen. You haven’t washed your freaking clothes yet, let alone use a washing machine.How can you rule a whole country?!”novelbin

She glared at me and walked to the counter. I didn’t think anything of it when she grabbed an openedcarton of laundry detergent. But when she threw the white stuff all over my face and clothes, I knew Ihad enough of her bratty behavior.

I scooped some powder that have fallen on the floor and threw some on her own face. She growledloudly before pouncing on me. We both fell to the ground and rolled while shoving powder on eachother. The beastly girl bit me on the ear and I accidentally scratched her back with my fingernail.

Her fingers got tangled in my hair and when she pulled it free, she accidentally yanked my hair, causingme to scream in pain. In turn, I grabbed her shirt and felt it rip in my hands. We were squirming likelunatics on the floor.

“Stop!” I panted. “You’re mental!”

Instead of objecting like I thought she would, she giggled like a schoolgirl. “What are you laughing for?”I asked while wriggling. She was currently straddling me on the floor. I didn’t know how it ended thisway. I never lose in a fight. She was such a pain to deal with.

Talia grinned and said, “Your accent came out back there.”

I raised my eyebrows. “It did? I didn’t notice.” She tickled me on the tummy and I laughed hard. “Stopit!” I said. I tried to move my arms but it was pinned on my side.

“You don’t look mean and scary to me,” she teased. “But on a serious note Cybele, please don’t beharsh. I know you’re just trying to intimidate me but you don’t really mean it. I can see right throughyour act you know.”

“Stop imagining things,” I retorted.

She touched my face without thinking about the consequences of her action. When she spoke, she hadthat tender look on her gray eyes. “Every time you lie, you get that sad look in your face,” shewhispered softly. “Now I don’t know the reason why you decided to kidnap me. I also don’t understandwhy you’re trying to act mean. But as long as I’m here, can we just be friends?”

“I’m not the best person to be around with,” she continued. “I was pampered. I was sheltered. And Godknows I don’t act like a real princess. But since you’re going to keep me here with you, you might aswell be kind to me. You said that you’ll hold me for months. If we continue like this, we’ll just burn out.”

She stood up and dusted herself before offering a hand. “What do you say Cybele. Truce?” I looked upat her beautiful face and smiled to myself. You’ve really become a beautiful princess Talia.

I took the hand that she offered and hauled myself to my feet. Once I did, I pinched her butt forrevenge. “You’re a pervert!” she said and moved a step back. A laugh escaped from my lips. “What? Ican’t touch the royal butt? That’s for yanking my hair and biting my ear.”

She tried to hide a smile but I still noticed it. “Don’t do that again. I mean it.”

“Sorry. The royal goods are just too hard to resist.”

She grabbed some white powder on the floor and threw it to me. I was able to dodge it in time. Sheplaced her hands on her waist. “Stop trying to hit on me. I’m not lesbian,” she said with a smirk.

“Didn’t you hear the saying that girls are like pasta? They stop being straight when they get wet.”

She gave me an amused look. “Sorry Cybele. No matter how cute you are, this girl is straight as apole.”

It was my turn to smile at her. “Even poles bend Talia, especially one that hasn’t been straight to beginwith.” In my mind I said, challenge accepted princess.

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