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Chapter 3

“When we grow up, you’ll be my prince,” she said while laughing gleefully. I took one of the flowersfrom the grass. All kinds of them were scattered there between us. I tucked the flower on the side ofher ear. She looked pretty for a 6 year old.

“I can’t be your prince. I’m a girl,” I told her. “We both are.”

She snickered and held my eyes. “Sometimes Prince Charming is a princess.”

I woke up in surprise and quickly realized that I fell from my bed. With a loud groan, I hauled myself upand stood on my feet. That dream again huh? It was so vivid this time. It was as if she was right therewith me. Like it was just yesterday when we were. My train of thought was stopped when I heard theprincess calling out.

She didn’t know this but my room was just across from her. My real room was actually a floor below,but I’ve been sleeping in the spare bedroom nowadays. You know, just in case.

“Miss kidnapper,” she said loudly. “Are you there? Yoohoo!”

I shook my head in disdain and grabbed the white tee on the bed. I wore it quickly before going out ofthe spare room and punching the code for the metal door to enter her holding area. The princess sat onthe floor hugging her knees.

“What do you want?” I asked with a frown. “You ruined my sleep.”

“For someone so pretty, you have a foul attitude,” she said and pouted. I stifled a smile and leanedagainst the door. “So you think I’m pretty?”

“Give me a break,” she mumbled. “Don’t fish for compliments because you’re not getting more fromme.” I stared hard at her and scanned her body. She lost a pound or two. I’ve been feeding her good

food for two weeks, maybe she was depressed. She looked pale too. Her usually pink lips were dull,and her honey colored hair was not set into a half braid.

“What’s wrong? Why did you call for me?”

“Aside from the fact that you’re holding me hostage here?” she mocked and glared at me. “Misskidnapper. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been inside this room for the last two weeks. I’ve been cooped upinside this room too much that I think I’m going crazy.” She raised her arms in defeat. “You rarely talk tome and God knows what you’re doing on the other side of that door.” She hugged her knees again. “Igive up. If you want to kill me, just do it. This is torture.”

“I already told you that I’m not going to kill you.”

“Then please talk to me,” she said in frustration. “I can’t stand this. Sitting around in this room doingnothing is maddening. Please,” she whispered. “If there is an ounce of humanity left in you, please talkto me.”

Those puppy dog eyes of hers got me walking to her. I sat down on her left side. “What do you want totalk about?” She scratched the wooden floor with her nail. “I don’t know. Tell me about you. And pleasedon’t give me that crap about being my kidnapper and all. Even if you tell me things about your life, Iwon’t be able to do anything about it.”

I decided what I could and couldn’t tell her. Just a teensy bit of information wouldn’t hurt. I faced herand crossed my legs. “I grew up in England.”

She turned her head to me and I could see the surprise in her gray eyes. “You did? But you don’t havean accent.”

“That’s because I went there when I was around ten. My adoptive parents took me to their country andraised me there.”

“Oh,” she said. “Did you also study there?” She turned to face me and mirrored my position. By now,both of us sat crossed legged in front of each other. “Yes I studied and graduated in that place,” I said.“But I was born here.”

“So what was your course? You did graduate right?”

I almost laughed at her question. I graduated at an Ivy League school. The best in that country in fact.My millionaire parents made sure of it. But I shouldn’t tell her that. “Yes I did get my diploma. And Istudied different things,” I answered. “You’ll get bored if we discuss about it.”

“Okay,” she said. “Can I ask you another question? What’s your name?”

I gave her a look, making her shrug. “I’m tired of calling you miss kidnapper. Surely even someone likeyou was given a name.”

“My adoptive parents gave me the name of Iris. But my name before that was Cybele. You can call meeither one.”novelbin

She thought about it for a moment. “I think I’d like to call you Cybele. It’s a really cool name. It’s like I’veheard it before somewhere and I just can’t remember.” I smirked at her and held her gaze. “That’sbecause you’ve heard of it before,” I said.


“It’s a Greek name,” I explained. “You probably read it in a book somewhere or watched a movie with aCybele character.”

“Maybe,” she replied. “Anyway you can call me Talia. Drop the princess name okay? You don’t reallytreat me like one anyway.” She reached out a hand to shake mine. “Nice to meet you Cybele,” she said

with a dimpled smile. I looked at her and felt goose bumps crawling on my skin. Her smile gave medéjà vu. I missed it.

“Aren’t you going to take my hand?” she asked with raised eyebrows. I grabbed her hand and gave it aquick peck before letting it fall. She blushed furiously because of my action. Still a blusher I see. Aftershe recovered, she continued her string of questions. “Aren’t you too pretty to be a kidnapper?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I dismissed. “Oh come on,” she said. “Green eyes, toffeecolored hair, straight nose, perfect teeth. And what are you, 5’9” or something?”

“It’s 5’10,” I corrected. “See?” she said as if proving her point. “The last time I checked, kidnapperswere supposed to look grizzly and I don’t know, scary?” I rolled my eyes at her. “Flattery will get younowhere Talia. I’m still your kidnapper and I won’t let you go.”

She pouted. “I’m just telling the truth.”

“In this case, the truth won’t set you free,” I snickered.

“You have a dark sense of humor. Do you know that?”

I gave a shrug. “Only on Fridays.” I stood up from the floor and sat on the edge of the bed. “So what’s itlike being the princess? I bet you can do whatever you want without being punished.”

She lowered her head and thought for a while before responding. “It’s pretty much like this. I wasn’tallowed to leave the palace. Not on my own. I have like 20 men and women guarding me. I wasn’tallowed to go to a normal school either. I was home schooled.” She laughed to herself humorlessly.“The only difference between here and there is I had my books and a laptop to keep me company.”

“What about friends?” I asked.

“I didn’t have friends. I had acquaintances,” she said honestly. “All of them came from noble families.But I know they just suck up to me because I’m going to be the queen someday. Even my fiancé is asboring as crap.”

“You have a fiancé?” I gasped. My little outburst made her look at me in surprise. “Yeah. His name isLance. We are to wed on my 20th birthday.”

I swallowed hard. That information escaped my knowledge. The thoughts of kidnapping her consumedme for years that I didn’t know she got a fiancé. “Do you love this boy?” I asked.

She answered me with a laugh. Her cute voice echoed around the room. I waited for her to finish. “Ofcourse I don’t,” she said. “Who would want to marry that twit? Not me! I’m only going out with himbecause the queen told me so.”

“And does her majesty know that you hate the guy?” She gave me an are you stupid look. “Duh! If sheknew that, she’ll behead me. You don’t know my mother Cybele. She can be pretty difficult.” Oh I knowher alright, I thought darkly.

“How’s your relationship with your mother?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it,” she sighed. “But what I do want to know is how you managed tokidnap me right under my guard’s nose. My lead guard Keira watches me like a hawk. She must beworried now.”

So Keira was her name. That slim Latina gave me a hard time. She was constantly on the lookout. Toobad for her she had to sleep for 8 hours. I grabbed the opportunity to seize the princess at thatmoment. Years of looking at their pattern and hacking on their main security server helped me with myplan. I didn’t graduate at an ivy league for nothing.

To Talia I said, “Your guard had a moment of weakness.”

Both of us stayed silent for a while. Being true to herself, Talia spoke up. “Why did you do it Cybele?You’re not as bad as you make yourself sound.”

She wanted to open up this topic again and I just couldn’t let her. Too much was at stake. Time, effort,and years of sacrifice would have gone to waste if I let her get to me. I mustn’t deviate from the plan. Ishouldn’t let her within my walls. I have to hurt you Talia, I thought sadly.

I stood up quickly from the bed. “If you ever say those words again, I’m going to force feed you withporridge.” I leaned near her and tilted her chin so we were eye to eye. “I’m not your friend so don’t actlike you know me. I’m not a good person either. Always remember that.”

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