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Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Unexpected Someone The next day after school, I go to a local coffee house for interview asplanned.

This job is nothing fancy, but it pays really well. Too well actually. If my job is to brew some coffee, servesome pastries and mob the floor, then I think I’m definitely overvalued given my wage.

The coffee shop is in the university district, right next to a school library. So I’m not surprised to find thatthe room is packed with college students reading, writing and discussing assignments when I step in.

There’s a cute girl with pink hairs and lip rings standing behind the counter. She welcomes me with ahearty smile, “Hey! What can I get ya?” “Hi,” I can’t help but smile back. “I’m here for interview. My nameis Natalia Moore?” “Oh yeah! I’ve been expecting you. Follow me please.”

She leaves the counter and leads me to the back and into an office. When we get in, she casually pointsme to a seat and sits down behind the desk herself, “can I offer you anything to drink? Water? Tea?Coffee?” 1novelbin

It looks like that she’s the one doing the interview. Although she seems very friendly, I am still a littlenervous, “I’m good. Thank you for asking though.”

“Relax,” she senses my nervousness and grins at me. “You can call me Lola. Actually, I don’t have anyquestions for you. Alex had already given me all the information I need, and it seems that you are morethan qualified. You can start anytime you want.”

I can’t believe how easily everything goes, “Sorry…but Alex told you about me?” “Yeah. Don’t youknow?” she seems surprised as well. “Alex’s aunt owns this place. So when he told us that his friendneeded a job, we are definitely willing to help. And, of course, we are understaffed so we can really usesome helps. Actually you don’t even need to come in for this interview. You can just text me your startingtime.”

I had no idea about this.

I thought Alex just walked pass by here, saw that they were hiring and simply passed on the information.Or maybe he worked here himself once and referred me as an old employee.

But he didn’t tell me that he had already gotten me the job before I even showed up.

A wave of mixed emotions washes over me as I sit there processing the information. On the one hand,I’m really grateful for everything he has done for me; yet on the other hand, I feel that I will never be ableto repay him…especially since I know that he has feelings for me.

“Hey, are you OK?” Lola’s voice snaps me back to reality. “Do you have any questions for me?” “Umm,no. I’m all good,” I take in a deep breath. “I can start tomorrow if that works for you.”

“Perfect!” she smiles. “Well then, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I nod and pick up my bag. She opens the door for me and says, “I won’t walk you out since I’m stillwaiting for my next interviewer…Oh here you are! Right on time.”

I turn around involuntarily to look at the person she is talking to. And the next second, I’m face-to-facewith the last person I’m expected to see.

It’s Zack

My asshole ex-boyfriend who cheated on me and dumped me and blamed me for everything. What thehell is he doing here??? I bet my face is as shocked as it can be. And his face is the same, like a thunderhas struck him from above. We just stand there stiffly, staring at each other with wide eyes. The air isfilled with awkwardness.

Lola looks back and forth between us and frowns, do you guys know each other?”

“No,” I finally come back to my senses. “Bye Lola, see you tomorrow.”

I drop down my eyes and escape the scene, as quickly as possible. But Zack suddenly takes a stepaside and blocks my way, “Nat…”

“Out of my way!” I snap. The moment I landed my eyes on him, those horrible things from the past cameback at me immediately. Those harsh words he said and those shitty things he has done. Everything stillhurts me like yesterday. I thought I’ve moved on. But no. I still hate his guts. He better behaves and getsthe hell out of my way before I lose it.

Fortunately, after a short silence, he turns and makes way for me quietly. I instantly walk pass him andrush out.

I walk hastily pass the room, out of the door and onto the street. After taking a long deep breath of thefresh air, I am finally able to calm down a bit.

I can’t believe I just run into him here like that.

I stand there by the street grabbing the strap of my bag as worry fills my heart. If I’m going to see Zackevery day I work here, I better quit this job now. But what’s he doing here anyway? According to Lola, itseems that he was also coming in for interview. But why? I thought he was also born with a silver spoonand therefore never has to worry about the money. Maybe he’s only working here for fun? Ahh this isfucked-up. Just when I thought I had found the perfect job, that jerk just had to come out and ruineverything for me.

I sign in frustration and take out my phone, texting Eason and letting him know that my interview haswent short.

While I was waiting for Eason beside the street, I heard someone calling me from behind. Turn around,and I find it’s Zack again.

“Stop right there,” I point my finger at him and warm him. “Don’t you dare taking another step further!”

“OK, OK. Calm down,” he spreads his hands and stops a few steps away from me. “It’s all cool.

I just wanted to say hello.”

“I think we’ve moved pass beyond that. We are now in hate-each-other-to-guts kind of area,” I saywithout hiding my disgust. “Can’t you just walk away and pretend that you never saw me?” :

But he stands there still and keeps staring at me in a really creepy way, “Nat I never hated you… 1-I missyou. Everything has been wrong and different after you left.” My stomach swirls and I want to throw up.His words, his face, and everything about him make me sick.

“Just go. Now.” I wave my hand like chasing away a fly. “Please? Like… I don’t get it. You slept withsomeone else, and you dumped me, and I’ve moved on from that already. Why do you even bothertalking to me now?”

He opens his mouth trying to say something but swallows it back again. He frowns and twists his finger,as if he’s going through some serious inner struggles. He seems gaunter and greyer than the last time Isaw him. There are dark circles under his eyes.

But I’ve already lost my patience. If he’s not leaving, then I am.

I turn around and start walking away. Yet he rushes forward and grabs me elbow from behind, “Nat wait!”

“Let go of me!” I bark.

“No-OK, one sentence, OK? Just one sentence and then I’ll leave. Please, please hear me out!” he saysurgently under his breath tightening his grip on my arm. “Your stepfather is Shawn Ramirez, right?Please you have got to help me out. My family is going bankrupt because of him! If you can just talk tohim and—”.

I can’t believe what I just heard.

That cheating pig has the audacity to come back to me and ask me for favor?! My whole-body isshaking. My head is going to explode. I’m so angry that I can’t even say a full sentence.

“H-how…what are you FUCKING thinking?! Do you really think-do you seriously believe that I’m thisstupid?! No… No! Fuck! Get away from me!!!”

I start to struggle violently with all my strength. I even try to beat him with my bag. But he just won’t letgo. His hairs are messy, his eyes bloodshot, and his face is twisted.

And he’s still pleading, “Natalia please! This is serious. This is about the future and fate of my family! Andme! I know we didn’t end well but at least we had some happy times together, right? Can’t you just dothis for the sake of our past? Please I’m not asking for much. Just one call! Just one word with Mr.Ramirez will be enough!”

He scares me and I start screaming for help, so loudly that passers-by actually turn to stare. And youngman steps out and shouts at us, “Hey stop! Miss, is he bothering you?”

Before I can reply, Zack snaps his head around and shouts back, “Stay out of OUR FUCKINGBUSSINESS!!”

He is crazy. Zack is crazy. He is literally losing his mind!

I want to run but my feet are numb because of fear.

Right at this moment, I hear a screeching sound. A black Maserati roars down the street and makes asharp stop so close to us that it almost knocks Zack down.

Zack jerks around and is just about to go nuts again. But his body freezes when he sees the driver’s doorflies open and Eason’s furious face appears from it.

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