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Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Mad Love An awkward silence fills the car. He waits patiently for my answer, threading hisfingers through my hairs. I know there’s no way I can escape his questioning. So after a long pause, Ifinally open my mouth.novelbin

“I-I just think it’s a weird timing, with you and James suddenly appear at the beach house…” I say in alow voice. “…and I thought you were giving up on me after-you know, that night. So what made youchange your mind?” So that’s my final decision-not telling him the truth. I know a relationship counselorwould probably tell me that it’s important to share things with my boyfriend and to keep it open andhonest in a relationship. But I’ve decided against it. Eason is the most manipulative person I’ve everknown. I have to keep my guards up around him-even though I don’t want to.

I really hope that I can just throw myself into his arms and pour my heart out. But there’s somethingabout him-something that I can’t quite put my finger on-that stops me from fully committing to thisrelationship. Plus, I want to protect Alex. I don’t want to drag him into more troubles. Eason frowns. Hisdeep green eyes trail across my face, as if he’s trying to find out my true feelings. A moment later, hesays in a strained voice, “so that’s what’s been bothering you? You thought that I’m up to something?”

“Eason…” I sign.

“Who fed these stupid ideas into your head?” he asks sharply and then snorts. “No need to answer. Ialready knew. Fucking Alex.” I’m irritated by his attitude. “Am I so stupid that I can’t figure out all thesethings by myself? Just admit it, Eason! You are weird and twisted. One minute you are acting all cold andheartless, totally fine with me walking away; and another minute you become gentle and sweet, kissingme in the rain and telling me that you love me! Which one is the real you!” He curses and hits the wheelwith his fist. He glares at me with fury burning in his eyes like flames and snaps:

“You accuse me of being twisted? Well then, how about you? One minute you were lying under me andletting me fuck your brain out and the next morning you just said you wanted to leave. Have you everconsidered my feeling? You really thought I was ok with that?” I inhale shakily and don’t know what to

say. Yet he isn’t done with venting his anger yet as he raises his voice and keeps going, “No girl has everdone that to me. So I let you walk away that day. But do you think I was going to let you leavepermanently? NO FUCKING WAY! I’m not losing you. And definitely not losing you to that fucking Alex!”

My body cowers under his rage. His chest rises and falls quickly and his nostrils flare. He really is pissed.

For a few minutes, none of us spoke. We can only hear his ragged and heavy breathing.

“Eason,” I bite my lower lip and sign. “This is too much…do you really think this is a good idea to—?”

“Don’t you fucking ask me that,” he interrupts me harshly. “We are perfectly with each other. If a certainsomeone could just stop meddling with our business.” I’m amused by his childish speech. Before I evenrealize, I’m already smiling.

He looks at me and the angry look on his face is finally replaced by gentleness. He takes my hand in hispalm and pouts, “…so, are we good?” I look back at him, deep into his eyes. I find nothing butpassionate love and genuine feelings there.

After pondering for a few more seconds, I ask carefully, “answer me this and I’ll trust you… have youever plotted anything against me?” His face darkens. “So you still don’t believe me.”

“Eason, just answer my question. Please.” “No,” he says without hesitation. “My feelings are real. Everybit of it. Believe it or not.” I bite my lower lip. Call me crazy and stupid but I really think he loves me.

And it’s true that I’m accusing him of something based on no solid ground. What Alex told me doesn’tmean anything.

That sentence, Eason has it all under control, it probably just means that James trusts Eason’sswimming skill. Or maybe James is just such a lousy friend that he doesn’t really care about Eason’ssafety.

And even though Eason was a fuckboy once, he has never trashed my heart. And I know for certain thathe’d never hurt me for money. He’s not that kind of person.

Finally, after a long silence, I raise my head and look at him.

“I believe you.”

I have some trusting issues, but I need to work on that myself. His face lights up immediately at mywords. Then he holds the back of neck and pull me in for a kiss.

“Thank god,” he murmurs. My heart swells. I raise my head to return his kiss and say quietly, “don’tdisappoint me… please.”

I don’t want to get my heart torn up again.

“Stop thinking about nonsense,” he grins and sits back into the driver’s seat. “I think our relationship willgo much smoother if you can just stay away from Alex.” I roll my eyes and talk back to him, “how aboutyou stay away from Valerie first?”

He snorts and shrugs, doesn’t say anything else and starts the engine again.

I’m a little disappointed at his reaction. I thought he would do something like explaining his relationshipwith Valerie or promising that he will cut it off with her.

But no. He said nothing.

I hesitate for a second and decide to keep my mouth shut for the time being.

We just had a huge fight. No need to make things worse now. As long as his feelings are real, I haveplenty of time to figure out his past.

The rest of the drive is calm and peaceful. He turns on the music and rolls down the window, letting thesummer breeze fill the car.

We talk randomly about things. He says he wants to take me to Switzerland this winter and teach mehow to ski. And then we’ll fly to Paris to check out some spring collections and do some shopping. Thereare a few art gallies that he thinks I will definitely fall in love with.

The way he talks about these things is so natural, like he has been thinking about them for a milliontimes. I can’t stop smiling and nodding along.

For the first time, I can see a clear future ahead of us.

A few hours later, his car parks in front of the townhouse. I sit still in the passenger’s seat and don’t wantto get off the car so soon. If possible, I want to stay with him all day.

He takes my hand and kisses it, “I hope you don’t have to go.” “Me too,” I sign. But if I spend anothernight with him, mom will definitely get suspicious.

“Are you free tomorrow after class?” he asks. “I want to take you to dinner. It’s our first official date.”

My heart leaps. I wanted to say yes but suddenly something else occurs to me. “I’d love to but

I can’t… I have an interview tomorrow.” He raises his brow, “an interview for what?”

“I’m looking for a part-time job. I need to start saving up for college,” I study his face. “You are notstopping me, are you? I know Mr. Ramirez is probably willing to pay for my college tuition, but I don’twant to keep spending his money.” I’m also not telling him that Alex set me up for this interview. It’ll gethim all crazy again.

Fortunately, he seems pretty calm. “Why would I stop you? You are an independent and strong woman.I’m proud of you. But I’m still taking you out for dinner. I’ll pick you up after the interview.”

I smile and agree. After kissing him goodbye, I exit the car and head towards the door.

I was so excited about tomorrow, about our first date, that I didn’t notice that his face darkenedimmediately after I left. 1

If I knew, if I was more cautious, I’d probably be able to avoid many misfortunes coming at my way.

But no one can predict the future. And I was so madly and stupidly in love with him.

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