In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 66: On The Brink Of Death
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Chapter 66: On The Brink Of Death

Chapter 66: On the Brink of Death

Isabella returned to her apartment alone. As she got on the subway, the surging crowd separatedher from the bodyguards. She turned back to search for Tony and the others but couldn't find them.Isabella's phone had run out of battery because she had been taking pictures at the graduationceremony.

In the end, she had to make her way back to the apartment alone, believing that Tony and theothers would eventually return.

As Isabella had expected, Tony and Harry did come back. When they saw her, they were a mix ofexcitement and anger.

"Where did you go? We were really worried about you!" Tony said.

"There were too many people, and I got lost. I couldn't find you guys, and my phone ran out ofbattery, so I had to come back by myself."

In truth, Tony and Harry had to admit their negligence. With so many people accompanying Isabella,losing track of her was an unexpected failure on their part. Thankfully, she hadn't been kidnappedby the Sicilian men and had made it back to the apartment safely. This was a fortunate turn ofevents within the unfortunate situation.

Tony and the others felt like they had been given a second chance at life.

Isabella played hard all day, and with the added worry of potential assassins, she maintained a highlevel of tension throughout. Now, back in her apartment, she knew she was safe. She was alsogetting a bit tired. She asked Lilly to make her some pomelo tea and placed her phone on the tableto charge it. Then, she went into the bathroom to relax and take a shower.

She turned on the shower faucet, feeling the warm water cascading down her body. Isabellahummed a tune, enjoying the comforting sensation. She had graduated, and she wouldn't have togo back to school, dealing with the busy coursework.

However, she also felt a bit lost, wondering when she would be able to resume her medical career.novelbin

After her shower, Isabella turned off the faucet and began to dry herself with a clean towel. Shewrapped herself in another towel, rubbing her hair dry with a different one.

Feeling completely relaxed, she stepped out of the bathroom and returned to her room. But as sheexited the room, Isabella felt something was off. She couldn't see any immediate danger, but theroom's temperature felt unnaturally cold, and she experienced an inexplicable sense of fear, as ifshe were being watched like prey by a serpent.

As she anxiously searched for the source of her fear, something suddenly lifted her off her feet. Shecouldn't react in time, and she was forcefully thrown onto the bed.

The soft, large bed absorbed Isabella's body, and in the next moment, a massive man's figureloomed over her.

Isabella instinctively struggled, but her hair was gripped tightly by the man. Her head was forcedbackward, and simultaneously, a gun was pointed at her temple. The chilling touch of the cold metalmade her feel as though the shadow of death was hovering over her.

"No!" Isabella gasped, her breath heavy as she screamed. The fear of death overwhelmed her. Shedidn't want to die. She had just graduated, and her beautiful life had yet to begin.

"Do you see, catching you and letting you die is such a simple thing," Emanuele's voice growledlow, his breathing heavy, clearly agitated. "Believe me, I could take you, then kill you, and it wouldbe ages before anyone found your rotting corpse, reeking of decay."

It was Emanuele!

Isabella lay there in a disheveled state, but upon realizing it was Emanuele, she wasn't asfrightened.

"Do you see how easy it is for me to put you in a dangerous situation? Have you ever thought aboutwhat would happen if my enemies captured you?" Emanuele's voice was low and filled with anger.He was breathing heavily, sounding desperate, as if he wished he could kill her.

"Subway was packed, they couldn't keep up with me, it's not my fault," Isabella argued nervously.She genuinely felt that she was innocent. Emanuele might be angry, but he shouldn't take it out onher alone.

Isabella wriggled and struggled beneath Emanuele, but the more she struggled, the looser her towelbecame. Finally, when Isabella realized the problem, her towel had already slipped away, leavingher standing completely exposed before Emanuele.

Isabella realized her predicament wasn't favorable. She couldn't help but continue to explain, "I didthink about calling them, but my phone died due to a low battery. I just got home and put it on thetable to charge..."

Before Isabella could finish her explanation, she screamed in pain. She realized that Emanuele waspulling her hair even harder and that he still had the gun against her head.

"I looked for you for a damn two hours!" Emanuele roared. At this moment, he was like a ferocious,raging beast. "I was worried sick about you!"

He had never been so afraid of losing someone before. Isabella made him feel that fear.

Emanuele's aura filled the entire room with hostility. Isabella stared at Emanuele, trembling,struggling to breathe under his overpowering presence. She was filled with fear and dread.

But strangely, she felt a growing desire inside her. She longed for Emanuele, and this desire madeher no longer fear him.

"So, are you going to punish me?" Isabella looked into Emanuele's eyes. His hazel eyes were nowablaze with fiery passion. However, her desire for Emanuele had dispelled her fear.

"Are you going to fuck me to death? Or shoot me?" Isabella realized that, due to her words,Emanuele's breath had become faster. At this moment, his whole body pressed down on her, andIsabella, uneasy, wriggled her body beneath him.

Honestly, she hoped Emanuele would punish her. Her body was already prepared for him. But aftera while, Emanuele didn't make any move.

Just when Isabella started feeling disappointed, Emanuele slapped her on the butt.

There was a loud smack, and Isabella felt as if her butt was on fire. She was almost in tears fromthe discomfort.

In the next moment, Emanuele slapped her butt again several times. Isabella screamed andstruggled hard.

"Emanuele, let me go!" she yelled, trying to reach for the blanket nearby to cover herself.

But her actions were met with a series of slaps on her butt by Emanuele. Isabella was humiliated tothe point of almost crying. This man truly knew how to strip a person of their dignity and make themfeel like a stray dog.

Emanuele did something he had always wanted to do. Whenever he saw Isabella's curvy, firm butt,he had always wanted to give it a good slap, to knead it as he pleased. It was as if her behind hadbeen created just for him, making him possessive.

Seeing Isabella wriggling to get away, Emanuele wasn't about to let her do as she wished. His handmoved to explore the area between her butt and her thighs. When he touched the wetness there, helooked at Isabella and said, "You're so wet."

Isabella turned her head away, refusing to meet Emanuele's gaze. Though her desire for him wasintense, she felt immense shame in this situation.

Despite this, Emanuele's hand began to caress Isabella beneath her. It slid inside her, deeper anddeeper. With every touch, the desire within Isabella grew, pulling her body closer to Emanuele,craving more.

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