In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 65: Isabella Disappears
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Chapter 65: Isabella Disappears

Chapter 65: Isabella Disappears

Isabella had been staying in her room for two days without any major incidents, which allowed herto breathe a sigh of relief. She knew she had to return to school to prepare for her graduationprocedures. She had to take graduation photos, collect her diploma, and say goodbye to her closefriends. She could temporarily postpone going back to the hospital, but if she missed her graduationceremony, it might be a missed opportunity forever.

With determination, Isabella mustered the courage to call Emanuele. "Emanuele, can I go back toschool? I'm preparing for my graduation."

The moment she mentioned graduation, Isabella recalled Emanuele's proposal for her to marryClark after she graduated. He had stated that once she finished college, he'd arrange her marriage.Had she graduated, and was it time for her to get married?

Isabella felt a mix of nervousness and uncertainty. Thankfully, Clark seemed to have forgotten abouther; he hadn't messaged her.novelbin

A playboy like Clark surely had many women around him. Isabella could only hope that Clark hadtruly forgotten about her.

Emanuele, sounding a bit frustrated, replied, "Don't you realize how dangerous it is for you rightnow? They've set their sights on you, and you still want to attend the graduation ceremony? You'dbecome a human target!"

"No, I won't," Isabella immediately reassured. "I'll just go to the school, complete what I need to, andcome back right away. There shouldn't be any trouble."

She was somewhat aggrieved, feeling that she wanted to escape her current torment. She didn'tneed to go through all of this. She had already given up her job at the hospital; did she need to letgo of her graduation too?

Emanuele, hearing the hint of distress in Isabella's voice, felt a bit compassionate despite hisexhaustion. "All right, Isabella. I'll have Tony keep a close eye on you. After the graduationceremony, come back to me immediately."

"I understand," Isabella replied. However, she couldn't help but feel a bit of regret. Her motherwouldn't be there to see her graduate.

Two days later, Isabella returned to her school to attend the graduation ceremony, say her farewellsto her friends, and collect her diploma. Her student life had come to an end.

Evelyn embraced Isabella and said, "Isabella, take care of yourself. Stay inside as much aspossible. I believe your family can protect you. I'll video chat with you online."

Evelyn didn't know what had happened to Isabella, but she sensed it was dangerous. As a friend,there was little she could do to help, but she wished for Isabella's safety, even if they couldn't meetin person.

"The last time at the hospital scared me," Evelyn admitted.

"Yeah, okay, Evelyn. No matter what, you should be careful too," Isabella said, thinking about herfriend. She wasn't sure if her troubles would affect Evelyn, but she hoped not. After all, Evelyn hadno connection to Emanuele, and those people wouldn't target her, would they?

Isabella replied, "Yes, Evelyn, no matter what, be cautious as well."

Evelyn added, "Pippo is really worried about you, Isabella. He said you haven't replied to hismessages, and he's quite frightened."

Isabella thought of the messages Pippo had sent her, inquiring about her whereabouts, safety, andwhether she needed a visit. She hadn't responded to him because she didn't want to burden himwith her problems or risk involving him in the situation.

"Tell him I'm okay," Isabella said. She was starting to feel weary.

"Don't worry; I'll certainly tell him. It's just a pity, you worked so hard to stay in the hospital as adoctor, and now it's all..." Evelyn sighed as she spoke.

She could see that Isabella had genuinely worked hard. She had been dedicated to her studies inschool and continued to work diligently afterward. She even had plans for further education. Isabellaaspired to be a great doctor, but now it all seemed to be slipping away.

"It's okay," Isabella remained surprisingly positive, offering a smile. "Life is long, and who knowswhat opportunities may come in the future, right?"

"You're right," Evelyn reassured her, patting Isabella on the shoulder.

At the graduation ceremony, Emanuele discreetly increased the number of bodyguards. As a result,everything concluded smoothly.

When they left the ceremony and found their car had broken down, Isabella suggested, "Why don'twe take the subway?"

"Miss Gould, the subway is crowded and dangerous," Tony frowned with concern.

"Why do you think the car suddenly broke down? There's definitely something wrong with it. Theyknow we're staying put until you manage to get another car for us. But they'll never guess we'd takethe subway," Isabella calmly analyzed.

Sometimes, the riskier places turned out to be the safest. If they, who were experiencedbodyguards, considered the subway dangerous, wouldn't those lurking in the shadows know thattoo? They were unlikely to expect Isabella to choose the subway.

Seeing the merit in Isabella's reasoning, Tony and Harry surveyed the surrounding road conditions.There were many spots where someone could hide, and standing there waiting for a car made themeasy targets. The subway, on the other hand, was crowded, making it harder for any potentialattackers.

"Alright, let's take the subway," they finally agreed.

However, the subway was indeed very crowded. Isabella squeezed onto the train first, and in ablink, Tony and Harry lost sight of her. Panic spread through their hearts.

Isabella was gone, disappeared before their eyes. Were they overpowered by the crowd, or had theSicilians captured her? They couldn't know.

After frantically searching and failing to find Isabella, they immediately called Emanuele to report thesituation. At the time, Emanuele was still deeply involved in his work. He had already determinedFrederick's general location, which was good because it allowed him to plan his moves.

But right at that moment, Emanuele received Tony's call. After hearing Tony's report, Emanuele feltlike throwing his phone against the wall.

"What? Say that again. Where's Isabella?"

"Boss, she's gone. One moment she was in front of us, and the next, she disappeared."

Fear gripped Emanuele's entire body, causing his large, mountain-like figure to tremble. He hadnever felt such fear before. Had the Sicilians taken Isabella? If they had dared to lay a hand on her,he vowed to make them disappear from this earth.

Emanuele called Isabella, but no one answered, and he was met with a busy tone. He swore tohimself. A raging beast roared within him, his hands shook from anger and worry, and his lightbrown eyes slowly darkened, just like the demon Isabella had seen that night, as if emerging fromthe depths of hell. He swore to overturn the entire Chicago if he had to, just to find Isabella.

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