I'm Someone Else

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93

Thomas reached out and squished Chloe’s cheek to open her mouth. Then, he let the bright red bloodtrickle from his slashed wrist into her mouth.

On the other hand, Quincy was dumbstruck by the sight and gaped in horror. “Blood of the BlazingSun!” That phrase consumed his entire train of thought because he had not anticipated Thomas havingthat blood type.

It was a legendary blood type only known from the tattered remains of ancient books. Apparently, theblood has mystical properties, and one drop would be enough to bring the patient back to life as longas they were still alive. All the wealth in the world couldn’t buy even a single drop of that blood.

He always dismissed the story as another fabricated legend, but on this day, he witnessed themiraculous healing power of the Blood of the Blazing Sun firsthand.

Meanwhile, Thomas had no idea how to treat Chloe’s illness. If he had known sooner, he could havedevised a recipe to aid in her recovery. Unfortunately, he learned of it too late, and she was alreadyclinging to life too weakly to benefit from anything he could offer her. He knew when death wasimminent, only his blood could make a difference.

One of his greatest secrets was Blood of the Blazing Sun. The crazy old man who raised him told himthat his blood was unique as it had the power to heal and save lives, but warned him that if word gotout, he would be killed.

At this point, Thomas was too distraught to care; he might as well be killed now, as Chloe’s life wasmore important than his own. Since he had been unaware of Zachary’s illness, he had been plagued byguilt. He had often thought that the Hahns might have avoided tragedy if he had been more thoughtfuland spared Zachary’s life in the event of mission failure. Still, he had no choice because he wanted togive Zachary a painless death; a bullet was the best way to do so.

As the minutes passed, he felt weaker and paler as he fed her blood without knowing how much hehad given her.

Cough! Cough! She started coughing violently, which racked her entire body, signaling she was finallyreacting to the blood.

When Thomas noticed this, he quickly pulled his hand away to clean and dress his wound because hisblood was a valuable commodity. If Chloe had remained unresponsive, he would have died from bloodloss before she could wake up. Following that, dark spots appeared in his vision as he was overcomeby nausea. Therefore, he closed his eyes and stood still.

In the meantime, Quincy did not dare disturb him because he knew Thomas was struggling toovercome the dizziness brought on by blood loss.

Two minutes later, Thomas finally opened his eyes and said, “Hand me your needles.”

“Okay.” Quincy did not hesitate before pulling out his acupuncture needles and handing them to him.

Swish! Swoosh! Thomas’ movements were lightning-fast, and Chloe’s entire body was pierced withneedles in the blink of an eye.

Bleurgh! As soon as she opened her mouth, she vomited a mouthful of blackened blood.

Meanwhile, Quincy stared at the scene before him, dumbfounded and utterly in awe of Thomas’ godlikeskills. Previously, he had only known Thomas was good because of what his son had said, but todayhe realized just how great Thomas truly was. He noticed not only that Thomas had such blood but alsothat the man had acted so quickly and with such precision that he knew Thomas’ abilities were farsuperior to his.

Crash! Once Thomas was done, his legs gave out under the weight of his body, and he fell to theground.

“Thomas!” Quincy hurried forward and helped him over to a chair. “Are you okay?” He had never seenThomas look so frail before, and he knew Thomas didn’t appear this bad even when he crawled backto life after the explosion.

Thomas shook his head in response and uttered, “Please, Dr. Hofstead. Could you help me preparesomething? I’ll give you the recipe now.”

“Of course.” After jotting down the recipe with a pen and a piece of paper, Quincy hastily strode out ofthe operating theater.

However, Thomas remained seated on the chair and lit a cigarette. As he took a puff, he felt a deepappreciation for his unique body, without which he surely would have died after losing so much blood.He was also grateful for Quincy’s efforts in sealing off Chloe’s major acupuncture points before shepassed away. He could have bled himself dry before she was even saved if she hadn’t had those fewmoments of life left in her. It was a debt he would never forget, so he decided to teach Quincysomething exceptional in exchange. Moreover, he was not a fool, and he knew Quincy was only beingfriendly because he wanted to learn something from him, so he might as well grant Quincy his wish.

After snuffing out and discarding the cigarette, he checked Chloe’s pulse and noticed it was calm andsteady. He was confident she would recover after drinking his concoction.

A few minutes later, Quincy returned with a bowl. Then, Thomas slowly spooned the concoction fromthe bowl to her.novelbin

In the meantime, she was assigned to a VIP ward under the direction of Quincy. At that moment,Adam’s eyes welled up with tears as Quincy explained that his daughter would be dead by now if itweren’t for Thomas.

“Thank you, sir! Thank you so much!” Adam even moved to kneel before Thomas.

Thomas was startled by the old man’s actions and said, “Please! It’s fine.” Then, he grabbed Adam’shands and continued, “You might not recognize me, but Zachary and I were brothers in arms. SinceChloe is like a sister to me, it’s my responsibility to save her.”

“You’re… Zachary’s friend?” Adam asked.

Thomas had once visited Adam, but he was so frail at the time that he was constantly asleep. As such,this was technically their first meeting.

After that, he nodded to Adam before leading Quincy to a secluded corner of the hospital.

“I have something for you, Dr. Hofstead. Before I do so, I ask that you kneel and swear on your life thatyou would not let anyone know about this without my permission,” Thomas stated with a serious look.

“Kneel?” Quincy was shocked by what he had just heard. I am the hospital’s director, the best of thebest in Irieson. Does he believe I am the type of man who will kneel simply because I am asked to?

Thomas silently stares back at Quincy. What I am about to hand over to him is too crucial to bypassthis step. The person who knows I have the Blood of the Blazing Sun will be killed as soon as the wordgets out.

After two minutes of deliberation, Quincy finally got on his knees. “I, Quincy Hofstead, solemnly swearthat without the permission of Thomas Clifford, I will never tell anyone about what he is about to handto me. Otherwise, may the gods strike me down where I stand.”

With a nod of satisfaction, Thomas helped Quincy to his feet before pulling a rather old book from hispocket. The pages of the book were yellowed from the passage of time. “This is ‘The Imperial

Acupuncture,’ a compilation of the great Shian’s decades of experience. It is now yours. As for howmuch you can learn from it, that is up to you.”

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