I'm Someone Else

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92

At that moment, Chloe’s breaths were so frail and shallow that they were barely audible above awhisper.

“Quick! Bring her to the emergency operating theater now!” Quincy made a snap decision and calledfor a nurse to rush Chloe to the room.

“Doctor, how is my daughter?” In Adam’s eyes, Quincy was now his daughter’s last hope, and he askedin a frenzy of panic.

In response, Quincy shook his head. “It doesn’t look good. Please wait outside.” Following that, hedashed into the operating theater, completely disregarding Adam.

Meanwhile, chaos reigned in the operating room as Chloe was hooked up to various machines andequipment. Then, he frowned as he read the multiple indicators on the monitor screen. “She’s in thelast stages of cancer! Darn, this girl! It is impossible that she does not know about it. Why didn’t shesay anything? She could have gone for treatment and possibly lived longer!” As he observed herdecreasing heart rate on the monitor, he knew she was dying.


Poor girl. Her father is about to be discharged from the hospital, but she is on her deathbed. No! I mustkeep her alive! Perhaps, Thomas can figure out a way to save her. At that thought, Quincy pulled outthe needle he carried with him all the time.

Swoosh! He swiftly sealed off eight of Chloe’s major acupuncture points. After instructing a nurse toattach her to the oxygen system, he pulled out his phone and called Thomas.

Meanwhile, the leader of the three men hired by the Xalmars found himself in a predicament. They hadwatched her collapse before being wheeled into an operating theater. “What do we do? Quincy has

sent Chloe into the operating theater,” he exclaimed.

Everyone knew Quincy, one of the best doctors in Irieson. No one had the nerve to make an enemy ofhim without just cause, not even the Xalmars. If it had been anyone else, the trio would have chargedinto the operating theater to kill the woman off. However, they could not do that now because Quincywas in there. If he got mad at them for doing their jobs, the Xalmars would not be happy with themeither.

“Let’s go. We’ll explain everything clearly. I’m sure the butler and Mr. Xalmar would understand ourdilemma,” the trio leader spoke calmly because he knew that Quincy was someone Kirk had to treatwith respect. Hence, a nobody like him did not have to deliberate over what to do. After all, there wasno way they could afford to offend Quincy!novelbin

In the meantime, Thomas has just left Rose’s home. He had spent thirty minutes there for a few quickbites of the food and then hurriedly excused himself. His urgency resulted from a sudden,unexplainable panic, as though something crucial was about to happen. Although not superstitious, heput a lot of stock in his gut, repeatedly saving him from death on the battlefield.

Hence, he was so taken aback by Quincy’s call that he didn’t even notice when he dropped his phone.How is that possible? I live under the same roof as Chloe; she has been in perfect health the entiretime. So, why is she suddenly diagnosed with late-stage cancer? At that moment, he felt as if his mindhad exploded. Without a second’s thought, he hurriedly jumped into his car, floored the gas pedal, andsped like a lunatic toward the hospital.

While driving, Thomas realized that while he lived with her, he would only come home late at night.Most of the time, he would get home after she had already gone to bed, and she would have to leavebright and early to bring her father his breakfast in the hospital. As a result, they hadn’t seen each otherin an awfully long time. In addition, he had never suspected that she was ill, and even if he had noticedsomething, he would not have paid attention.

Soon, he finally arrived at the hospital and stormed straight into the operating theater, not evenbothering to lock his car.

Afterward, Quincy glanced at Thomas and explained slowly, “I have just conducted a few tests onChloe. The cancer must have started spreading about a year ago. I’ve looked into her medical history.She passed out in this hospital not too long ago, and the doctors on duty attended to her at the time.This means that she was aware of her cancer diagnosis back then. However, no treatment wasmentioned in her medical record. I don’t believe any treatment could help her now, as it would onlyprolong her suffering. Honestly, I can’t do anything about her condition. Although I am the hospital’sdirector, you are a much better doctor than I am.” His last sentence was said from the bottom of hisheart. When his son told him how Thomas could seal off two of Olivia’s acupuncture points with ahairpin, he knew Thomas completely outclassed him. “You can see if there’s anything you can do. I’vesealed off the eight major points to keep her alive. Still, she can’t hold on for long. She’ll likely dietonight unless you have a trick up your sleeve.”

After hearing that, Thomas stared at Chloe’s feeble form on the bed, and his eyes turned red as herealized how close she was to death.

Before he passed away, Zachary enlisted Thomas’ help in caring for Adam and Chloe. Hence, nomatter what Thomas needed to do, Chloe had to stay alive! If she died right now, he would be unable tolook Zachary in the eye when he meets him in the underworld, and what right would he have to say hewas Zachary’s friend?

After that, he glanced at the other people in the room. “Tell them to leave.”

Meanwhile, Quincy’s eyes lit up with delight when he heard that. So, Thomas does have a way to saveChloe; otherwise, why would he want the room cleared out? Moreover, he has only asked him to getthe other medical staff out of the operating theater except for me. This opportunity is once in a lifetime!

It would be fantastic if I could take advantage of this opportunity to observe and learn from him. “Go on.Leave. Do not distract Mr. Clifford from his patient!” he said.

After hearing that, the other medical staff exchanged glances, curious about who Thomas was. Who isthis guy? He storms in and demands that the doctors and nurses leave the room immediately. Weclearly overheard Dr. Hofstead admits that this unknown young man was a better doctor than him. Isthis some kind of joke?

“Hurry up!” Thomas barked coldly as he lost his patience after noticing they were dragging their feet.

Suddenly, the entire operating theater was permeated by a murderous rage that made everyone feeleven colder. It made the medical staff too terrified to linger, so they left the room immediately.

In the meantime, Thomas walked over to the bed and picked up a sterilized scalpel from a nearby tray.There was not even a flicker of an eyebrow as he stabbed the scalpel into his wrist. Instantaneously,his blood spurted out from the wound.

“What are you doing? You…” Quincy went pale with shock. Is he going to commit suicide? Thatreaction is way too drastic!

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