I'm Someone Else

Chapter 311
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Chapter 311

After making all the necessary arrangements, Olivia went back to her office and packed up to leave.She didn’t plan on driving. Just as Thomas had said, she was a destroyer of cars, so it was safer if shestayed away from the wheel. She took a cab back to Northpine Villa instead.

Soon after she got home, the doorbell rang.

Olivia jumped in fright. Despite her attempt at acting tough back at Keyshire Property, deep downinside, she was quite terrified. Thomas, her main source of protection, wasn’t with her, and Gunnar hadrepeatedly tried to grab her by force, so she didn’t know what she could do if he came right to herdoorstep.

“Who is it?” Olivia mustered up her courage and called out fearfully.

“It’s me, Olivia. Open up!” Harrison called out.

“Oh! It’s you, Grandpa Harrison. I’ll be right there!”

Olivia relaxed and ran to get the door.

“It’s getting late, Grandpa Harrison. Why did you come over at this hour?” Olivia was confused.

Harrison chuckled and gave a random excuse. “I missed you so I decided to pay you a visit.”

He hadn’t been having a good time lately. Everyone knew that the Six Greatest Families wanted tobring forward the day of the sacrifice. For the past few days, he had been cracking his head trying tothink of a way to help Olivia out of her crisis, but he couldn’t think of anything.

Olivia poured Harrison a cup of tea. “Have some tea, Grandpa Harrison.”

Harrison took a sip and looked around. “Where’s Thomas?”

“Oh. He went away to deal with some things. He’ll be back in a few days.”

“He went away to deal with some things? He’ll only be back in a few days?” Harrison was startled. Whywould he have to leave now of all times? He didn’t leave to deal with anything. He must’ve run offbecause he’s afraid!

It was said that the Six Greatest Families had gotten everything ready and were only waiting for the sixold monsters to come forward. In fact, the Xalmars’ old monster was already at Xalmar Residence.

“I’ve been thinking, Olivia. You seem to be quite busy with work these days. Why don’t you take thenext couple of days off and head to Capitalis for a short break?”

“I’m not leaving,” Olivia rejected the idea without hesitation.

Even if she were to go on holiday, she was going to wait until Thomas got back first. What wouldhappen if Thomas comes back only to find me gone?

“I asked around, Olivia, and they say that Capitalis is very pretty during this time. You’ll regret missingthe views.”

Olivia shook her head and began to eye Harrison with a look of puzzlement. What’s going on withGrandpa Harrison? Why is he trying so hard to convince me to go to Capitalis? Is he hiding somethingfrom me?

The look in Olivia’s eyes made it clear to Harrison that he couldn’t talk her into going anymore. Thatbeing said, he wasn’t going to give up on this chance so easily. Back at the hospital, Leah had said thatthe Wilkersons had a way of resolving Olivia’s crisis, but they would only do so if Olivia marriedGunnar.

After that, Harrison secretly stayed in touch with Leah. Now that things had come to this, no matter howreluctant he was, he had to get Olivia to head to Capitalis and marry Gunnar. I have no choice. Thisway, at least she gets to stay alive.

That was the reason why he went to great lengths to convince Olivia to go to Capitalis. The so-calledholiday was only an excuse. His real intention was to get Olivia to marry Gunnar!

Harrison heard that Gunnar was in Irieson but he hadn’t gotten in touch with the man yet. This won’tdo. I’ll reach out to him later.

Harrison and Olivia chatted for a little longer before Harrison took his leave. After seeing him off, Oliviawent to her room to rest for the night.

Meanwhile, Gunnar and Leah were together. He was holding a bottle and his cheeks were flushed. Itwas clear that he was a little drunk right now. Ever since he met up with Leah, he had been rantingabout Olivia.

Leah wasn’t surprised by this. After all, Olivia never said she would reconsider Gunnar. It would havebeen a surprise if Olivia did show Gunnar any kind of courtesy. That being said, Leah dared not makeany comments. She certainly wasn’t going to admit that she lied. That would only drive Gunnar mad. Allshe could do was smile in silence.

Gunnar wasn’t a fool. He already made up his mind. Since Leah wasn’t saying anything, he was goingto call his father up and get his father to bring some men over to take Olivia away by force!

John Morton, Samuel Peralta. You old geezers think you’re so great, huh? Let’s see if you can still beso high and mighty in front of my father!

Just as the two were caught up in their own thoughts, Gunnar’s phone started ringing, so he answeredthe call.novelbin


“Hello. This is Harrison Denver.”

“Harrison Denver?” Gunnar repeated. “Who’s that?”

“I’m Olivia’s maternal grandfather.”

Upon hearing those words, the corners of Leah’s mouth crept up. My, my. I never knew you were sucha weakling, Harrison. Weren’t you all tough with me back at the hospital? Weren’t you so adamant inyour stance? So, you’re panicking now, huh? Making the first move to get in touch with Gunnar, huh?Hah! You fool!

Leah maintained her silence as her eyes flashed with confidence. She believed that she had everythingunder control. She was certain that Quincy wouldn’t dare to come back out of obscurity after the eventsthat happened in the past, and since Harrison had no other choice, he was forced to agree to herterms. In that case, it was only a matter of time before Olivia was married off to Capitalis.

As for Thomas, he never even crossed Leah’s mind. She heard from her subordinates that he had notbeen seen for an entire day, so she was certain that he fled out of fear! A bum will always be a bum! Itwas right of me to look down on him!

After hanging up, Gunnar took another swig of alcohol. “Harrison Denver says he wants to see me.”

Leah nodded.

The drinking session came to an end. As Leah escorted Gunnar to the hotel entrance, he suddenlyremembered Thomas. “By the way, I heard that some guy named Thomas Clifford has something goingon with Olivia. I want him dead!”

Although Olivia wasn’t married to Gunnar yet, he already considered her his wife, and therefore, hewasn’t going to let anyone be involved with her in any way, not even in rumors!

Leah sneered and assured Gunnar, “Don’t worry. Once the whole situation with the sacrifice is over,he’s a goner!”

Even if the old monsters of the Six Greatest Families didn’t kill Thomas, Leah wasn’t going to let him offthe hook! Since you like getting all violent, you arrogant punk, I’ll send you to hell where you can be asviolent as you want!

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