I'm Someone Else

Chapter 310
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Chapter 310

Gunnar instinctively turned toward the noise and saw over twenty Mercedes-Benzes pulling up by theside of the road.

A group of men poured out of the cars with John Morton and Samuel Peralta in the lead!

Before Thomas decided to go ahead with the process of toning his body, he specifically instructedSamuel to protect Olivia in his stead. The Mortons and the Peralta Family placed their people in thevicinity of Keyshire Property, but as Gunnar was no ordinary man, these people couldn’t act recklessly.They had to call up the two elderly men and inform them of the situation instead.

As soon as John and Samuel got the calls, they immediately rushed over. Thankfully, they made it justin time. Gunnar might have succeeded in taking Olivia away if they had taken just a few minuteslonger!

The two elderly men ignored Gunnar and marched right over to Olivia. “Are you alright, Miss Pearson?”

Olivia finally caught on. She recalled what Thomas had said last night about finding someone whocould protect her. He must’ve called up the Mortons and the Peralta Family.

“I’m alright, Old Mr. Morton and Old Mr. Peralta.”

John and Samuel exhaled in relief before turning their hostile gaze to Gunnar.

“My, my. The nerve of some people! He’s not satisfied with throwing his weight around in Capitalis.Instead, he has come to make a show of authority right here in Irieson! Tsk, tsk!” John remarked.

Gunnar wasn’t afraid of him. “Regardless of what I do in Capitalis, Old Mr. Morton, I don’t think youhave the right to interfere in a little tiff between my woman and me.”

Although the Flynns were based in Capitalis, they had some power and influence in Irieson too, andnaturally, Gunnar knew about the Mortons and the Peralta Family who were among the most elitefamilies in Irieson. He had seen photos of John and Samuel too.

So what if you’re a powerful figure in Irieson? Do you think I’ll be scared of you? I doubt you’ll have theguts to go against me!

“Meanwhile, what about you, Old Mr. Morton? Look at the number of people you brought over. What’sthe meaning of this? Are you declaring war against the Flynns?” Gunnar retorted haughtily.


John snorted. “If it’s a war you want, so be it. You Flynns aren’t afraid of a fight, but neither are weMortons! However, these words should be coming out of your father’s mouth. The words of a boy who’sstill wet behind his ears mean nothing! Your words don’t carry any weight at all!”

“What did you say?!”

Gunnar thought that his standing in society as well as the threat of the Flynns would be enough tomake John cower in fear. Who would have thought that not only was John unafraid of Gunnar, but hedidn’t even seem to care about the Flynns either!

John surveyed Gunnar icily. “If I were you, I would hightail it back to Capitalis right now. Irieson may besmall, but it’s still not a place where you can go around acting recklessly. Push me far enough and Imight even help your parents teach you some manners!”

He wasn’t exaggerating. So what if the Flynns had Capitalis under their thumb? This was Irieson. Nomatter how powerful an outsider was, they couldn’t win against the locals who had the home ground.The Mortons weren’t afraid of taking the Flynns on in Irieson!

John had already made his mind up as he was making his way over here. If Gunnar did as told, hewould leave things at that, but if Gunnar ignored him or went too far with Olivia, he was going to makeGunnar pay!

“Why, you!” Gunnar’s expression turned stormy as his eyes flashed murderously.

“My friend here’s right, Mr. Flynn!” Samuel spoke up as well. “You said this is just a little tiff betweenyou and your woman, but according to my knowledge, Olivia has never given you the time of day,right? And yet, here you are calling her your woman. What’s the deal? Do all you Flynns like shootingyour mouths off telling tall tales?”

With that, Samuel’s tone sharpened. “Get out of here! If you ever try to touch Olivia again, I’ll see to itthat you won’t be able to leave Irieson! What makes you think you have the right to pursue Olivia, huh?Go back home and carry on dreaming there!”

Gunnar took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Even though he was roaring for a fight, he knewthat he couldn’t take the two elderly men on when he was in Irieson!

He gave John and Samuel one last vicious glare before getting in his car and speeding off.

“F*ck! Just wait, you old geezers! I won’t let you get away with this!”

How are you even related to Olivia anyway? Gunnar continued ranting to himself. You’re both old men!What’s the point of coming all the way over here and going against me just for her sake? How dare youhumiliate me? You’ve got a death wish!

The more Gunnar thought about it, the angrier he got. He was utterly humiliated. Not only did Oliviamock him in front of a crowd, but John and Samuel had torn into him as well. This was all thanks toOlivia!

Didn’t you tell your grandma that you’ll take the time to consider me properly? Didn’t you say youwanted to see my sincerity? Well, I did as you wanted! I came bearing flowers to confess my feelingsand propose to you! Is this how you repay me?

Even now, Gunnar wasn’t at all suspicious of the possibility that Leah was tricking him! It was truly amystery as to how he became known as the Genius of Capitalis.

Once the parade of Lamborghinis drove off, John and Samuel spoke briefly with Olivia and left.

Olivia swiftly ran back to Molly with a look of concern. “Are you alright, Molly? Do you need to go to thehospital?”

Molly had regained her senses. Her cheek stung as if it were on fire.

She shook her head and said, “I’m fine, Miss Pearson.”

She got on her feet, dusted herself off, and left.novelbin

Just as Olivia missed Thomas, so did Molly. During John’s birthday celebration, Molly had beenslapped too and it was Thomas who stood up for her, teaching her assailant a lesson. No one wouldhave dared to lay a hand on me if Thomas had been around today.

Alas, Molly didn’t even know where Thomas was right now. She couldn’t help but feel despondent.

Fortunately, Thomas hadn’t been around to witness today’s events, or else, Gunnar would’ve mostlikely met his doom before the day was over.

No matter who it was, Thomas would strike down anyone who got on his bad side. In his eyes, the so-called Genius of Capitalis was nothing. He wouldn’t even consider Gunnar worthy of being hisopponent!

Olivia shook her head. She felt bad for Molly as the latter had been slapped while trying to protect her.

“Come and take them to the hospital!” Olivia pointed at the security guards who were still lying on theground and instructed the crowd gathered in the lobby.

“Don’t forget to throw out all the flowers! Just the sight of them disgusts me!”

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