I'm Someone Else

Chapter 247
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Chapter 247

Forget Thomas, who was the main recipient of the people’s hostility, even Olivia who was merely awallflower in this meeting could also feel the heavy miasma of negativity that Thomas was feeling!

She couldn’t help but wonder, what’s the big deal if he didn’t attend the Irieson University ofTechnology? Is there a law that mandated attending university and prohibited joining the military? No,there was no such thing! Regardless of the choice he made, it was Thomas’ life and whatever lifedecisions he made had nothing to do with them. Moreover, even if he didn’t go to college, he was stillfar more capable than them. What kind of looks were they giving him? What qualifications did theyhave to look down on Thomas?

Declan, sitting in the center, furrowed his brows slightly and turned to look at Thomas. He was alsoaware of the incident eight years ago. After all, it caused such a big commotion, and even his sisterwas implicated in it. Nonetheless, what surprised him was that after all this time, Thomas turned out tobe the top scorer on the SAT exams back then.

Of course, Declan didn’t dare to resent or despise Thomas. It was true that his sister had been affectedby that incident, but he was a reasonable person. The matter with Thomas back then was just a sparkthat lit the forest fire. The real reasons that led to that tragedy were something else entirely. Even ifthere was no Thomas, some other Tom, Dick, or Harry would have been involved. Besides, it was outof the question for Declan to be looking down on Thomas as the man had become someone far moreremarkable than Declan himself!

The crowd began whispering amongst themselves and all sorts of opinions could be heard as theygradually grew louder and louder in voicing their dissatisfaction.novelbin

With that, Thomas spoke up loudly, “Are you lot done with your discussion? If you’re done, give meyour answer. Do you want money, or do you want your lives?” He didn’t have the time to spare toengage in a discussion with these people here. He had already made up his mind long before attending

this meeting. If he couldn’t get back those assets, he would snap them up! That way they would haveno one to blame but themselves if they lose more than those assets he wanted returned. The things hegave to Olivia were not to be touched by anyone!

“We f*cking want your life!” The people started cursing at Thomas. They had heard some of Thomas’notorious reputation. Nevertheless, their statuses and positions were significantly higher than thepeople Thomas had dealt with. So, they didn’t believe that someone like Thomas, a mere driver, woulddare to lay a hand on them. “Who do you think you are? Just because of you, Irieson University ofTechnology decided to cancel any early admissions from students hailing from Irieson First HighSchool. Do you know how many students from Irieson First High School were affected because ofyou?”

“That’s right, you untrustworthy fella. If I were you, I would hide somewhere and wouldn’t even dare toshow my face. How shameless are you!”

“You want our lives? Do you really think so highly of yourself? F*ck! I’m standing right here. If you dare,come and take my life! Whom are you trying to scare?”

“You’re just a driver. Trust me when I say that I could easily squash you like a gnat. Stop pretending tobe something you’re not, you disgraceful buffoon!”

Thomas remained unfazed by their words. Of course, he wouldn’t allow these people to insult him,either. He had made up his mind to set an example by punishing one to serve as a warning to theothers. Let’s see if they still dared to be so arrogant!

In the end, Thomas’ gaze fell on a middle-aged bald man. He had been the most vocal of the lot, so hewould be the first one to be dealt with!

Just as Thomas was about to take action, Olivia suddenly erupted, hissing, “Are you done?” Then, sherose to her feet while imperiously pointing at the crowd. “It’s been eight years since that incident and

yet, you remember it so clearly. I’m afraid you don’t even remember what your parents told you eightyears ago, do you? Since you clearly have a lot of time on your hands, why not return home and showsome filial piety toward your parents?”

“Furthermore, what wrongs did Thomas ever commit? It doesn’t matter if he went to college or joinedthe military, it was his choice. What does it have to do with any of you? He joined the military to servethe country; it’s not like he did anything outrageous, so who are you to blame him?”

Olivia was genuinely furious. Previously, Leah and her bodyguards had insulted the man she liked,which had already infuriated her. Alas, she didn’t expect that even when she returned to PearsonGroup, these people would still treat Thomas like dirt. He’s the man that I like! How dare these peoplethink that they can insult him without consequences?

“Do you think that just because you’re high-ranking executives with some influence in Pearson Group,you’re impressive? Let me tell you the truth, you’re nothing! You’re just a fart! Do you think you cantake Thomas’ life whenever you want? Do you believe me when I say that I can make the companiesunder your care go bankrupt at a moment’s notice?”

“Eh…” The crowd was momentarily stunned. Why did Olivia suddenly explode? They were talkingabout Thomas earlier, not her. So, why was she so agitated? Could it be… the rumors were true? “MissPearson, may I ask, what is your relationship with Thomas?”

“That’s none of your business. Each and every one of you will be answering to me. I swear, I won’t letany of you off. I can tolerate your insults toward me, but if you dare to insult Thomas, you will pay for it!”Olivia swept her ferocious gaze at a few of the worst offenders as she spoke. There were five people intotal; she had seen them cursing Thomas with zero restraint! What qualifications did they have to insultthe man she loved?

Declan was dumbfounded as he looked at Olivia with disbelief. Was this still his gentle and sensibleniece? Now that he had the chance to see the protective fury swimming under the guise of gentleness,she clearly seemed like a ‘shrew’! He had never seen her like this before, not even once. What hadhappened to her? She seemed so unfamiliar! It was as if he had never known her!

“None of you can take away the things Thomas gave me! If you don’t return them now, the day willcome when you’ll beg and plead for us to take them off your hands! Thomas, let’s go! Let’s ignorethese uncultured swine!” With that, Olivia held Thomas’ hand and pulled him out of the meeting room.As they entered the elevator, Olivia continued to defend Thomas without pause.

Declan was startled by Olivia’s actions, and so was Thomas. Even now, he hadn’t fully regained hiscomposure and could only gaze in bewilderment at Olivia, who was still snarling in his defense,“Thomas, don’t worry. I will do whatever it takes to seek justice for you! How dare they insult you? Howinsolent of them! As for those businesses, I will force them to return them to me!”

Despite her young age, Olivia was praised as a business genius even by Rafael. She had previouslybeen the PRESIDENT of Pearson Group and was well aware of the internal situation brewing in thecompany. Thus, she wasn’t joking that suppressing the companies managed by those five people wasa simple matter.

Although Keyshire Property had lost half of its business, it was still a force to be reckoned with as itwas still going strong despite the loss. Besides, Keyshire Property was far from being on the brink ofcollapse! Olivia had never thought about decimating them, but those people had gone too far. So, shecouldn’t be blamed if she took action to ensure that they’ll learn from their mistakes!

At that moment, Olivia was far from the image of the Most Beautiful Female Entrepreneur in Irieson.She resembled an irritated little lioness, baring her teeth and ready to attack at any moment. There wasno doubt that Olivia’s rage would bring about severe consequences for any fools that had decided toblock her path to happiness.

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