I'm Someone Else

Chapter 242
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Chapter 242

The highly renowned and beautiful PRESIDENT of Irieson, the first lady, slept in a man’s embrace forthe entire night. If this news were to spread, it would surely astonish many people. Unfortunately, thehearts of those men who admired Olivia would be shattered.novelbin

At 6:00AM, she opened her stunning eyes and sensed something was wrong. “How did I fall asleep? Iremember leaning against Thomas last night, but now…”

She looked around and realized she was still in his embrace, her face immediately blushing. I had sleptin his arms overnight! This… is so embarrassing!

Last night, she felt unusually at ease leaning against Thomas, and she unknowingly fell asleep.Moreover, she slept for the entire night.

She slowly got up and sat beside him, gathering the courage to look at the man beside her. His eyeswere closed, his chest breathing evenly, his mind still in a deep sleep. That eased her a little.

“Thank goodness he didn’t wake up. Otherwise, it would be so embarrassing.”

Little did she know that Thomas had a tough night. He had barely managed to fall asleep around4:00AM, which meant he had only slept for a little over an hour until now.

Olivia slowly stood up, moving her limbs gently, afraid of making any noise that could wake him. Shestood opposite Thomas, gazing at him with a smile, unable to take her eyes off him. He looks quiteadorable while sleeping. There’s less of his usual sternness and more of a warm childlike aura. Oh! Hiseyelashes are so long, and I never noticed before.

For some reason, she suddenly had the urge to kiss the man in front of her. Normally, she would neverdo such a thing. Today, however, she acted on an impulse she could not explain. She slowly bentdown, her beautiful cheek approaching Thomas’ face.

Thump! Thump!

She could almost hear her own pounding heart, feeling conflicted. What if he finds out? Then, I’ll be soembarrassed that I took advantage of him while he was asleep. How will I face him in the future?

Despite the inner conflict, her actions were unaffected. Her vermilion lips drew closer to his cheek.

Three centimeters, two centimeters, one centimeter.

Forget it! I don’t care anymore. Since he’s sleeping so soundly, there shouldn’t be any problem if I justgive him a peck! Olivia, you can do it! Get a little closer, and you’ll succeed!

She kept giving herself mental encouragement. After all, even though she liked Thomas, she could notafford to lose face if he suddenly opened his eyes.


Impulse overcame reason, and Olivia kissed Thomas’ cheek. Then, she quickly moved aside, secretlyobserving his reaction. Fortunately, he continued sleeping peacefully, completely unaware. Oh my!Olivia, what are you doing? How could you steal a kiss like that? It’s not right! But… It feels sowonderful to kiss the man I love.

Little did she know that Thomas had woken up the moment she stood up. He was fully aware ofeverything she had done, pretending to sleep to avoid making her feel embarrassed and to sparehimself from an awkward situation.

While he was indeed asleep, his years of military experience had made him perpetually alert.Especially in a public place like a hospital, his vigilance remained high. Even if Olivia had quietly gottenup, he would have sensed it immediately, especially if someone were muttering beside him. After all,the enemy would not spare your life just because you were asleep on the battlefield.

So, why did he pretend to sleep? It was because he knew that if he woke up, not only would she feelshy, but he would also feel awkward. In such a situation, it was better to pretend sleeping and let thingspass.

However, Thomas did not expect Olivia to be so bold as she kissed his cheek.

She forcefully suppressed her excitement as if there was a little devil in her mind tempting her, saying,“See, nothing happened, right? Give him another kiss. After all, the first one didn’t cause any trouble,so a second one should be fine too! Go for it! Seize the opportunity!”

Olivia, as if possessed, walked toward Thomas on the bench. However, none of this went unnoticed bythe man. He could sense her approaching him. What is she up to? Does she want to sit beside me?That’s not right!

He inwardly exclaimed as he once again caught a whiff of her unique fragrance. Moreover, he feltwarmth coming from her direction. What… What is Olivia planning? Does she want to do it again?That’s too audacious! We’re in a hospital, not at home! Even at home, it wouldn’t be appropriate.

With that thought, his cheeks turned as red as an apple.

Olivia also keenly noticed this change. “Hmm. Why does his face suddenly turn so red? Maybe he’sfeeling hot.”

Being secretly kissed by a girl was a first in Thomas’ life. Although he felt a sense of joy, he could notlet her continue. At that point, he did not hesitate any longer and moved his body slightly, pretending toadjust his position.

As expected, Olivia was startled by his sudden movement and jumped back, creating distance betweenthem. He could not continue pretending, as he did not know what audacious act she might attempt

next. It was too daring, especially in a hospital. Even at home, it would be inappropriate!

He rubbed his eyes and looked at her. “Good morning.”

“Morning!” Her second attempt did not discourage her; she was still in a good mood. After all, she hadalready kissed him once, and he had not noticed. She did not feel like she had lost anything.

She had kissed the man she liked, not someone else. Moreover, she had even given him her first kiss,so there was nothing to be shy about.

The two entered Declan’s ward and began tidying up.

“Ophelie, take Uncle Declan home. I need to go to the company to handle some work,” Olivia instructedher.

“Okay.” Ophelie drove away with Declan, leaving the hospital behind.

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