I'm Someone Else

Chapter 228
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Chapter 228

“Ha!” Thomas coldly scoffed. “You’re the family head, and what about it? I could kill Terrence Pearson,so what makes you so special?”

Gavin was a dead man walking, so telling him that did not matter.

“What? Y-You killed Grandpa?” Gavin’s face was deathly pale from fear. If what Thomas claimed wastrue, then it would be near impossible for Gavin to escape alive.

No, he could not give up. He had just entered the best time of his life. He could not die just like that.

At that thought, he used up every bit of strength he had to stand up. He was going to run. He did notwant to die!

However, he had only taken one step when Thomas suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Where are you going? Did I say you could leave?”


Gavin was about to speak, but before he could do so, he felt a sharp pang in his heart before hestopped breathing.

Just like his friends, he died from a heart attack caused by a lack of oxygen.

Thomas looked down at the body. It was a shame to grant a beastly man like Gavin a quick death. Thelast time Thomas beat Gavin up, he held back as well. If he did not need to make sure the deaths couldnot be traced back to him, he would have beaten up Gavin until he died.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Muffled thumps echoed through the room as any bodies left standing, including Gavin’s, all fell to thefloor.

Thomas headed upstairs and personally demolished the entire security surveillance system beforestriding back to his car to return to the hospital.novelbin

He was confident that no one would be able to figure out the actual cause of death for Gavin and theother men, even if the police hired the greatest medical experts in the world to consult on the case.

His original plan had been to kill Gavin once he himself had healed up a little bit more and Declan hadbeen discharged from the hospital. However, he had no choice but to kill Gavin now since Gavindecided to fool around and make his presence known.

As Quincy said, what went around, came around!

Once back at the hospital, Thomas headed straight to Quincy’s office.

Quincy was startled to see him walking in. Before he could think, he blurted out, “All done?”

It had only been 90 minutes since Thomas left the office. Had he finished the job already?

Thomas lit a cigarette and inhaled it deeply before chuckling. “Why else?”

“That’s true.” Quincy grinned. It was extremely easy for Thomas to take out trashes like Gavin.

He then pulled out a special bottle of red wine from the cabinet behind him. “Come. Let’s chat while weshare a bottle.”

It had been a long time since they last had time to properly drink and chat. Hence, he could not just letthis opportunity slip through his fingers.

Thomas sat down in the chair before the desk and took a sip of the glass offered to him. The aromawas rich while the soothing liquid filled his belly with warmth. What a beautiful bottle of wine. “Whattime is it, by the way?”

“It’s almost 1.00AM.”

Thomas nodded. That meant Leslie’s illness was about to act up soon.

He had to spare Leslie because Quincy begged him to, but he had also sealed off a few acupoints onhis body. Nothing would have changed on the surface, but he knew that a month after he sealed offthose acupoints, he would fall ill.

Leslie was someone who had sent assassins after Thomas for no reason and had kicked Olivia. Therewas no way Thomas could let Leslie escape unscathed.

Every rose had its thorn; those who knew how to heal could also kill. To a man like Thomas who wasan expert in the medical field and had perfect control over his powers, it was as easy as pie to inflict astrange illness upon someone.

The two men continued to chat as they leisurely enjoyed the bottle of wine.

At 1.00AM sharp, the Yam Residence suddenly echoed with a heart-wrenching wail.

“Aah! It hurts! It hurts! Grandpa, help me!”


Quentin jumped in fright. He had been about to turn in for the night when he heard Leslie shout andscream. What was the brat doing in the middle of the night?

Despite his dissatisfaction, Quentin headed to Leslie’s room. After all, Leslie was his grandson. At thevery least, he had to check in on Leslie.

What he saw when he entered Leslie’s room shocked him to the core.

Leslie had fallen from the bed as his body kept jerking and twitching. His arms were frantically tuggingat his hair as though the discomfort and pain he felt were too overwhelming. He was also foaming atthe mouth.

“Leslie! What happened?”

Quentin hurried over. What was going on? Leslie had been fine during dinner a few hours ago. Whywas he suddenly acting like this?

There was no way Leslie could have replied to Quentin. He was in so much pain that he could not evenspeak. It felt like there were millions of tiny bugs chewing and gnawing at his flesh at this moment, andit was agonizing.

Quentin panicked and summoned the doctor stationed at the mansion. The doctor had been initiallyhired for Harley. No one had expected Leslie to require treatment first.

The doctor checked Leslie over and found nothing. Everything, including his pulse, seemed normal.Where did the symptoms come from? Was it a mental illness?

Leslie suddenly vomited out some blood before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fainted.

The day before Thomas let Leslie go, he had sealed off several of Leslie’s acupoints that would appearto do nothing at all but would actually transmit and store energy in Leslie’s body. If no one was able tounseal those acupoints, then Leslie would be crippled forever. This mysterious illness would act uponce in a while. It was truly a horrible ending where dying felt better than living.

In all of Droycore’s history, traditional medicine had been a pearl of beauty that was often forgotten anddismissed throughout millennia. Knowing how to work with acupoints was one of the core aspects ofbeing a traditional medicine practitioner. All who mastered the skill could do anything.

Thomas was someone who liked to cling to grudges. Therefore, he had to strike back at Leslie whowas constantly trying to kill him and would actually hurt Olivia.

Leslie had no one to blame but himself for the fate he now suffered.

Quentin was unable to get any rest that night. He stayed up all night standing guard by Leslie’s beduntil dawn broke. He waited until Leslie was not going to succumb to another fit before retreating to theliving room couch where he rested while massaging his forehead.

Everything that had happened over the past two days felt like a nightmare. First, the three assassinswho had been sent out went missing without a trace. Now, his grandson was inflicted with somestrange illness. It was thoroughly exhausting.

Ring! Ring!

Just then, his phone rang. It was a call from Blake.

“Did you find out where the assassins went, Quentin?”

Quentin shook his head. “No. I’m not the only one with issues either. The Xalmars have also called meto say their men had gone missing.”

Hearing that, the corners of Blake’s mouth twitched. Thomas was a tough opponent, but was Chloeanother tough opponent as well? The three families had worked together to assassinate Chloe.However, not only was she still alive, but their men had also vanished into thin air.

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