I'm Someone Else

Chapter 227
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Chapter 227

“You were not here today so you didn’t see it, but Gavin was throwing his weight around even thoughhe is not officially the Pearson Family’s head yet. He actually ordered Declan to meet the Turner Familyto convey his intention to marry their daughter, saying that he liked her. He even said that if Declancould not complete the task within three days, he would punish Declan for being incompetent. It wassuch a petty display of smug and self-congratulatory behavior,” Quincy said with a chuckle.

Even now, just thinking about what happened made him laugh. Gavin was acting so irrationally.Although he was not officially the family head yet, he thought he was invincible. Unbeknownst to him,he was just a clown in Quincy’s eyes. All of Gavin’s antics only resulted in laughter and nothing else.

“Where is he staying now? Norman’s villa?” Thomas asked.

Quincy shook his head. “Norman bought Gavin a new mansion before he died. That’s where he’sstaying now. Let me write down the address for you.”

With a few quick strokes, he wrote down Gavin’s address on a piece of paper. He had known thatThomas would never let Gavin go. Hence, he had his men track down Gavin’s address earlier that day.

“Are you going to him now?”

Thomas nodded. “Yes. Since he’s eager to die, I’ll let him have his wish. No joy can be found by lettingscumbags like him live a second longer.”

Thomas then walked out of the office. Gavin could do whatever he wanted, including ordering Declanaround. Thomas was absolutely not interested in any of that. However, the moment Gavin had theaudacity to flirt and tease Olivia was the moment Thomas could no longer tolerate Gavin’s existence.He had not even settled the score from before with Gavin yet, but Gavin insisted on making hispresence known today. In that case, there was no need for him to stay alive.

Quincy chuckled as he watched Thomas walk away. “Oh, Leah, you can continue dreaming of makingGavin the head of the Pearson Family. Now, all I want to know is how funny your face will look whenyou find out he has been killed.”novelbin

Thomas was not a fool. Since Quincy had told him about Gavin’s intent to be the family head, he wouldpractice some restraint when dealing with Gavin. No one would be able to tell Thomas was behind it.

When Thomas arrived at a lavish mansion, he could not help but sigh. “Norman Pearson, just howmuch do you enjoy playing favorites? When Olivia wanted to move out, you only gave her anapartment which you later forbade her from living in. However, when it comes to your son, you wouldbuy him a grand and lavish mansion. Look at what you’ve done. This mansion must have cost youmillions. If you spared even 10% of the love you’ve shown Gavin to her, she would not be thatheartbroken and cold when it came to the Pearsons.”

He had just stepped up to the front door when he heard people cheering and shouting from inside.

“Congratulations, Gavin!”

“Gavin? No, you should call him Master Pearson now!”

“Oh, yes, that’s right. My apologies, Master Pearson. Don’t forget about your friends in the future. Keepus in mind when good opportunities come knocking. Sharing is caring.”

“Of course, I will. I may not be the best at everything, but I am always a man who holds my friendsdear. Tom, your family is in the construction business, right? Once I am formally the family head, you’llbe in charge of all the company’s construction projects. Troy, your family will be in charge of marketdevelopment strategies. Let’s all get rich together!” Gavin loudly proclaimed as he thumped his chest.

“We’ll be part of the Pearson Family head’s inner circle soon! Haha!”

These men were Gavin’s good-for-nothing friends in Irieson. These were the same men who welcomedhim when he first arrived back at the family home.

Birds of a feather flock together. Just like Gavin, every man in the room was considered the laziest bumin the city.


Thomas kicked the door wide open and strode into the room.

“Who the heck are you?” Evidently, everyone in the room had a lot to drink as they all turned andsquinted at him.

He continued walking into the room, not saying a single word.

“Are you deaf or mute? Do you freaking hear me? Who on earth are you?”

Two of the men shot to their feet and angrily stomped over to him. “Do you know where you are? Thisis the home of Gavin Pearson! That’s not a place a nobody like you can barge in uninvited. Do youwant to die?”

“Wait a minute. Why does he look so familiar?” a man dressed in a fine suit muttered with a frown.

Thomas would be a familiar face to them because he had beaten them up outside the karaoke bar onMenry Street. With how many bones that had been broken, it would be strange for them to forget him.However, everyone in the room was so drunk that none of them could recall where they had seen himbefore.

They would have rather died than be so rude to Thomas if they remembered who he was.

The two men walking over to Thomas raised their fists. “How dare you barge in here? I’ll kill you!”

Unfortunately, their fists swung through the air for only a few seconds before hanging there unmoving.The two men had suddenly gone as still as a statue.

Thomas had reached out with two fingers to jab at the men’s death points. The death point was theacupuncture point he had taught Quincy about earlier. Striking them could result in the body’s bloodfreezing to a stop, leading to the victim’s death as the organs would shut down from a lack ofoxygenated blood.

There was a cruel twist on Thomas’ lips as he smirked. With how skilled he was, it was extremely easyto kill these men without anyone even knowing how they died.


The other men were stunned upon seeing the two attackers abruptly stopping. They were going topunch Thomas, right? Why were they not moving?

Thomas did not give the others much time to think. Moving as quickly as lightning, he dashed throughthe crowd as his dancing fingers left afterimages in the air.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

In an instant, everyone in the room except for Gavin had turned into corpses. His eyes went wide withfear.

There were no visible injuries on their bodies, nor were there any signs of a scuffle. It would bepractically impossible for anyone to investigate their deaths.

Gavin’s face was stark white, and his lips trembled in fear. The others might not have recognized whoThomas was, but he did. He had never imagined that the demon would come knocking on his door.

“Thomas Clifford? W-Why are you here?”

Thomas nonchalantly glanced at Gavin and said, “To kill you.”


Gavin could not muster a shred of courage in him to fight back against Thomas. It couldn’t be helpedas Thomas’ previous actions had deeply traumatized him.

“You can’t kill me! Things are different now. I am the head of the Pearson Family. If you kill me, you’lldie a horrible death!”

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