I'm Someone Else

Chapter 219
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Chapter 219

Taylor stood up and left the private room after he said his piece. It was a great relief to him that MinaciaOito Irieson was gone, and he wondered who was the hero that killed them because they had done agreat service to the people! Truthfully, if he knew who that person was, he would buy that hero a drinkand compliment them for a job well done.

Meanwhile, Blake, Quentin, and Kirk were still trying to find out who the murderer was. The deaths ofMinacia Oito shouldn’t be in vain because they had brought a lot of benefits to the three families overthe years, and they couldn’t sit by and do nothing about their deaths.novelbin

It was Isaac who spoke first, “I guess all of us understood what Old Mr. Saunder meant. Since you guyshave decided to hunt down and kill Thomas Clifford, we won’t go against your decision as we’re one ofthe members of the Six Greatest Families. Even though we agree to this decision, we’re not going to beinvolved in any execution of it at all. Okay, I gotta go now or else I can’t catch up with Old Mr. Saunder.Goodbye, everyone.”

Pin-drop silence fell over the room as the three of them looked at each other with long faces. All ofthem were the core members of powerful families and received respect wherever they went, but now,they had to tolerate the lecture by one of their own. If someone else was in their shoes, they wouldn’tfeel good about this situation, either.

“Damn, that old geezer Taylor Saunder! He’s so arrogant!” Blake bellowed, breaking the silence.

“Exactly. Does he even remember that the Saunder is one of the Six Greatest Families? Besides,they’re always the ones dragging us down whenever something crops up, and it has happened morethan once or twice,” Quentin huffed in frustration.

Everyone knew that the Saunders were highly influential, but they usually only hung out with the Zanesand couldn’t be bothered with the remaining four families. If there was anyone else in the four whowere closer to the Saunders, it would be the Pearson Family. After all, Declan was Taylor’s son-in-law.

It was all fine and understandable to the other families that the Saunders would like to keep a lowprofile, but whenever their help was needed, they would always go against the majority. It was fine if itscarcely happened, but the frequency of their refusal to participate and remain neutral didn’t seem soappropriate anymore. As a matter of fact, the Saunders were getting worse! This was evident byTaylor’s complete disregard when it came to their collective interests today! Not only did the Saundersgo against their idea, but Taylor also told off the others. He might as well call them fools before heflounced off. Who the hell did he think he was?

“Isaac is another problem. One of the Six Greatest Families my *rse. He doesn’t even have an opinionof his own. Instead, he’s always following whatever Taylor says as though he’s the leader. Disgusting!”Kirk grumbled with indifference.

It was undeniable that these three families—the Hinds, Yams, and Xalmars—had been backing upMinacia Oito Irieson over the years. As reputable families in Irieson, every move they made was alwaysunder the scrutiny of the public and they couldn’t do a lot of dirty jobs. Hence, Minacia Oito Irieson wasformed.

The value of their existence was to help the three families with those unsavory, under-the-tabledealings.

It didn’t matter how sickening the job was, it was fine as long as they got paid, and they were profitablejobs involving violence and underhanded tactics. Throughout the years, Minacia Oito Irieson hadbrought countless benefits to these three families. So, it was only natural that they would lend themsome support in return. At the end of the day, nobody would complain about having more money.

If the Saunders and the Zanes were jealous, they could have easily asked to join them because theywouldn’t mind having another business partner. Yet, it bewildered the three families that they were toldoff by Taylor for their success.

Quentin waved his hand in frustration. “Since the Saunders and the Zanes don’t want to be involved,the three of us will join forces. We’re speaking about an immature brat here, and I’m confident that wecan get rid of him if we join forces. Once he’s killed, we’ll settle our scores with that old geezer! As forthe Zanes… Hah, they’re nothing. Once Taylor is dead, they’ll be as helpless as a lamb.”

“You’re right, it’s about time we settle our scores with that annoying geezer,” Blake said in agreement. Itwasn’t the first day that he found Taylor an eyesore, and if they didn’t teach him a lesson soon, hemight start getting it in his head that he’s the leader of the Six Greatest Families.

“I concur. Let’s kill Clifford first, and then Taylor Saunder,” Kirk growled menacingly.

They weren’t the cause that the Six Greatest Families had a bad reputation since the public didn’t knowthat they were the puppeteers behind Minacia Oito Irieson. It was the other three families who werespreading the rumors about that, resulting in a drastic drop in public favor. In the end, the other familiesin Irieson knew that Minacia Oito Irieson was on friendly terms with three of the families from the SixGreatest Families.

Nevertheless, they had completely forgotten that it was because of their support and connivance thatMinacia Oito Irieson was capable of all sorts of outrageous acts. How shameless could these peoplebe!

None of the three were fools; Taylor and Isaac didn’t want to be involved because they never had aconfrontation with Thomas before. It wasn’t a problem for them that they weren’t joining them because,with the combined forces of the remaining three families, they could still eliminate Thomas quite easily.

“That brat, Thomas Clifford, isn’t an easy target,” Quentin said in a solemn voice. “We’ll have to takethings seriously.”

Blake frowned as he inquired, “Is that old geezer going to leak our plan to kill Clifford?”

“Fret not. The Saunders are still a member of the Six Greatest Families and will just stay out of it, at themost.”

“Okay, there’s nothing to worry about, then. This time, we must kill Clifford! Cheers!”

After the meeting was adjourned, Blake went home in his car with mixed feelings. Who would haveimagined that Terrence and Norman are dead just like that? That time, when I bought Terrencebreakfast, turned out to be my last meeting with him.

Truth be told, the Pearson and Hind Families went back a long time, all the way back to Blake’s father,Bence. At that time, Bence and Terrence fell for Leah at the same time, but the one who got her handin the end was Terrence. It was due to this that Bence suffered acute depression for a long time.

On the other hand, it was very simple why Leah chose Terrence over Bence. Back then, Terrence wassingle while Bence already had a wife and even Blake was no longer a toddler.

When he thought about it, Bence and Terrence wooing Leah simultaneously had caused quite a ruckusin Irieson and was the gossip for the adults in their free time.

“Terrence and Norman Pearson, finally, both of you are dead!” He chuckled in excitement. Besides,Bence had wished for the failure of the Pearson Family, but sadly, even after all the efforts he andBlake had put in, they couldn’t topple the Pearson Family. Unexpectedly, a hero appeared out ofnowhere and killed the Pearson duo, to his great satisfaction!

Back home, right after he stepped into his house, he saw his younger brother, Jake, chatting with anelderly woman on the couch and was shocked when he approached them and had a closer look at thewoman.

“It’s you!”

This woman had left a really deep impression on Blake, and even after decades had passed, he couldstill recognize her with one glance.

“Blake, do you know each other?” Jake asked the first question that popped into his mind, but upongiving it a second thought, he remembered that the elderly woman already mentioned at the door thatshe was there to look for Blake. So, they were certainly acquainted.

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