I'm Someone Else

Chapter 218
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Chapter 218

Perhaps unrequited love was a compulsory life lesson every adult had to experience at least once intheir lifetime.

“Don’t marry if you don’t want to. As I have said before, you only need to live for yourself from now on.No one can force you to do anything out of your will!” Thomas said with a serious demeanor.

“Really?” Olivia, who wasn’t exactly in the brightest of moods after learning the truth behind Leah’smachinations, suddenly became enlightened after hearing what Thomas said. He’s right! I have to livefor myself. It doesn’t matter whether that person is Grandpa or Leah, no one has the right to arrangemy life for me!

Thomas nodded as he added, “I’ve told you not to worry and I never go back on my words. If they dareto come again, I will drive them away. I will even kill them if they dare to take you away by force, be itone or many! I will get rid of them all until no one dares to take you away without your consent!”

At that moment, Olivia felt as though spring had come as she felt the love in her heart bloom. Her heartfelt strangely full as though an actual flower was going to burst out of her chest. Such a bad*ssstatement! Thomas is willing to go against the whole world in order to protect me! Congratulations, dearself! You have indeed chosen the right man. Then again, no woman can resist falling in love with a fineman like Thomas!

Then, she silently declared in her heart, Leah! I’m telling you—whoever wants to marry that so-calledGenius of Capitalis can just proceed to marry him! Either way, I will not marry him! What’s so greatabout him? He’s not even near as good as Thomas!

Finally, she vowed solemnly, I will only marry Thomas in this lifetime!

“Stay in the hospital and don’t go anywhere. I’ll return to the villa to grab the medicine and bring youbreakfast upon return.”


Olivia got out of bed and went to find Declan after watching Thomas depart.

At 12.00PM, Blake, Kirk, Quentin, Taylor, and Isaac Zane, the elder of the Zane Family, gathered in ahotel owned by the Hind Family. They were here today for a meeting amongst the Six GreatestFamilies of Irieson. Originally, the Pearson Family was a part of this gathering. Nonetheless, ever sincethe family suddenly underwent drastic changes, they now only had mere nominal existence. For thatreason, they naturally lost their eligibility to attend this meeting. Furthermore, the main purpose oftoday’s meeting was to draft a detailed plan to kill Thomas.

Blake took the lead and announced, “Making sacrificial offerings has always been a rule inaugurated bythe Six Greatest Families since its establishment. Not to mention, it symbolizes the existence of the SixGreatest Families. Therefore, do you guys mind sharing your views on how to deal with Thomas?”

“That’s right! We all shall be condemned as traitors throughout the ages if that b*stard ruins oursacrificial offering ritual. As I see it, our current top priority is to kill Thomas so as to avoid moreunexpected troubles caused by the undue delay!” Quentin immediately echoed.

Meanwhile, Kirk picked up the wine glass in front of him and took a sip. In truth, he did wish forThomas’ death. After all, his son died in Thomas’ hands. Regardless, Kirk was also well aware that hewas incapable of pulling off such a stunt, especially when his father, Logan Xalmar, and the XalmarFamily’s martial arts experts were currently out of Irieson and handling affairs in Capitalis.

“I’m down to getting rid of Thomas, but my father will not return to Irieson until next week.” AlthoughKirk was in this meeting as the head of the Xalmar Family, just like the other Greatest Families, he wasmerely a representative. This was the same for the others in attendance as well for the ones who trulyheld any sway in their family and had the right to make any decision regarding their family were theirfathers. Meanwhile, Blake was the only exception to this rule.

Once Kirk expressed his views, only Taylor and Isaac were the ones who had yet to voice theirthoughts. Hence, Blake, Kirk, and Quentin stared at the two intently, waiting for them to speak. It’s theirturn to express their opinion. Yet, why are they keeping silent? Could it be that they have a differentview? As for Blake, he was immensely frustrated with Taylor and Isaac. These two are always the leastactive whenever we decide to hold a meeting. What the hell? Do they not regard themselves as a partof the Six Greatest Families too?

“Old Mr. Saunder, may I know how you view this matter?” Although Blake was frustrated with Taylor, hestill did a decent job of hiding his impatience. After all, the Saunder Family was highly influential inIrieson. Furthermore, they had another powerful family, the Zane Family, following as their vassal.

“Is it necessary for us to make such a big deal out of this matter? As far as I know, Thomas is simplyOlivia’s friend and not her boyfriend. Their relationship is not as it is rumored,” Finally, Taylor spoke.

Unknown to Blake, Quincy had visited Taylor prior to this. During his visit, he told Taylor that Thomaswas his friend and asked Taylor not to pick on Thomas out of respect for him. Since Taylor had alreadypromised Quincy, he undoubtedly would not agree to the proposal of killing Thomas.

“I beg to differ, Old Mr. Saunder. As someone who has had experience in this matter, you and I knowthere is a chance a young lad such as Thomas will fall in love with a young maiden such as Olivia afterliving together under the same roof for a long time. What if the two accidentally got together andbrought serious consequences upon us? It would be too late for us to fall into despair when thathappened,” Blake retorted.

“I agree with Blake.”

“Blake is right!”

Taylor looked at Blake and then at Quentin. As for Kirk, since Logan was absent, Taylor couldn’t bebothered to talk to him as he deemed Kirk alone wasn’t eligible enough to discuss matters with him.

Shortly after, Taylor sneered, “Since you insist on killing Thomas, I have no choice but to agree.”

“Good! How about you, Old Mr. Zane? Do you agree?”

Isaac simply smiled as he waved his hands and said, “You don’t need to ask me. Everyone knows ourfamily has always held the Saunder Family in high esteem. We would be there with them during thegood and the bad. Taylor’s words represent the Zane Family’s stance.”

“Excellent! Let’s discuss our plan now that everyone has reached an agreement. I hate to admit it, butThomas is fairly skilled in martial arts,” Quentin said with a smile. My son is likely to be disabled for therest of his life. So, I have to avenge him no matter what!

“Since Thomas is not an easy opponent, I suggest all five of our families join forces and fight him. Thatway, he will definitely lose his life. If he manages to escape unscathed, then I might as well renouncemy name entirely!” Blake’s facial expression twisted into a gloomy scowl. Amongst all Five GreatestFamilies, the Hind Family was one of the first to start a feud with Thomas. For that reason, Blakewanted Thomas to die with every fiber of his being; the quicker, the better.

“That’s a good idea! The Xalmar Family supports it fully!” As the nominal head of the Xalmar Family,Kirk could still make decisions regarding trivial matters like this. In addition, Kirk figured Logan wouldhave also wanted to kill Thomas if he found out that Thomas had killed Harvey.

Suddenly, Taylor sighed. “Us five families join forces solely to defeat a young man? Are you guys notafraid of getting ridiculed for your dishonorable actions? Besides, do you guys honestly think thatThomas is someone we can easily mess with? Does he not have any good friends or connections withinfluential families? Have you guys forgotten the Morton Family, the Peralta Family, and the ElliottFamily? Will they not side with Thomas when we come to blows? What if the news of us overtly joiningforces to kill Thomas reaches these three families? What should we do if they decide to help Thomas?”

“The reputation of the Six Greatest Families has gone from bad to worse in recent years. Are yousaying that our families’ reputations aren’t damaged enough? Or, are you saying that our families havenot suffered enough shame? Take Minacia Oito Irieson for an example. Why did those eight b*stardsdare to commit all crimes and heartless acts in Irieson? That’s because they have the three of you astheir backers! Are you guys not guilt-stricken knowing that you have wrecked livelihoods and families,causing complaints to rise all around Irieson for the sake of your self-interest? Heed my advice—behave, for the Six Greatest Families won’t be able to keep our foothold in Irieson once we arousepublic anger!”

Indeed, very few knew that the Yam Family, the Hind Family, and the Xalmar Family were the biggestbackers of Minacia Oito Irieson.

Blake, Quentin, and Kirk looked at each other upon hearing Taylor’s stern words. Then, Blake asked,“Old Mr. Saunder, why are you so agitated? Could it be that Thomas had scared you out of your wits?”

“Scared me out of my wits?” Taylor was so offended by Blake’s words that he ended up laughing.“Blake, let me tell you—the person who can terrify me has yet to be born. That’s all I have to say. It’syour choice whether to proceed with this farce.”novelbin

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