I'm Someone Else

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155

Blake jolted in realization. That’s right! Even I can’t defeat Thomas, let alone the family’s hidden forces.Wouldn’t they be sitting ducks?

He berated himself for being so silly as to forget such an important detail! The ten of them wouldn’thave had to die if I thought of this sooner!

The Hinds spent many years training them to become the family’s core strength.

“I know what you’re thinking, Blake. No matter what happens, we must seek vengeance againstThomas! However, we can’t be reckless. I haven’t been wasting my time, you know. I thought of anexcellent way to get rid of that b*stard Thomas without bringing any harm to the family!” Jake declaredsmugly.

He spent several sleepless nights racking his brain before he came up with this plan and wasimmensely in awe of his own cleverness. He even thought he would’ve beaten Albert Einstein if he hadbeen born sooner.

“Tell me your idea.”

Blake didn’t know what to do anymore. He had always been obsessed with martial arts and paid noattention to anything else. While he was perfectly capable of killing off his opponents, he was no matchfor Jake when it came to schemes and nefarious plots.

“The key to killing Thomas lies with Olivia! We know what Olivia’s identity is. It’s no secret in Irieson.According to the reports we received, Thomas is currently staying with Olivia. Since they’re alwaystogether, why don’t we spread some news about them? We can say that they’re dating and havemoved in together and that Olivia has even lost her virginity to Thomas. How do you think the otherfamilies of the Six Greatest Families will react?”

Blake’s eyes lit up. “They will kill Thomas no matter what the cost! They might even get so furious thatthey move against the Pearsons!”

Jake nodded. “That’s right, Blake. When the time comes, it won’t be just Thomas who’s doomed. Theentire Pearson Family would be goners, too! Hahaha! Isn’t that exactly what we want?”

Blake was thrilled as he stuck his thumb up at Jake. “Genius! You’re a genius! But the other familiesaren’t fools. Will they truly believe us? After all, Thomas and Olivia aren’t actually dating.”

“You’re too naive, Blake. It’s almost the day of the sacrifice. I’m sure the six families are extremelysensitive right now. If they want to look into it, so be it. Olivia and Thomas have been getting very close,anyway. Who would believe that nothing’s going on between a young man and a young woman livingtogether?”

Blake nodded excitedly as he thought Jake had a point.

After the events of today, Blake began to see Jake in a whole new light. He finally understood why theirlate father instructed the two of them to work together to ensure the Hind Family would soar to newheights. They were a perfect complement, with one as the brains and the other as the brawn!

With how powerful Thomas is, we’re not powerful enough to touch him, but that won’t be the case if thesix families banded together to attack him! All six families have their own hidden forces and strength.Even if Thomas had nine lives, he wouldn’t stand a chance against the might of the six families!

“Let’s not waste any time, Jake. Get it done right away!”

“Got it, Blake!”

Jake turned to leave as a sinister smirk crept onto his face. You’re done for this time, Thomas. I’ll makesure of it. Otherwise, I’ll eat my own sh*t!

He had seen his son die at Thomas’ hands. His hatred for Thomas was more than words coulddescribe. Therefore, he was determined to see to it that Thomas was turned into a pile of ashes!

At 7.30PM, Thomas and Olivia walked out of Keyshire Property, but as soon as they got into the car,Thomas received a call from Quincy.

“Did you need something, Dr. Hofstead?” he asked.

“There’s no time to waste, Thomas. Hurry up and come to the hospital at once. I’ll be waiting for you!”

Quincy sounded panicked. They had a monumental crisis on their hands. Which b*stard was it thatstarted spreading the rumors about Thomas and Olivia being in a relationship?! They’re even claimingthat Olivia lost her virginity to him! Isn’t that just a blatant attempt to stir up resentment of the SixGreatest Families toward Thomas? Damn it, Irieson’s going to be thrown into upheaval! Quincythought.

I am greatly indebted to Thomas; I have just started studying the book ‘The Imperial Acupuncture,’ butmy medical skills have already improved! I have to inform Thomas about this impending crisis rightaway so he can prepare himself for it. But… the rumors sounded so real. Could it be that Thomas andOlivia have already…

As soon as the thought came up, he quickly banished the thought. No! That’s impossible! Others maynot know Thomas, but I do! He’s not the kind of man who would be controlled by his lower half!

As soon as the thought came up, he quickly banished the thought. No! That’s impossible! Others maynot know Thomas, but I do! He’s not the kind of man who would be controlled by his lower half!

Meanwhile, Thomas was puzzled. What does he mean by there’s no time left to waste? Did somethingmajor happen?

Nevertheless, he couldn’t leave right now since he had to stay with Olivia. She worked hard all day, andit was time for her to rest.

“Is it urgent? Why don’t you just tell me over the phone?”

He wouldn’t mind letting Olivia stay at home alone during the day, but he was too worried to do that atnight.

“It’s an extremely serious matter, Thomas! I can’t explain it over the phone. Stop dallying and hurry up!”

Quincy ended the call right after that.

“Oh, well!” Thomas sighed. I guess I’ll have to drop Olivia off at Denver Residence. They should beable to keep her safe.

“Olivia, I’ll drop you off at your grandfather’s place. Stay there for a while. I’ll come and get you once Isettle something.”

“Huh? Do you have something to do?” She was taken aback. Why would he still have matters to attendto so late in the day?

“Why don’t you just drop me back home instead?”

“No, I can’t leave you alone at home,” he rejected the idea without hesitation.

“Okay, then. I’ll go along with whatever you decide.”

She smiled sweetly. He cares so much about me. He’s so domineering yet so manly at the same time!

Along the way, Olivia informed Harrison that she would be dropping by for a while. Harrison was sohappy that he instructed the household staff to prepare a table full of Olivia’s favorite food.

Thomas drove up to Denver Residence. Olivia got out and waved goodbye. “Drive safe, Thomas. I’ll bewaiting.”novelbin

“Got it.”

Harrison had complicated feelings as he watched this scene play out before him. Someone of his agecould clearly tell that Olivia had developed feelings for Thomas. While Thomas was a good andcapable man who treated his granddaughter well, Harrison knew full well that she wasn’t allowed todate anyone!

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