I'm Someone Else

Chapter 154
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Chapter 154

Chloe nodded and smiled sweetly. “Thank you, Thomas.”

“You’re my godsister, so it’s my responsibility to keep you happy always. No need to thank me for thegifts. Now, try them out and see if it suits you.”

“Alright.” She got out of the car to try on the shoes. “They fit perfectly.” After that, she took them off andchanged into her old shoes again.

Puzzled, Thomas asked, “Why’d you change them out?”novelbin

“I’m going to wear these when Zachary comes home. I’m going to welcome him back while wearingthese shoes.”

Unbeknownst to her, Thomas felt his heart shred into pieces upon hearing that, and he froze up. Shehas no idea her brother’s never coming home.

“What’s wrong, Thomas?”

He snapped out of it and heaved a long sigh. “It’s nothing. You should go back to work.”

“It’s almost lunchtime, anyway. How about I treat you to lunch?”

Unfortunately, he was in no mood for lunch, so he waved her down. “You go ahead. I have somethingto settle.”

“Okay.” A dejected Chloe nodded and walked back into the building while holding her new shoes. Everytime I talked about Zachary, he would have a weird look on his face. It was almost as if Thomas wasfeeling sad. Why, though? Does he not want Zachary to come home? That’s not likely. They’re buddies,after all. He should be looking forward to it. Chloe was starting to suspect something, but she couldn’tput her finger on what it was.

Thomas saw her off and drove away, though he had no idea where to go. He came to a quiet spot tocalm himself down. Then, he started burning through his stock of cigarettes, and soon, tears streameddown his cheeks. “I’m… sorry, my friend. I owe you a debt that can never be repaid, but please watchover us. I promise I’ll make your family happy. I swear, so just wait a little while longer. When they nolonger need me, I shall meet you in the afterlife and confess my sins.”

Everyone thought Thomas was a brave, undefeatable man, but he was not. He only made sure he hidhis weakness carefully. Even now, Thomas still had dreams of that failed mission, especially the verymoment he shot Zachary. Since then, he had developed somniphobia. He was afraid he might dreamof that day again if he slept.

This was clearly a case of post-traumatic stress disorder, but he never told anyone about it. He had alot of things to do and so many people to protect. There was no way he could show his weaker side toanyone.

It was already 3.00PM when he came back to Keyshire Property. He then went into Olivia’s office.

“You’re back.” Olivia smiled.

“Yeah,” Thomas responded.

“Does she like the shoes you got her?”

“Very much.”

“Good to hear.”

Thomas was in no mood to talk. He plopped down on the couch and started resting his eyes.

Olivia gazed at him. She had a feeling he just went through something incredibly heartbreaking. Itseems like he didn’t just go to give Chloe some shoes. He’s trying his best to hide it, but I can feel a

hint of depression coming from him.

Molly felt that, too. She wanted to ask him if he was alright, but she had no courage to do that. After all,Thomas and Olivia were the perfect match, not her. She might be seen as a third wheel if she didanything stupid.

Meanwhile, at the Hind Residence, Blake was fuming. He thought he was about to explode from rage.How the f*ck?! He had sent four killers to Northpine Villa to take out Thomas once, but they failed. Notonly did they fail, but they also ended up giving their lives for it! I spent so much time and effort trainingthem! Not one to give up easily, Blake had sent out six more killers just to take out Thomas this time,but he still received no news even after so long.

Five minutes ago, his curiosity and impatience got the better of him, so he called the leader of the six,but no one took the call. He was no idiot. He knew that the mission had failed once again. How is thatpossible? He’s not a god!

“Blake…” Jake called out to his brother quietly. He’s furious. I think I can see the fire burning in hiseyes. Gods, that’s scary.

“Blake…” Jake called out to his brother quietly. He’s furious. I think I can see the fire burning in hiseyes. Gods, that’s scary.

“Tell them to keep hunting Thomas down. We’ll send out eight—no, ten killers this time. There’s no wayhe can keep getting away with it. I won’t stop until he’s dead!”

Jake’s knees almost buckled out of the fear that he was feeling. “Calm down, Blake. He’s scarier thanwe thought. If he manages to take out a few more of the killers, he’ll destroy our trump card. We needthat to stand tall.”

The killers were the Hinds’ trump cards. Training even one of them up required a lot of time, effort, andmoney. Thomas alone had taken out ten of those killers, and they didn’t have many of them left. Thiswas a risk they must not take.

Blake calmed down a little after hearing that. Jake has a point. If I keep doing this, I’m going to ruin thefamily’s foundation. But what about Drake? Thomas killed him, and he humiliated me. I won’t let thisslide until I have my revenge! But how?

“Blake, that man is no ordinary person. Our trump cards are powerful enough to run this city bythemselves, but you saw what happened. Thomas is more terrifying than we thought. Besides… um…”Jake trailed off. If he kept going on, he’d be rubbing salt into his brother’s wound. He didn’t want to dothat when Blake was furious, or Blake might take it out on him.

“Besides what? Spit it out!”

“Fine, but don’t get mad.” Jake mustered up his courage and continued, “Back when he charged intoour house, he had taken you out without so much as breaking a sweat. You’re the strongest fighteramong us. If not even you can defeat him, I don’t think anyone in the family can.”

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