Im -perfect

Chapter 9
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Chapter 9

In the morning I woke up refreshed, my heart a bit at ease .

Even though I kept recalling yesterday for the entire night and finally came to conclusion of ' Let's justforget whatever happened ' because I had no other choice , not against who shall not be called by hisanymore .

After a very serious pep talk with myself , I decided that no one - including ,-The one will break me.

My father abandoning us didn't and neither will Jacob .I had enough and I wasn't going to play alongwith him not now, not ever.

I drove to my school , nerves jangling but still stride inside the school with my head held high.

The cat calls of ' Bella the Waddington ' starts but I ignore them , they were nothing compared to whatJacob had planned for me inside that sick head of his .

Despite keeping a good courageously front , my nerves started to stretch with anxiety and tremorsshoots down my spine the closer I get to my class.

First period was history which meant I had to see him again.

Those gorgeous eyes that had somehow entrapped me in them.

Son of a bitch .How the hell I'm supposed to finish an entire year with him being in one of my classes?

I stride forward with even more enthusiasm trying to get rid of whatever, I was feeling currently but mypace falters as I walk inside the currently empty classroom and all of a sudden , the memory of Jacobtrapping me that day refreshes in my mind.

A strange feeling grips my heart and my body acts up in the awareness of that day's memory .

I can still feel his hands over me.

His close breath.

His dark gaze as he let it roam all over my body .

A strong rage takes over me , I reprimand myself for feeling like this but that's not all , something asimmoral and sinful, something that might have gripped me last night , grips me again.

‘No! No! No! I'm not letting him inside my head '.

Frowning I move forward ignoring the subtle jibes of my arousal .

‘Atleast Its empty ' that's what I thought but then I turn around and my head collides with a hard strongchest .

“Were you expecting me , Princess?"

I instantly step back at arm's length ,not only because I don't want that day incident to happen onceagain but also to stop the sudden burst of current to stop , after his touch .

I wanted to tell him to stop calling me princess and to leave m e alone but my voice just wouldn't work.My nerves tingling, I feel terror and excitement rising .

I wanted to hide , to run or even better to scream but I knew they were all suicidal options .

Jacob can easily turn the tides with a simple flick of his finger.Girls wouldn't mind getting on his goodsides to just have a chance with him and boys wouldn't like to take a shot at being on the shit list withJacob and his friends .

Since , [had no other choice .I can only fight but the moment I met his gaze with mine.My couragefalters leaving nothing .

He looked perfect .

perfect face .

perfect body.

perfect everything .

I knew that he doesn't even try for it , and it still looks like the school’s uniform was tailored for his firm,muscular body.

No wonder he is the Golden boy .

His appearance is enough to charm everyone without even trying.

Or to intimidate .

In certain cases , Like me.

"So , you ran away yesterday?" he says as a matter of factly .

"I didn't, I think , I said no first and left " it would have been better if I just went ahead and asked him tokill me out right because in my turmoil of emotions I once again forgot that you don't say not to the fourhorsemen , who can tactically ruin you to rubble .

Shoving a hand in his pocket, he studies me up and down, his gaze slowly drifting down to where hehad once groped me.

It takes all my effort to turn around and leave but something tells me that this time Jacob wouldn't letme go that easily .

"I think you're lying , I know you want me as much as everyone else does, Princess '' he remarks .

I wish I could have slap him hard but I didn't or maybe I couldn't because unknowingly or knowingly hehad arrived at the truth.

"I don't do what everyone else does, I'm not you.And Stop calling me Princess , The last thing I want isyour girlfriend coming after my ass " I hiss at him.

His tone is almost amused as he leans forward making me move two steps back "Yeah you have yourbrains don't you Princess .And I will call you whatever I want because , she isn't my girlfriend .Neverwas ."

"I might be using the most polite vocabulary there is. And stop calling me princess , I'm not yourPrincess!"

"You're what so ever the fuck I want you to be , Princess and the term you're searching for is fuckbuddy ."

I almost bit back the curse wanting him to go and rot in the deepest depths of hell .] just want him toleave me the fuck alone , so that I can calm my emotions down .Was I asking too much God ?

I suppress my anger and turn around to leave but he just wouldn't let me go.

A strong hand clutches my arm and wheeled me back so hard, Iland straight against his hard chest.

"Did I say you can leave ?" he asks me

"Jeez , I think you did .Don't you remember the day I apologised to you , you asked me never to comein front of you .Aren't I doing what you asked me to?"

"I changed my mind " he says quite casually.

"And since when did I become one of your subjects , In case you forgot , I don't listen to you , Knight " Ibite back at him.

“There's a start to everything ".

He releases his arm only to drape them around my waist pulling me even closer to him.His armsresting on the small o f my back.

We're so close that his smell mingles with mine .

I never paid attention to it but his height and broadeness suits well with mine .Get a grip , I chid myself ,trying to push against his hard chest , wiggling sideways , trying to get away from him.

He doesn't even budge , his overpowering strength keeps an iron clasp hold.

"LET.ME.GO " struggling I hiss at him.

“ Why ?"

“Because , why in the fuck you shouldn't?" I retort .

"I love it when you struggle against me " his eyes darkening , with the same sadistic glint he alwayshave around me , reaching up he trace my neck and I shudder " You should see your face , it's so red".

I stop my struggle at once .If my struggle turns him on , then it's better for me to fighting against himand go limp.

"Satisfied ?" I ask letting my arm go limp, falling lifeless against my body., schooling my experssion to arather cool one.

His grip hardened .

Obviously, the sick bastard didn't like me going against his will.

"A word of advice , Princess " he begins, his voice calm , the dangerous sort of calm " You have seenwhat I can do , I will advise you not to push me or else-"

"Push you ????" T shriek "You're the one pushing me , one second you want me get out of your damnsight and the next second , you hold me like we're some freaking lovers ! Why can't you just leave mealone ?"

"What do you think ?" he laughs with a humorlesss edge , as if there was a joke that I wasn't quitegetting .

"I never thought you will be this adorable and naive "

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Why else do you think, I will do this with you?" he question back.

He clutches my chin with his thumb and forefinger,slanting m y head back so he can stare at my facewith his stormy gaze.

My heart thumps harder and faster .

Oh my poor little heart .

No matter how much I think that the situation was under my control , it wasn't .It got out of hand themoment I stepped into this empty class alone with Jacob Knight .

My spine straightens , my heart recognizes this fear , this danger that comes with being in such a closeproximity with Jacob.

The need to run away and hide my overflowing feelings , overpowers me.

The side that I have always hidden deep inside of my heart was making its way out , crawling and if]didn't do anything soon.It will resurrect on the surface , revealing my desires, my heart in front of him.

"I swear to God , Let me go or else-"

"Or else what ? " his features sparks with the acceptance of Challenge " You can't do fuck to me,Bella.Let me put it in words you will understand better , If I take you here, right now and murder youafter our little moment, I can assure you Coach won't say a word about it , instead he will come rushingin to burn your corpse , scatter your remains and wipe your blood off the floor , in case I end up slippingon it .You have nothing that will threathen me Bella , But I do.Money invites power and Power enticepeople.You might have your head stuck up somewhere , so let me tell you , Money speaks and I havethat , and you don't."

His words stings because they are true .As long as he has his father's power and money behind him ,his father wouldn't even need to interfere and everything will blow over .

The unfairness and injustice flares a rage within me and my eyes starts burning with unshed tears.

Nope.Not happening

Now that I know that my struggle and tears , gives hima satisfaction unknown to me.I won't let him tearme down again.

"But if you feel like it ."

The corner of his lips lifts up in a smirk.

"If you think you can take me, then, be my guest , show me what you got, Princess.I’m curious to seewho will believe you when you tell them that I touched you without your consent.I can have any pussy Iwant, what’s so special about yours?"

"That its not yours and never will"

I freeze , as soon as those words escape my lips .I shouldn't have done that , How could I be so foolish.I just saw him getting excited over the stupid challenge .I regret my words at once , scolding myself forbeing so stupid for dangling the meat in front of a predator.

"Oh, Princess " he calls me thoroughly Amused.

I tremble trying to get out of his reach , any second now he will -

But the blow of him draping me down on the table doesn't come , instead he steps back.

Wait...What ...

He's letting me go...Is this true..?

I watch his expression like a deer caught in the headlights.

He schools his features into the one he uses to charm everyone .His golden boy smile.

What's happening ?

I’m happy he’s letting me go, I am. But I can’t help but feel the tinge of annoyance as well .

"What's going on between you and that weed poker?"He places a hand in his pocket, appearingcasual, almost nonchalant.


"You're not an idiot , so don't act like one.Spill "

"You're out of your mind .Pray tell me why is me being friends with Ron , matters to you ?" I don't knowbut the urge t o turn around and escape his presence once again overpowers me.

"Take another step , Princess .And I'll chase you , and this time ...." he trails off "I won't stop ".

And I stop in my tracks turning around to face him.

A part of me doesn’t want to believe he’d go that far, but who am I kidding?

Jacob wasn't scared of shit and I knew that he won’t stop until he gets what he wants.

With my heartbeat quickening , I ask him. "Why are you doing this,Knight?"

"Why do you think?"

"Because you want to ?".

"Because I want to ..?"

His lips curves up faintly "You tell m e , Princess.Are you really that naive or you're pretending?"

"I don't know what you want from me "I say lightly .

"You're missing the point "

"And what's that point ?"

"If you don't know , why should I tell you , huh?"

I open my mouth to tell him that I was thankful for him to clear that said point so clearly but he cuts meoff "take your shirt off"

"Excuse me?"

"Take .Your .Shirt.Off '' pronouncing each syllable as if I didn't heard him the first time , he speaksagain.

"You're sick " ignoring the excitement pumping , I tell him.

"If you think , that's an insult to me .Try again "

"And why should I? So that you can click a picture of me like your girlfriend and tell the world , howmuch I look like a cow ?"'l ask him inspite of my fear for him.

"No, Just wanted to make sure that there is nothing in there which should not be "

he says casually , and what was that angry bite in his voice , if I didn't knew him well enough , I mighthave taken it as jealousy.

I pursue my lips in thin line , ignoring him .

"Last chance.Don't make me repeat myself or I'm going to rip your skirt off instead of that shirt "

"Is this one of your sick dare again, Ifit is, l say no".

We watch each other for one second.


Three —

He starts in my direction.

All blood drains from my face and a cold sweat trickle down my spine.

He is not joking

That look.That determination.I knew that sadistic look.

This time he won’t stop , like he did last time.

"Fine!" I blurt, stepping back. "I’ll do it."

He stops,He appears calm and casual, but if I run, I knew that he’ll chase me like a haunting devil.

Nerves jangling .I try to ignore the running adrenalin, I wasn't falling for it no matter how much I likedhim , I will not be one of his one night stands .My mumma didn't raise me up to give my precious V cardfor a moments pleasure it meant so much to me.And Jacob wasn't taking it away from me , not withoutshowing his sincerity , his true self.

"You do it , had lots of experience , don't you " It was crazy but I had only this one shot .

He stiffens , searching my face for something , what I don't know.

I’m sure my suggestion has taken him by surprise.He thought I'd either run from him or he’d do it byforce.

I’m sure the sick bastard quite liked the second option.

The fact that I’m offering him to do it without any struggle it must have thrown him off

"Are you trying to be funny ?" he asks , his voice cold.

"I'm just letting you do what you want " I say innocently .

" Are you ?"

“Yes "

“You're gonna regret this " he starts unfastening my ribbon.

I place my hands on his shoulder trying to keep my experssion as poker as much as I can.

He pauses, his fingers stopping on my second button .His gaze searching my face once again.

I knew my courageous action of touching him, might have surprised him .I didn't stop to think if he likedit or not , instead I lift my knee and hit him where his sun shines .

His keeled , His hand trying to clasp mine but I don't give him the chance , I run as fast Ican.

I didn't think about the consequences at all because the latter case meant to have myself being halfnaked in front of Jacob Knight .

I didn't knew why he asked me to do that but I wasn't going to stop to ask him about it as far as I know,it might have been one of his sick psycho fantasy to make me suffer .

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