Im -perfect

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6

"Are you alright ?"Selina who has followed me to the girls bathroom asks worriedly .

"Do I look alright to you ?" after the whole fiasco of apologising to Jacob, I wasn't surprised at findingmyself feeling terribly sick.

Wiping my mouth on my sleeves, growl at her " apologise to him and everything will be fine ? Yeahright !"

"Look at least he will be off your back now" she informs me.

I simply rolled my eyes at her .Off my back or not , Inada feeling that the saga of Jacob Knight wasn'tgoing to end in my life just like this , I didn't know why I felt this way but I just did.

Thankfully; Selina was understanding enough that I wasn't willing to talk it out with her and decided togive me my personal space ; which I decided to use up by spending my time in the library , part of thereason was I wanted to finish m y assignment , part of it was Because I wanted to avoid the schoolpopulation .

Jacob must have already asked his forces to go and spread the news of me apologising to him , in thecafeteria .Like he said his reputation was at stake and he would do anything to keep it safe.

By the time I step out of the Library , my mood wasn't lifted but atleast there wasn't much student left tomake it worse atleast .Maybe y'all will be like why was I reacting in such way ? Because I felt it waswrong and it was wrong! It was unfair!

He took my first kiss ruined my reputation and I had to apologise to him.To be bested by someone justbecause they had either power and money was a rather a hard pill to swallow.But as I turned aroundthe corridor my glance fell at someone and my mood took an even more deeper dive .

With his blonde hair swept like a surfer and glittering green eyes , my brother Chris looked at me .Ignoring his gaze I walk past him when he calls after me "

If you were gonna do it anyway , you should have done it earlier, atleast I wouldn't have to work twiceas hard as hard as I had to “his tone was whiny making my blood boil with anger.

"Oh yeah ?" I finally turn around to look at my asshole of a brother .

"Yeah; do you have any Idea how many taunts I had to listen t o today?" if this was any other day Iwould have definitely gone along with his spoiled brat attitude , all thanks to my mum .But not today "

Atleast I had guts to face their shit ! unlike a certain someone who hid behind their sister's bullies backlike a little sissy !" I spoke scathingly

"You - what -"

"I'm so fucking disappointed in you ! You kept saying since w e were young that you won't becomesomeone like our dad!"I spat at him " but look at you , you turned exactly like him abandoning yourfamily for the sake of your own gains ! "

Apparently I have gone to far as Chris's face turned livid . He took a dangerous step in front of me , hiseyes narrowing in anger.

"Watch what you say , just because I'm your brother doesn't mean I will take all your shit !"

"Oh its great that you still remember that I'm your sister! "I add nastily " Hit the nerve didn't I, do you stillremember what you said when you were young? You said that you will never abandon your family justlike him, what did you do? You left me alone to face all this shit just because of a damn QB position !"' Iyelled at his face .

Chris flinched looking as if I had just slapped him on his face .But this didn't made me feel guilty at all ,instead it gave me a sick satisfaction.I turned on my heel ignoring my brother's hurt look not evenslightly bothered about it .I shouldn't have been feeling like this, this was how bullies were made but Icouldn't help it at all

"Are you okay ?" a new voice called me , making me jump a foot up . I turn around at once , a youngman in long sleeve t shirt and shorts was lying on top of his car hood.

"What ? Did you just talked to me ?" it wasn't my fault at all since it has been two years anyone otherthen Selina talked with me.

"Yeah.? Is there anyone else here?" jumping off his hood he take a grateful swig of his joint " names ,Ron , Ronald Davis " he took out his right hand ; which i took and gave a shake .

"Want it?" waving his joint around he asks me " you look like you need something to lift you up".novelbin

If I wasn't upset with Chris , I would have remembered that taking a swig out of a strangers joint was arather bad decision but today I was on a trip down to my adrenaline rush , thus I took hold of his jointand copied his action .I had no idea what he rolled up in it because by the time , my head stoppedgetting dizzy , I was coughing fretfully .

"shit ; Are you okay ?" he asked me worriedly as he looked down at me.

"Yeah ; you were right it did lift me up " I said grinning quiet stupidly and that's where a new foundfriendship of a rather unusual people.

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