Im -perfect

Chapter 5
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Chapter 5

Nothing could have been daunting then me standing in front of my locker watching a huge ass postersticking to it , it wasn't a poster ofcourse ; it was a photo taken from a rather misleading angle.

People were crowding around me ; laughing ; giggling and not giving a fuck about the truth and why willthey ? People don't care about what the truth is , they only care about what they believe it to be.

"Hey ; teacher's whore !" someone , maybe a Knight ass licker calls out to me but I ignore him ; insteadI rip off the poster sticking on my locker ; crumpling and throwing it in dustbin .

More laughter .

My agony fuels their laughter ;I knew that much but never did I thought that they will go so low one-day.Maybe I should have known , people like Knight have no such thing as sense o f propriety.I turnaround wanting to find Jacob and give him another taste of my slap but before I could someone grabmy hand and pull me out of the school entrance .

"Selina!" I cry out for my best friend to stop dragging me away from them but she doesn't stop insteadshe increases her force.

"What were you going to do ?" she demands at once we reach the parking lot out of earshot frompeople.

"To teach Knight a lesson ! what else !"

"Bella, listen you can't fight them , listen to me I know, you will hate me for this but do whatever Knightasked you to "

"No; no, no , after everything he has put me through ? you want me to apologise to him? of all people???"I look at Selina , as if seeing her for the first time .She looks the same with her caramel hair and

brown eyes, but something tells me she wasn't the same, the Selina I know will never back downwithout a fight , not when she did nothing wrong.

"I know but just think about it ; this entire things has been spread over the school forum ; Bella use yourbrains; you're off to California, unlike them you've worked your ass off for this shot , and this - this willcertainly harm your chances to get in your dream college" rubbing her face with her hands Selinawheedled .

"You want me to back down ?" I knew where she was from coming from and she was correct butbowing my head down to knight and apologising to him , didn't sit all to well with me.novelbin

"Bella, your future or your pride , what matters you the most ? " steeling herself as if she was gettingready to do something really desperate Selina asked me .

"' My future !" I answer without much thought

"Exactly ! so what if you have to apologise to him ? as long as he stops , let me tell you somethingBella ; you don't want to make an enemy out of those four assholes, you - they can be much worsethen this and if you think they did their worse to you, you're wrong they haven't, not yet .Until now it wasonly their minions but they can seriously make your life hell if they themselves walked in, whatever isgoing on between you and knight "said Selina quite belligerently.

"You talk as if you know everything about them !" I love my best friend, I really do but from a couple ofdays I just can no longer comprehend her anymore ; she was acting scared as if something orsomeone was out for her blood

Selina opened her mouth violently as if she wished to throw a hurl of diatribe at me but maybe shethought better of it and stopped.

"Look" she holds up her hand in an attempt to explain "

I was with then in junior high and I can assure this is not their worst, truthfully, They are just playingaround with you right now , Bella - i - won't hurt you, will I ? Please just please end this"

I open my mouth once then twice but I wasn't able to think of anything to counter what Selina has said,she was right , rather than getting involved in this childish games with Knight, it was better for me tofocus on what lays ahead of me.Knight didn't had to work his ass off for a scholarship in California , Ihad to and I knew that my seat will be at stake if this rumour were to drag on.

"Alright, I get it " It kills me ; I haven't done a damn thing wrong but for the better good , I had to bowdown.

For the millionth time in my life , I realised how unfair life was.People with either power or money cando whatever they wanted to and in my case; My bully had both of these and Me? I was a nobody .

The next thing I knew , it was half past ten and the bell to lunch has rang , I couldn't understand wheredid my entire morning go? The thought of apologising to Jacob knight was dreadful enough but to makethings worse my anxiety was high on rollercoaster .Hands shaking , legs trembling and my entire bodywas quivering .

I hated when it happened but there was no other choice , Knight only gave me time till lunch was overand I was damn near sure that , That bastard will revoke the deal even if I was a second late , ifpossible, he might be thinking of what to do tomorrow, so he can make my life even more hellish than italready was.

Finding Jacob wasn't difficult even without my lack of arrival a t the cafeteria for the past two years ,their table was right at the centre, where all the popular jocks belonged.

"Go on" Selina pushed me from behind ina fail attempt to boast my morale but I ignore her ,I love herbut I was feeling a little more resentful towards her for stating the fact as off they were and pushing meto my apparent doom I trudge towards their table a rather too reluctantly .

And he caught my eye , before anyone else , was it only my imagination or his stormy gray eyes justturned a shade darker ? cocking an eyebrow he smirks, dipping down he locks his lips with the schoolqueen bee and my half sister Anna Parsons.small world ? Nah .My mother deliberately put me in thisschool knowing my father new daughter went in this school .She wished me to put this girl down withmy academic performance but what my mother didn't know that ; Anna cares about her studies asmuch as Jacob knight cares about his visit to church , which means none .

I wanted to turn around and leave but I speed up instead ; the sooner I get this done with the better .

Surprisingly ; none of the members of football team cat calls my new found name, instead they totallyignore me , which was completely fine by me .I stood in front of Jacob but apparently the latter was toobusy sucking my half sister's face off that he missed my arrival, standing there I felt my face burning notbecause of anger but shame., never have I ever seen two people kissing like that .

Not wanting to enjoy the 'show ' Jacob was putting on , I let my eyes wander to Conan Salvador, theonly person in the team, I considered as a little sane .Conan must have felt my gaze but he didn't lookup from the book he was currently reading .I let my mind wander as I take in his brown hair, chiseledjaw line and dark chocolate eyes.

"Ahem "I jump at the loud cough only to notice a tad belatedly that Jacob was done putting on the PDAand was glaring at me.

"You want anything ; Waddington ?"

‘Yeah ; I want you dead ' knowing I couldn't speak out my inner thoughts , I take a deep breath andforce out the apology that I have practised as a monologue , for the rest of the morning .

"I want to apologise to you , what happened two years ago was my fault; It was only a dare I shouldn'thave reacted in such an over ' exaggerated 'manner ; I hope you will be the bigger person and forgive

the lowly me "The apology wasn't sincere at all , It was barely forced out through the gap between myteeth and I was damn near certain that my expression was none other than my poker face .

"Hey Waddington ; that apology is a bit insincere , why don't you get down on your knees just like youdid for professor Brown , maybe we can make do with it ?"' a member of the football team shrieks indelight and Iignore him , my focus is on my tormentor who looks a little too pleased with himself .

Which only proves my theory of him being a sadist .

"Shut up , Shutton .Jake doesn't need a teacher's whore to suck him off ; do you honey?"batting hereyelid Anna speaks i na soft simpering voice.

Now I have nothing against blonde , My elder sister is blonde , my brother is one too but I totally do notunderstand why , just why , a pretty blonde is always titled as Queen bee .

"Am I forgiven ?"I ask again .Jacob flashes me a smile ; the one he uses to charm everyone but Iwasn't fooled .I know who he was and my thoughts weren't going to change.

"You know what Waddington , I agree with Shutton, your apology is a tab bit insincere " still grinning hesays .

My grip on the strap of my bag tighten a bit , I was afraid that T will end up throwing it on his face .

"I sincerely apologise to you , Knight" this time I spoke a lot more clearly , I wasn't stupid and I wasn'tgoing to answer with ‘what do you want ', it will only make me get entangled with him and I did not wantthat .

"Fine " shrugging a bit he agrees " but i hope you keep away from my sight , its a big turn off for me"

" Sure" I knew it , he wouldn't agree to it without putting my self respect down , without letting his teammates laugh at my expense but I wasn't hurt , not anymore .

Thate Jacob Knight and he can go to hell for all I care.

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