I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 899 Impending Fatherhood
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Chapter 899 Impending Fatherhood

Sean contacted Lina to convey the exhilarating news over the phone.

The subsequent day, he accompanied Abigail to the medical facility for her routine examination.

While seated in the vehicle, Abigail grasped Sean's hand and inquired, "Do you harbor a preferencefor a daughter or a son?"

Following a moment of reflection, Sean replied, "While I possess a penchant for a daughter, I wouldalso be elated with a son."

"I cherish both. Should the birthing process prove bearable, I would gladly entertain the notion ofhaving two children to offer each other companionship," Abigail expressed with delight. Nurtured inthe Quinn Village amidst a myriad of children from both local and nearby communities, she knewthat the companionship would bring happiness.

"Do you foresee a scarcity of playmates for them?" Sean couldn't suppress his grin.

Observing the children of their acquaintances engaging in playful camaraderie, he was cognizantthat solitude was never a concern.

Considering this, Abigail commented, "If our firstborn is a boy, then we can contemplate theprospect of a second child."

"There's no need to hasten; childbirth exerts a toll on the body. One child suffices," Seanresponded, his concern evident for her well-being.

Abigail nestled against Sean's shoulder.

At the medical facility, Abigail underwent her examination while Sean disseminated the news to theircircle of friends and family.

In under thirty minutes, word of Sean's impending fatherhood permeated.

Abigail's examination results yielded positive outcomes.

The doctor perused the report with a grin. "You are slightly over two weeks pregnant, and yourhealth is exceptional. It appears you've been diligently adhering to a regular exercise regimen."

During her time abroad, Abigail indeed upheld her commitment to fitness.

"I engage in exercise occasionally," she responded with a subtle smile.

"No significant concerns at present, but should any apprehensions arise, I recommend returning fora follow-up examination within the next month or two. Ensure your diet is rich in nutrients, and oh...remember to abstain from sexual intercourse during the initial stages of pregnancy, understood?"the doctor advised, presenting her with the medical report.

Blushing slightly, Abigail acknowledged, "I'm well aware!"

Sean smirked knowingly.

As they left the hospital, Abigail handed him the report, inquiring, "What amused you earlier?"

"This is widely known information by now, yet the doctor emphasized it to remind us. Are there stillcouples who maintain intimacy during pregnancy?" Sean queried with curiosity.

How would I know? Abigail thought to herself as she playfully swatted him. "Why the suddeninterest? We haven't even made any plans prior to the child's arrival. What if our child doesn't inheritintelligence?"

Placing his hand tenderly on Abigail's abdomen, Sean gently caressed it. "Even if two individualswith doctorates plan for a child, intelligence isn't guaranteed. Nevertheless, they'll undoubtedly be


Abigail's heart melted at his reassurance.

With them as parents, their child would be nurtured and safeguarded, irrespective of intellectualprowess.

"Now that you're expecting, we should reevaluate our work commitments accordingly. You shouldn'toverexert yourself during the initial stages," Sean expressed concern regarding her post-pregnancyworkload.

"There are certain projects that I'll need to defer. It's a difficult decision, but a necessary one now,"Abigail affirmed. She refused to let her professional obligations overshadow her child's well-being.

Considering this was her inaugural pregnancy, she understood the importance of prioritizing herhealth.

Upon returning home, she took the initiative to cancel ongoing projects and temporarily suspenddesigner recruitment.

Upon Luna and Josh's return from the hospital, they inquired about the developments. After offeringreassurances, Luna volunteered, "I'll oversee L.Moon's affairs while you focus on taking good careof yourself and the baby at home."novelbin

Abigail considered her offer for a moment before earnestly nodding. "That sounds good. Engagingsocially and pursuing goals could greatly enhance your mood as well."

"I've heard of someone who battled depression and found solace in work and travel. Over time, theircondition gradually improved," Luna shared. Having managed her emotions through medication,she now contemplated avenues for self-improvement.

"If you feel overwhelmed, I can step in. Despite being pregnant, I'm still capable of contributing tosome extent," Abigail remarked, her hand rising to touch her visage.

"Well, when are you thinking of tying the knot? Today's weather seems auspicious; why not seizethe moment and go get the marriage certificate?" Lawrence gently prodded.

He had always harbored the wish for Josh to marry Luna sooner, seeking to instill a greater senseof security in Luna.

However, both Abigail and Luna remained adamant about undertaking the new journey together.

With Abigail now expecting, it became imperative for Lawrence to ensure that they tied the knot.

"Absolutely, there's no better time than now," Luna readily concurred.

The originally meticulously planned marriage registration proceeded unexpectedly smoothly andeffortlessly, concluding within a mere two-hour span.

As Abigail tightly grasped the marriage certificate and returned to the car alongside Sean, shescrutinized the document, a whirlwind of emotions stirring within her.

Surprisingly, the sentiments evoked by both registrations were strikingly similar.

The disparity lay in the past, where her affection had been inexperienced and cautious.

Now, she could openly embrace the marriage certificate, unabashedly expressing her love for him.

"What are you thinking?" Sean inquired anxiously.

Abigail carefully placed the certificate into her bag and locked eyes with him. "It's intriguing how theemotions from both registrations feel so similar," she remarked.

This acknowledgment unquestionably served as the ultimate compliment to Sean.

Sean tenderly clasped her hand and murmured, "This time, I won't let you suffer any longer. Ipromise, if I fail to uphold my word, I won't have a favorable outcome."

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