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Chapter 898 Pregnant

"It seems like you're well-informed about Danielle's past actions," Abigail exclaimed, her mind racingto catch up with the recent facts.

She hadn't even had the chance to inquire about the depths of Danielle's misdeeds.

"It's because of what Cindy brought up. Hence, it was investigated by Xavien," Sean revealed,sensing the importance of addressing the issue head-on.

With Cindy having Harold's support, she had a shield against the relentless onslaught of criticismfrom netizens. However, if Abigail were to confront this alone, she would have to weather the stormsolo.

As a public figure, her options were limited. Apart from directly addressing public opinion, thereseemed to be no other recourse.

"Do you think the scandal involving L.Moon is finally reaching its conclusion?" Abigail still clung tothe hope that the chaos surrounding L.Moon would eventually subside.

"Without a doubt, there's been a noticeable decline in popularity, but perhaps that's for the best.You've been pushing yourself too hard all these years, so it's time to take a step back and breathe.There's no need to constantly be on edge. Plus, we can start thinking about starting a family," Seansuggested, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"But what about your company?" she questioned, her concern evident.

She wouldn't stand for him quietly transferring the company's assets online and sending her backhome to focus on starting a family.

"Oh, Graham International? Xavien is keeping an eye on it. I've been indulging in farming lately," hequipped, his tone light-hearted.

Abigail speculated that Lina had developed a newfound passion for gardening, and without delvingfurther into the matter, she simply nodded in agreement.


Upon their arrival at the restaurant, Sean took a moment to offer words of comfort to Harold over thephone.

The can of worms Cindy opened ended up causing quite a stir, and Graham International wassignificantly implicated.

"The Hinton Family is like a predator lurking in the shadows, eagerly waiting for any sign ofvulnerability from our side to strike mercilessly," Sean expressed, his brow creased with worry as heconcluded the call and shared his concerns with Abigail.

While holding the menu in her hands, Abigail's face was etched with worry as she pondered theirnext course of action. "What do you think we should do?"

"I've been in contact with reputable media outlets recently. I'm considering sharing my story withthem," he revealed, recognizing the importance of establishing official connections, even if it meantmaneuvering through the complexities of bureaucracy and potentially increasing his tax burden.

Relying solely on Graham International to withstand the relentless pressure exerted by the HintonFamily in Capitalis was simply not sustainable.

Harold couldn't afford to make any missteps. Another slip-up could result in him once again fallingprey to the Hinton Family's relentless attacks.

"Are we really going to make adjustments?" she inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

"Yes, I've made my decision. But don't worry, I'll make sure everything is handled smoothly goingforward," he reassured her.

After Cindy's heartfelt apology video, the situation surrounding Danielle underwent a noticeableshift. However, despite this, L.Moon's platform was undeniably experiencing a decline in traffic. Theonce vibrant daily sales of Fairy Meadow had dwindled by a significant 20% compared to pre-incident levels.

"Let's put a pin in it for now and eagerly await the unveiling of our new autumn collection," Abigailsuggested as she gently placed the sales report aside and turned her attention to Garrett.

"The impending resignations of several talented designers from our design department have medeeply concerned. They've always been dedicated and trouble-free." His expression grew solemn.The loss of talent signaled a slow descent into decline.

"In times of adversity, birds seek refuge in the sturdiest of trees. It's only natural for our talenteddesigners to consider their options amidst L.Moon's current challenges," she remarked, her tonereflective of her preparedness to address both the decline in sales and the loss of personnel.

Garrett let out a wistful sigh, and he gave a bittersweet smile. "At least the burden will lighten, evenif only by a fraction."

"Perhaps this downturn is L.Moon's opportunity to recalibrate and gradually stabilize." Sherecognized the need for the company to adapt and evolve in response to changing marketdynamics.

"Your words bring me much relief," he replied half-jokingly to lighten the mood.

With a graceful smile, Abigail rose from her seat. "Why dwell on pessimism when we're simplyfacing the inevitable? Danielle's incident merely accelerated it. Now that we have a moment to

spare, why not take the opportunity to contemplate your marriage?"

Garrett was momentarily taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation. "Marriage? Why thesudden urge to discuss marriage? I'll take my leave now," he exclaimed, feigning exasperation ashe made his escape.

After a tiring day at work, Abigail trudged back home. However, as soon as she stepped through thedoor, she was gently pulled into the room by Scarlett.

Abigail queried softly, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Abby, have you noticed it's been a while since your last period? Since you've been back, I haven'tseen any signs of it," Scarlett remarked. She had always kept track of her daughter's monthly cycle.

A sudden realization dawned upon Abigail as she pondered, It has indeed been two months sincemy last menstrual cycle.

She covered her mouth, and a playful glint danced in her eyes. "Could it be that I'm pregnant?"

Determined to confirm their suspicions, an eager Scarlett declared, "I'll have Lawrence buy apregnancy test kit for you right away," her enthusiasm palpable as she rubbed her hands together.

Before the pregnancy test kit could be obtained, Sean arrived.

Sitting anxiously on the sofa, he clasped Abigail's hand tightly. His tension was evident, as could beseen from the beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

Lawrence returned with the pregnancy test, and with bated breath, Abigail retreated to the bathroomto conduct the test.

Upon seeing the two distinct lines on the pregnancy test kit, Abigail felt a rush of embarrassmenttinged with joy as she emerged from the bathroom and handed the pregnancy test kit to Sean.

When Sean saw the result, he wasted no time in passing the pregnancy test kit to Scarlett beforeenveloping Abigail in a tight embrace. His voice was filled with overwhelming emotion as he spoke,"You're going to be a mother."

Abigail enveloped him in a tender embrace, her voice barely above a whisper as she delivered thejoyful news, "Congratulations, you're going to be a father."

"Let's schedule a hospital visit for tomorrow to determine the timing of Abigail's conception. And...perhaps we should consider getting the marriage certificate first?" Lawrence felt that obtaining themarriage certificate would bring him peace of mind.

"Of course, I'll consult with Abigail." Sean agreed and reluctantly released Abigail from his arms butstill kept his gaze fixed on her.

The lingering reluctance to avert his eyes served as a silent reassurance to both Lawrence andScarlett.

Happiness surged through her heart, unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

In that fleeting moment, she couldn't shake the lingering thought that perhaps... it was for the bestthat she hadn't conceived earlier. Sensing Scarlett's nurturing maternal instincts toward her, she feltdeeply cared for, and the absence of any shame in Lawrence's gesture of purchasing a pregnancytest kit only reinforced the love and protection surrounding her. Their genuine joy upon learning ofher pregnancy filled her with an indescribable sense of happiness.

With a heartfelt embrace, Abigail expressed her gratitude to her parents, "Mom, Dad, thank you foryour support, for your care, and for everything you've done for me."novelbin

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