I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 773 A Cunning Plan
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Chapter 773 A Cunning Plan

The architecture reminiscent of castles from the Equaian century dotted the landscape.

Simond was quite considerate when preparing a wheelchair for Andrew.

As Martin wheeled Andrew around, Andrew was exceptionally delighted. Their journey across theseas to the archipelagic nations gradually opened up his world, and he was no longer confined tohis cage-like laboratory.

"Dad, the houses here are so beautiful, and the colors are so vibrant," Andrew said to Martin.

Martin nodded. Simond had warned him not to mention the name of this place, so he had to avoid itand said, "Yes, many countries have houses like these in various colors. In the future, if we have thechance, we'll see many beautiful sights."

Abigail, being led by Simond, couldn't see and had no one to tell her where they were.novelbin

The group got into the car.

Andrew remained quietly content as he gazed out the window throughout the journey. He knewAbigail couldn't see and might feel sad about it, so he suppressed his own joy and chose to quietlyrelish the moment.

They arrived at a heavily guarded ancient castle. Simond waited for Martin and Andrew to alightfrom the car before assisting Abigail.

Abigail held her child as she slowly made her way out of the car, and then Simond embraced hershoulders.

"You remember my voice, don't you?" Simond's voice turned serious.

Abigail murmured in agreement.

"Let's go," he spoke softly and led her forward. "If someone who isn't with me tells you to go out fordinner or anything like that, don't listen to them."

"Okay." She complied obediently.

Simond quite liked her. Despite enduring so much, she never completely succumbed to despair, nordid she ever have a major outburst or breakdown. She would cry and then bounce back.

With someone like her, he didn't need to spend extra time and effort to make her submit to him.

Inside the castle, it was eerily quiet, with rows of black-clad bodyguards, each as imposing as thedevil.

Although Abigail couldn't see, she could feel the serious atmosphere. It felt so solemn that evenbreathing had to be done cautiously.

Martin was even more apprehensive and kept Andrew close behind Simond.

Andrew, like a child, stole a few glances before quickly averting his gaze in fear.

At that moment, Larry's mouth quivered. He was about to cry when Simond promptly covered it.

"Keep him quiet, and don't let him disturb anyone," Simond said coldly.

Abigail covered Larry's eyes and gently rocked him.

Finally, they reached the room, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Andrew and Martin were separated from Abigail, leaving only her and Larry in the room.

Simond instructed Henri, who had trailed them, "Stand guard at the door. If she calls for you, thenyou may enter."

"What if she needs to use the restroom?" Henri asked, sounding a bit clueless.

The question momentarily stumped Simond.

"Just show me the way to the toilet. I can manage with my hands," Abigail said mockingly.

"Alright," replied Simond before swiftly exiting the room.

Once the door shut behind him, his gaze turned cold as he made his way to Martin and Andrew’sroom.

He leaned against the door and lightly tapped on it.

Martin opened the door. He was about to ask a question, but upon seeing the unusual look inSimond's eyes, he instinctively took a step back.

The unmistakable presence of a mercenary laid bare at that moment, with no effort to conceal thebloodthirsty soul that seemed to emanate from his very core and a fierceness reminiscent of a wildpredator etched in his gaze.

Martin's throat bobbed as he asked, "Is there something you need?"

"Come with me." Simond's voice was devoid of emotion and sounded more like a killing machine.

"Andrew, don't wander off," Martin instructed before hastily following Simond. At that moment, hefinally understood the terrifying nature of this place.

It was a family of mercenaries with generations steeped in bloodshed… Each individual appeared tobe a precise cog in a machine or, perhaps, a chilling murder weapon.

They made their way to a bedroom, where Martin saw a frail woman lying on the bed.

The woman didn't appear old. Due to her paralysis, she was skinny, and her skin had an unnaturalhue.

Martin immediately suspected that she might have been drugged.

"Take a look and see what's wrong with her," Simond coldly instructed him.

Martin approached, furrowing his brow as he examined her. Then, he said, "She seems to besuffering from elemental poisoning. To confirm this, I'll need to conduct a blood test. Oh, right. Sincethe woman is in this state, Abigail might be able to assist. Wouldn't you want her to regain hersight?"

"What can she do?" Simond inquired.

"You sought me out because she possesses Alice's letter, correct?" Martin deduced everything atthat moment by just observing the woman.

Simond knew that he could only approach Martin and make him leave voluntarily through Abigail.However, with Richard keeping a close eye and Martin secluding himself for research, evenestablishing contact required considerable effort. Moreover, during that time, Martin couldn't leavehis research room due to Andrew.

Therefore, he brought Abigail by his side.

This reminded him of Andrew's future arrangements.

"She is indeed a skilled traditional medicine practitioner. I searched extensively in Eswadia. If itweren't for the incident involving Sean, I would have searched even longer. However, I am awarethat Abigail did not inherit her abilities." Simond was very thorough in his investigation.

Alice's expertise as a traditional medicine practitioner was so advanced that Abigail, who had beenunder her tutelage for six months, could not learn much.

Martin hesitated for a moment before lowering his voice. "But Abigail must have observed how Alicetreated Sean. I have a prescription here that's very effective for muscle atrophy."

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