I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 772 Fate Has Ended
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Chapter 772 Fate Has Ended

Abigail was suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of filial guilt.

She found herself questioning whether her past decisions to persevere were justified or not.

Now, as everything seemed to be falling apart, she couldn't help but think of Sean. Despite theirdifferences, they were still in the same city...

"Grandma, I'm sorry, but you need to stay home. Sean needs you, his grandfather needs you, andLina needs you too," Abigail said with a heavy heart.

Analise's diabetes was worsening, leading to moments of confusion and impaired vision.

Abigail's heart ached for everyone, yet she was powerless to do anything.

She felt responsible for everything that had gone wrong. It's all my fault.

After ending the call, she turned to Simond with teary eyes.

"What do we do now? It's not like we can just teleport back there. Eswadia is 15,000 miles away.We can't just snap our fingers and be there," Simond remarked unsympathetically.

Sniffling, Abigail pleaded, "Could you please dial another number for me?"

Simond asked her to provide the number.

Once the call connected, Abigail said softly, "Josh..."

Josh knew it was her as soon as the call connected. He had a strong intuition about this call.

"I'm aware of your situation. Tell me what needs to be done." Josh had been overwhelmed lately. Heassisted Sean in raising funds, yet Sean remained adamant and refused any help.

Josh heard that after Sean and Abigail broke up, Sean treated the Pearsons as strangers andrefused to meet them in person.

"Please sell the company for me. Fairy Meadow and L.Moon..." Abigail's voice trailed off.

"Abigail, Sean won't accept our money. He's determined to sever ties with you. My parents and Ihave tried countless times to meet him. We even offered substantial funds, but he declinedeverything and avoided meeting us." Josh sighed heavily.

Abigail gripped the phone tightly. She was at a loss for words.

"So... " Her voice carried a heavy sense of disappointment.

"Can't you come back?" Josh asked softly, "I heard you chose Simond. I know you had yourreasons, but whenever you get the chance, you must explain... And also, Mom and Dad are reallyworried sick. They're getting so stressed that they have aged a lot. Everyone's really worried aboutyou."novelbin

"I'm fine, really. I just can't come back for now," she reassured him.

Josh nodded. After a moment of silence, he continued, "Are you getting used to the food out there?"

"I'm managing," Abigail said, her mood gradually calming down.

That was her strength. No matter how tough things got, she could remain calm. Perhaps witnessingLuna's death had extinguished something in her that night.

"I'll wait for your return. You can trust me to take care of L.Moon and Fairy Meadow," Josh saidsoftly. Deep down, he knew Abigail might never come back.

It was nothing more than the entire family breaking apart.

Their parents had aged significantly and lacked the energy to handle everything. With Vincent andMolly closely overseeing things, Josh had to comfort his parents while also supporting the company.

Josh felt a quiet, relentless drift as if he was continuously losing Abigail.

Abigail briefly returned, only to leave again.

After hanging up the phone, she handed it back to Simond.

Since that phone call, she had completely fallen silent. She spent her entire days lost in thought,sitting and staring blankly in various places.

And just like that, a week had passed. It wasn't until Simond noticed they were nearing land that hesought out Abigail.

She sat on the deck, cradling Larry in her arms, with the wind gently tousling her hair. It gave her aserene appearance, like that of a painting.

One-year-old Larry pointed excitedly at the seagulls, calling out, "Bird! Mama! Bird!"

Abigail responded with a soft "mm." She couldn't see anymore because she had been blind foralmost half a year, so she learned to recognize various people's footsteps in the darkness.

For example, right now, she knew Simond was standing beside them.

"We're nearing land. Feel free to ask anything," Simond said to Abigail as he took a seat next to her.

Abigail already had a pretty good idea of what he meant, so she wasn't particularly interested inasking anything.

"Forget it," she said lightly.

In the past few days, Martin had told her that once they reached land, there would be plenty ofplaces for research, and then he could help her find medicine to improve her eyesight.

Currently, Simond was keeping a watchful eye on her to ensure her eyes didn't worsen, but he didnot allow the development of any medication to restore her sight.

"Abigail, this is your only chance," Simond said.

"I don't need this chance," Abigail said with indifference. When she was hurt by Sean before, shehad kept moving forward without looking back.

It was Sean who had made an effort to catch up to her. He gradually caught her hand, whichultimately led them to reconcile.

Now, he had once again left her and no longer pursued her. Nevertheless, she would continue tomove forward.

The initial fear brought on by blindness had slowly faded from her memory.

However, Simond had taken her away, deceived her, and caused Sean to suffer greatly for it. Forthis, she would find a way to settle the score.

"You are truly unique," Simond remarked with a smile.

After being reprimanded by Abigail a few times, Larry also distanced himself from Simond.

This was because Simond had persuaded him to address him as 'Dad.' When Abigail discoveredthis, she scolded Larry harshly.

The gentle breeze soothed Abigail's heart, and the ship, under her calm demeanor, arrived at thearchipelago nation in the northern Avalon.

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