I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 763 Let Her Cry
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Chapter 763 Let Her Cry

Abigail ended the call with Simond and hesitated for a while before dialing Sean's number.

She made several attempts, but Sean didn't answer.

She speculated that he might consider it a strange number and mistake it for a scam, so he chosenot to pick it up.

After a moment of thought, she decided to send a message to Sean. 'I'm Abigail Quinn. My phonewas destroyed, and I'm borrowing someone else's.'

Shortly after sending the message, she received a call from him.

She quickly answered the call and felt a sense of relief as tears welled up in her eyes. "Sean, I—"

"Can you explain what you've been doing?" Sean's voice was cold. "You've been lying to me,haven't you?"

Her throat tightened as she struggled to express the multitude of emotions. Eventually, she let out aforced laugh. "Yes, I've been lying to you all along. I was planning to explain everything to you afterit was all over."

"If it's because of Luna, you could have just told me. Why didn't you? Do you really think so little ofme that you'd rather believe Simond than me?!" Sean's voice was filled with anger.

Abigail listened quietly while being unsure of her feelings.

She felt sorry for him, but she wasn't overly upset by his questioning today.

This day was bound to come. Sean had found out, and she no longer needed to live burdened bysecrets.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but there are things I must keep from you," she said softly. "Iapologize, but... if you can't forgive me, I won't blame you."

"Abigail." Sean's voice trembled with emotion, but he quickly subdued it. "You're with another manand raising a child in secret. How am I supposed to accept that? Tell me whose child it is and whatyour relationship is with that man. I won't inquire about anything else. Just tell me, and we canpretend none of this ever happened."

"I can't reveal the child's identity yet. It's not the right time. As for the man, he's just a doctor's son. Iwent to see him regarding my matters." Abigail's voice grew steadily calmer.

In truth, she didn't believe that he truly wanted to pretend nothing had happened.

They would have disagreements in the future, and he might dwell on these thoughts, leading tounnecessary worries.

"Do you truly not care about our relationship?" he asked her.

"Do you not know whether or not I care about our relationship? Sean, I know it's wrong for me tokeep things from you, but I have my own matters to attend to. I need to finish what I have to say. Ifyou don't want to forgive me or get angry with me, I'll explain when I come back." She didn't want toargue with him over the phone.

And she didn't have the energy for it anymore.

Originally, she had only called to hear his voice, but she didn't expect this outcome.

Sean's throat tightened, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Fine. If you don't want to say it,then forget it. Do as you please."novelbin

"Okay," she replied before ending the call.

Abigail held her phone tightly. Then, she silently ran her fingers through her hair, lowered her head,and bit her lip to stifle her sobs.

Upon seeing her tears, Andrew crawled to her side despite the pain in his body. He gritted his teethas he sat up and gently placed his hand on her shoulders.

"Why don't you tell your fiancé about the child?" he asked softly.

Abigail didn't answer. She choked softly as her tears fell to the ground one by one.

Martin sighed softly. "Never mind. There must be reasons she can't talk about."

"Abigail... don't cry." Andrew awkwardly tried to comfort her.

Abigail's nose tingled, and Andrew's attempt at comforting her only intensified her pain. Shesuppressed her sobs as her shoulders shook with emotion.

He started to feel uneasy as he diverted his clear gaze to Martin, who gently shook his head. "Lether cry it out for a bit."

After having narrowly escaped death, she joyfully called her fiancé, only to receive such devastatingnews. Who wouldn't be heartbroken?

In her moment of greatest need, the absence of encouragement felt like her mental support hadcrumbled.

Sean held his phone and remained silent for an extended period.

Seeing his distress, Xavien hesitated before speaking up, "She might be really in trouble this time...It doesn't seem like Simond to deceive us."

"Might?" Sean's eyes were bloodshot as he questioned.

He had searched day and night, only to discover that she was safe with Simond.

She would rather trust Simond, an outsider, than her own fiancé, which was he himself. While hewas worried sick about her, she was still playing dangerous games with Simond.

Xavien bowed his head in the face of Sean's anger.

Sean didn't want to take it out on him. Back during the Golden Triangle incident, when Xavien riskedhis life to save him, Sean had already considered him as one of his kin.

"Let's wait until she's back in the country before we talk more. I don't care if she's still acting ortrying to trick me into forgiving her." Sean stood up.

"Mr. Graham, you should rest. I'll handle the investigation," Xavien reassured him.

Sean patted his shoulder. "Thank you for your hard work."

He appeared composed, but as soon as he entered the room, he forcefully slammed the door shut.

Xavien found Abigail's phone number and dialed it.

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