I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 762 A Fresh Start
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Chapter 762 A Fresh Start

Abigail climbed out of the tunnel and was surprised to see a picturesque landscape outside withlush forests. After a glance, she began to climb back with Larry.

Upon their return, she found that Andrew and Martin were awake.

She held up the lamp and said to Martin, "I found the exit, but..." She paused when she realized thatit would be quite difficult for Andrew to climb up.

Martin observed her bloodied hands and deduced that she had used a corrosive agent to open thepassage door.

"Perhaps we can wait here a little longer," he suggested. He was feeling exhausted and knew itwould be challenging for Andrew to climb with his injured legs.

"Let's see if there's any rope. I can drag him," she suggested. "We can't stay here too long. They'lleventually find us."

It was evident from movies that those from Perou enjoyed having outdoor basements.

There was no reason why Nick wouldn't be aware of it.

With a sigh, Martin had no choice but to listen to her.

Abigail quickly took action. She found some rope and tied up the disheartened Andrew all overbefore tying the same rope around her waist.

She also tied a rope around Martin. "If you can't keep up, let me know, and I'll take you bothtogether."

Martin looked at her solemnly and finally nodded slightly.

"Andrew, do you have a phone?" she asked him.

Andrew shook his head gently.

Abigail had already discarded Martin's communication device, and now they had no way to contactSimond. They didn't even know how long it would take to climb out of there.

In this environment, Martin and Andrew's wounds were bound to get infected.

"We'll talk once we're out," she said softly as she led them toward the exit of the tunnel.

Abigail didn't know how long they had been climbing. Along the way, Larry woke up, and she fedhim some food and gave him some sleeping pills to help him rest again.

At this moment, she had to make sure he stayed asleep.

When she finally emerged from the exit, she caught a whiff of fresh air.

The sky was already brightening.

She pulled out Andrew and Martin, and the three of them lay on the grass while taking in deepbreaths.

"What's the plan now?" Martin asked after a brief rest.

Abigail blinked. Her right eye was still blind, so she covered her left eye with her hand andconfirmed that she couldn't see anything with her right eye. She sighed softly. "Let's rest for half anhour."

Upon saying that, she took out three bags of bread and three cartons of milk from her bag. "I madethese on the spot. They might not taste great, but they'll help regain our strength."

Martin nodded in acknowledgment.

Andrew grew even quieter than before as he slowly nibbled on bread and drank milk. He did notutter a single word the entire time.

Once they had rested enough, Abigail stood up and turned to Martin. "Are you familiar with thisarea?"

Martin also stood up and brushed off his dirty clothes. He looked around and then said withcertainty, "Southwest. If we head southwest from here, we'll reach downtown."

"We might not be safe in the downtown area." She sat back down.

They didn't have any means of communication now, so how could they contact Simond? That was aproblem.

After a long silence, she continued, "Are there any inhabited houses nearby?"

"What if those houses are also compromised?" he asked her.

"We have medicine, right? If we find inhabited houses, we could potentially get a phone," shesuggested.

"Let's go then. I recall a few scattered households." Martin bent down to help Andrew up.

Andrew winced in pain. He was already injured, and being supported like this only intensified thediscomfort in his shoulder.

"Hang on a little longer," Abigail whispered.

He nodded in agreement.

The three of them supported each other and continued their journey. As night fell, they spotted thefirst house.

Abigail crouched in the grass and observed from a distance.

"There's a dog." Andrew's voice quivered.

The presence of a dog meant that any action at night would risk alerting the household.

"Let's look for another house," she said as she swiftly decided.

It wasn't until late into the night that they stumbled upon a residence that did not have a dog.

Abigail approached stealthily while holding a tranquilizer.

Martin tagged along, leaving Andrew alone.

Using the chemical to dissolve the lock, Abigail and Martin slipped into the house unnoticed. Heused a disorienting drug while she injected the middle-aged occupants inside with a tranquilizer.

While she quickly searched for a phone, he went in search of food.novelbin

Their bread was unappetizing, and he couldn't stomach it. There wasn't much food left either.

Once she found the phone, she immediately tied up the couple and gagged them. Then, togetherwith Martin, they helped Andrew inside.

After closing the door and barricading it with a table, Abigail reached out to Simond.

When the call connected, Simond answered promptly.

"Abigail?" His voice betrayed a hint of realization, and it was filled with excitement.

"Yes, it's me. I'm still alive. Can you track my location?" she inquired.

"Right away. Hang tight." Simond made a conscious effort to remain composed.

He hadn't expected her to be still alive.

After an exhaustive search of the area, he couldn't locate the three of them, so he speculated thatshe must have escaped, but he didn't know where she had fled.

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