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Chapter 288

Chapter 288 Abigail Stood up for Anthony

Anthony’s smile had a hint of sarcasm. Then, he sipped his wine and

told Abigail, “I heard that Eric is genuinely courting you. Aren’t you going to consider it?” With these wor

ds, he effectively shredded Jake’s misplaced self–confidence into pieces.

“Well, I’m in Pendorf, and he’s in Capitalis. If I were to consider someone, it would be someone in Pend

orf,” Abigail replied. She appreciated Anthony for helping her. After all, she didn’t enjoy engaging in trivi

al conversations like

this, especially since she was still concerned about her grandmother’s situation and had no

interest in talking to them.

“It’s kind of a disadvantage, but you’re on an upward trajectory

in your career right now. You have a constant stream of invitations. Moreover, the fame you gained fronovelbin

m Lexie Chambers has a time limit. You need to focus on your career,” Anthony said slowly, steering th

e conversation toward their professor.

Abigail had mixed feelings toward Anthony. On one hand, she resented him because he had lied to her.

However, he looked out for her tonight, saving her from much trouble. Moreover, he had been a caring

senior during their school days. Thus, with everyone now focused on their careers,

personal interests often took precedence, which was the reality of the world.

At that moment, she suddenly realized that the past might not be as severe as she had initially thought.

Even among friends, considerations for one’s interests often prevailed in this world.

After a few rounds of drinks, Abigail excused herself to go to the restroom. Upon returning from the was

hroom, she spotted Jake, who seemed to be waiting for her. However, she wasn’t particularly keen on t

alking with him as he appeared cunning. Plus, she didn’t resonate with his way of thinking.

“I’m not joking around, Abigail. I know I can’t compare to a big star like Eric, but think about it. How man

y beautiful women does he come into contact with every day? Affairs between actors on set are quite c

ommon. He’s not suitable for you.” Jake was straightforward in his approach.

Even Abigail, who had seen her fair share of weird people, was baffled by his words.

“I’m really not interested in seeing someone right now.” She rejected him bluntly.

As she was about to leave, Jake grabbed her arm and murmured, “Abigail, I’m serious about marrying

you. The moment I saw

you, I felt we had a special connection. I have a good job, and after we’re married, you can focus on de

signing and raising our children. My parents can also support you-” Before he could finish his sentence,

someone grabbed him by the collar and dragged him aside.

Abigail also stumbled as she was struggling out of his grip. Then, she fell into a warm embrace. Lookin

g up, she saw that it was Sean.

Sean furrowed his brows and gave her a glance. Then, he looked at Jake coldly and said, “You’re

not worthy of her.”

Although Anthony had motives toward Abigail, he was right. She had reached her current status throug

h her own efforts. Not just anyone could simply be with her.

Initially, Jake had thought about putting up a fight. However, as soon as he saw Sean’s gaze, he

shivered and scrambled off.

Once he was gone, Abigail pushed Sean away and mumbled, “Thank you. I didn’t expect him to behav

e that way.”

“He treats women as tools

to gain personal benefits. You don’t need to pay him any attention. If he ever gets handsy with you agai

n, just slap him. People like him won’t listen to words,” Sean commented as he looked at her.

Abigail nodded in agreement.

Then, the duo returned to the restaurant one after the other.

As soon as Abigail sat down, she heard Jake’s sarcastic words. “You had a boyfriend all along, huh, Abi

gail? Why are you pretending to be single? Is it because only then will you be able to attract more atten

tion from the guys?”

Their professor had already left due to an urgent matter, so there was no need for restraint among thes

e cla*smates.

“How do you know she has a boyfriend?” Jennifer asked curiously. A smirk played at the corner of her l*

ps as she enjoyed the show.

At the same time, Anthony looked at Abigail, silently asking if she needed any help.

Abigail declined the offer and looked at Jake coldly. “Do I really have a boyfriend just because you said

so? You’re quite confident in yourself, aren’t you? Do you think your words are the absolute


“That’s right! And yet you are here picking on girls! Abby doesn’t lack suitors, and you’re delusional if yo

u think you can get your hands on her. Just forget it!” Luna taunted, not understanding the purpose of t

his gathering tonight. She felt that Anthony was trying too hard to please their professor.

Anthony looked at Jake with a cold expression. “Tonight’s reunion is because our professor wanted to s

ee Abigail. Don’t treat this gathering as an opportunity for your own romantic endeavors. Especially you

, Jake. You already have a girlfriend, so you should think before you act. Everyone here has a bright fut

ure. We don’t need your help.”

Jake felt humiliated upon hearing that. “You are just a backup plan to her, Anthony,” he grumbled. “Don’

t try to act so high and mighty. No matter how much you help her tonight, she will never choose you sin

ce she has a boyfriend. You will forever be a plan B to her!”

At that moment, Abigail grabbed a gla*s of wine and splashed it on Jake’s face. “Anthony is my friend.

You’re just a hypocrite who likes to use random words you picked up online. If you refuse to show us so

me respect, just get lost. You’re eating a meal he paid for, so how dare you say such things to him?”

The commotion on this side drew Sean’s attention. When he heard Abigail’s words, he felt the need to r

eevaluate Anthony.

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