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Chapter 287

Chapter 287 An Unpleasant Gathering

Abigail had gotten married after she had graduated not long ago. Now that she had gotten a divorce, it

was hard for her to respond to her professor’s question.

“I haven’t gone anywhere. I’ve opened a studio with Luna and am mostly working behind the scenes on

designs to improve myself,” Abigail replied softly.

Hearing her words, the professor nodded in satisfaction.

Soon, more cla*smates arrived. Even Luna, who was out of town, managed to make it.

As Luna sat next to Abigail, she gestured to her to look at the table beside them.

Abigail was so engrossed in talking to her professor that she didn’t notice someone sitting beside them.

When she turned to look, she saw Sean, along with several other individuals she didn’t recognize. The

y were all dressed smartly and looked professional.

At the same time, Anthony noticed her gaze and instinctively looked over. Upon seeing Sean at the nex

t table, he thought it was quite a coincidence. However, this restaurant had become a preferred gatheri

ng place for upscale people because of a famous chef’s recent national recognition, so it wasn’t entirely

unexpected. Hence, it was evident that Sean was here to talk business.

Sean seemed to have sensed Abigail’s gaze and gave her a nonchalant glance. Although his expressio

n appeared composed, his gaze was dark.

Immediately, Abigail averted her eyes.

When all the cla*smates were gathered, Anthony told the waiter to start serving the food.

“I know everyone here is very busy, so I’ve prepared

everything in advance. If there’s anything not to your liking, please excuse me,” Anthony announced lou

dly while the waiter served the dishes.

Since it was an open–

plan restaurant, when one table spoke, the other table would overhear some of the conversation.

Thus, Sean turned his head and glanced at the table where Abigail was seated.

So, she is here to attend a reunion.

As he thought about it, he averted his gaze. Then, he heard Luna say, “Mr. Booker has always been co

nsiderate. I’m sure he has considered everyone’s needs, right, Madam Mora?”

The professor looked at them and smiled warmly. “Anthony is indeed very thoughtful. We have every re

ason to trust him.”

“Speaking of which, many of us present here are already married. Aren’t your family worried that you

are still single, Anthony?” A beautiful female cla*smate, who resembled a movie star, asked Anthony

as she propped her chin on her hand. Although she studied design, her striking looks and figure allowe

d her to work as a model right after graduation. Moreover, she managed her own social media account

s. Thus, she believed that she was doing pretty well compared to Abigail.

Those cla*smates who were married sipped their drinks quietly, not engaging in the discussion.

A male cla*smate with a beer belly and thinning hair teased, “Yeah. Do you not have someone in your h

eart, Anthony? Are you waiting for someone?”

Anthony smiled and replied, “I’m very busy with work. How could I have the time to find someone else?

“Oh, come on. You’re not busy tonight. We have Abigail, Luna, Sarah, and our super gorgeous cla*sma

te, Jennifer. All of them are single. Don’t be too picky now, as it’s hard to find girls who are single nowa

days. It’s quite a coincidence that we have a few single female cla*smates here tonight.” The male cla*

smate advised Anthony with the tone of an experienced person.

Abigail decided not to say anything because their professor was still present. She kept her head down

and continued eating.

Meanwhile, the elderly woman was also looking at Anthony with a smile. “Thomas is still straightforward

as ever. Though, you really should consider it. What do you think of Abigail?”

When Abigail heard her name, she raised her head and looked at Anthony. Meanwhile, Anthony was lo

oking at her too.

Seeing that she still had her cutlery in her mouth, Anthony smiled since he thought she looked cute. “Winovelbin

th how successful Abigail is, I dare not to think about it. Moreover, today is just a cla*s reunion, not a m

atchmaking event. Let’s not make things awkward, shall we, Madam Mora?” After speaking, he lifted hi

s wine gla*s and gave a toast to the professor.

Upon hearing his words, Abigail heaved a sigh of relief.

This was precisely the reason many people disliked attending cla*s reunions. After all, one never knew

what outlandish things their cla*smates might say.

Jennifer took a sip of her wine and smirked seductively. “Speaking of backgrounds, I recall that Abigail

only has a grandmother, and she’s from the countryside, right? If

Anthony had chosen Abigail, it would be like a Cinderella story. Don’t you all agree?”

When Luna heard that, she rolled her eyes and thought, Is it time for a battle between females now? Wi

th a smile, she retorted, “If that’s the case, everyone is from the

countryside if we trace back far enough. Is anyone here a descendant of the royals?”

“I’m talking about the present, Luna. You don’t have to get so worked up. Plus, Abigail’s reputation onlin

e isn’t that great. You guys should stop buying hot searches. The people are getting tired of

it,” Jennifer replied casually. Then, she continued to eat her food.

“Although Abigail may be from the countryside and only has a grandmother, she bought a house and a car in a top–tier neighborhood in Pendorf with her own hands. As someone who relies on their parents, I can’t com

pare to her,” Anthony responded politely, maintaining his gentlemanly


Jennifer felt embarra*sed by his words and remained silent.

“Abigail is indeed a remarkable woman. Anyone who marries her is spared the ha*sle of buying a hous

e and a car. Though I may not have reached her level of success, I’m still a design director of a well–

known fashion company. Shall we give it a shot, Abigail?” a tall and slim male cla*smate asked confide


“Jake, you are a high–ranking executive. Why don’t you have a girlfriend yet?” Sarah asked curiously.

Jake smiled gently and replied, “I was pursued by the CEO’s daughter before, but I can’t stand those cl

ueless, spoiled rich girls. I prefer a talented woman like Abigail.”

When Abigail heard that, she smiled awkwardly and said, “Thank you, but I’m not thinking about that as

pect of my life right now.”

Seated beside her, Luna was rolling her eyes.

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